Rising teenage hppy," MA plat soa.1 -Whtuver shie decides tu do, IIIregincy)l a a lifk-channg avut." tant tere and Zowt4moiies re sometimes reluctant to contirnue attmndting tradtontl high échools. l'lte Tan Educatfon and MotherhoodI ('TEAM) pru. gram, wM lo hcations in Milton and Burlington. lu une solution for t)senslThmoug the Halion Board of Educa- tion. TEAM provides indepeient itudy courses to sain hlgh tchadi credits. About 50 girta have used thés resource In tlhe two yeurs, té bat unI operation, says co-ordinator Kaiiiy Mills Ms Mils'Aays ntic aIl of thcio quit <chool because tbcy were pregront. 'Vftet imes the girls comsitate the pmogramn amin n sd of 11gb school credits but have boct out of hlgh scbol for a few years. Their prqc>nancyjs lust oirn ore obstacle to gettîrg back to tchad.' Most TEAM participants ame older - 16 ta 18 - arnd mealine they Siodc grade 12 diplomes for botter job%. Ms Miii, saya the frorum basn"kmicdi suon stance", in- cluding orne Ilwho chose the weitn<g ptogrsm At Shreridan Collas, thnough lis "wommu In so-tradtionet carrers" option, rehici cern be erntered without a htgh school dépluma. Site rnow bas ber *woider's rartlficate. Another, haytrngcompest grade 13, was accepiad itito theOritarîoCollegeo Art. An advantage of the TEAM Sagrm la that babysit- ting, fwided by Ontarlds Minsry oi Commîihtty and Social Services, is providat. Trernspotatlon.eaesesfo Mat irlivitig in other centres ara aiao provided by the min- .Wiestudyig with TEAM, due girls can take a parernttng course for reit.é Another component of the TEAM program, aa'weli as in othe agencies and Services, ts birith control oducation. As Mu Stuart points out, "twugers baving bad! orne bab%ý ara at a bigier rlsk of getting pregiant agpm, We cause of their lifestytes." Indecc. aithou8b thtane ame no pet solutions, oducaîing people tu moa tnformed, health% sexual choices asure- lyctein the right direction.. SanAnme là co-ordinator af physical and bealith pregnancy. hunnan sexuaity curricuu ono.i atuh tion/healti credit Ind thg ch Me Amosafinds Il iustrating tht onty lbur limnée ame devoted te sexuallty tssues in ébat courai. 'W*re up &aist un incredlible challnge.i" sIre Na5r, 11that of tht taille. Vide bher ln tacemsof 50IX mssagesa yer fIron teteviston that encourage thers. or make sestual aclivity positive, anid me fae thtf Say No. It lst the rtgbt tlritg ta, do.' Hur do weItompote against that?- issues cochase dru5 abuse, human stauatt, beslth anid the enivirotiment tout suicide and doclsionmaklng are presnîiy getting short sbrilt In the hi g schooi hul»i curriculum, slmpîy for lack of time, Ms Ames says. "Wc have to'iook et the tuaditiotiel curriculum And gour it te the tient decade and the tiext century." Educatlon resources are avelabie thtsugh Haiton', family platitiltglgT clinici. wblch Are bocked by an e. tenssive audio-visual &nd retourne llbrary. THe other agetit metitiotied bons alma provide resoute material, information and speakers. [ndidual counoiseng ranges hrom the conservative lpresentlng cbastlty as a viable Altentative) ta ù thighiy practical lsuggesing the Se of condoms for disatpe venuetin conjunictioti wlth other biribi cotio = )lnd. Patricla Couimen stresses the value of educatot i n meiklng heuthy sexual decisions. Maltans famiiy plan- -I'SD cinii a "tyingtchel pepleratize seuIlt te an Individuel exrin that tat et blrtb and i e d eath." "People who recgize their s.uaity 1usd it esWe ta mal. rie dectsionn. People rebo haveti't addremed their seauaity, ivtso leet they're planning tbmetbrngsin- fui if they do becom. meirsai, are the one% sehouhve troule making sale decisions for themie." Onet htng parents con do for their ciidiren. Ms CDul- mans aya. iÎto "tell tsemi they ar exsual beings and tbat tbey do bave docsoons le maIre."' 19 they have Soutid In. formation, basid on famliy values as wtl as "bow'to" tochniques. tbsy are mont likeiy to make wiser chotis. N1 UPOLTEii Fi»n ho e sntes 878-5322 ESA1US>IED= s' 19 774_ "Diet Ceter won't feed you a lot of nonsense"' seSaison s mn, Ctee , ,s' I cati t trilîew hNM '.oDW dieu,' ilnaki. vu u t aIl ',nîtfr lira.1 ot itt it!li.'hit'like j te.'r'hl Gnta dier n. u an unve '% îtha nic C i.!(enter 1"'rnIni'esv. 014,0/ Achilles Motors Hm~ê AUIOMATIC TRANSMISSION* *j~FREE AIR CONDITIONING * - ioha, Il.. a. I tSes o., -d> Wo.14 .o4. ai 525 Mxe So II .~t, bufr M"~ rt PLUS THE BEST WARRANTY IN THE BUSINESS0 Mil Achilles Motors Ltd. ,.e" n»aMU for Unbnae P#MRa nd $«WS 36 UIEN STRET EiAS, ACTON prnigr.Ini t'. t"ti., fat, m ni '.sater oîr ican ho)d miL',N Fat realfood. NI, exfei mine prepiankagedl mci required Ge r«a WuIU. Etiergli! yiu hiit t hile pild und' i inn. leb melt aw.tn Loma nel msauf.. Re.îrch slh%ý92% d he weIight 1act on the Ofi Cente ~* .876-2221 Centa-18 Mairtin et., Milton (lez