1270 CMie@ forh ll~lAOeetoiiit tis.su.al rasP à-pb l UnorbliaitOlier CFA mai" et S18311 or 063 484 f9079 CHRYSLER CORDOISA. br M-d smm, arn bulnaa8 à aabeut, air condîtlotîng, croîs. coMWOI. asetlant cetiion Cavebeld 81,500 878 1387 1978 CHEVCAPRICE CLASSIC p I.b g=o runnl candfoas S8M Cuit 870 8896 1977 0000E BCBACO lormar PolicIe cl a"ls $325 Aviwable Apid 20 878 5738 USED CARS ANOTRUiCKS Cadi Gpry Nenltan 8 7883789 dealer .Make It RICkIARDSON CHEV ,. OLDS For Your Next Car Or Truck Purchase 235 ecreation Vehicles 1985 75 MONDA SHADOW, lot 5.000 km Ex- caslant condition $2500 film, 875-1441 198 VAMHA T20 Erdi ilotelo'. New. Iront lim and ril. bralnet Cornet wilh rafce, aqrewçnt Aslnng $8000 o 878-8038 RENT A I98 32 fi lueur' Mator Mornm apu tomme, Vacation, sleept six. trnige, siGne, mwcàOwia cenitral anrNacuum, genanatoir, etc Campeininve raies Cat evening 878-6134 (Milton) 2N0 Tailers. Mobile Homes P4ARDTOP TRAILIER, ver>' dean. bine nem. used on2 3 Weent Must oit hono 878-497 245 Boats & Motors liED DANCER kapakn Lnke new Onty used 3 tm9S. wlth neo pieni, sknîr and padde $800 277 Fur Sorace ColId Fu r S to rage & Cleaning fijfl Iose For more infotmation call: 853-1031 10-10 Daily 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton 20income Tax ACCOUINTANT Io prepame Incarne Tae" in fIra cornioui of your oans home. Cali Jet ai 85n-2587 INCOME TAX roturme preparad front $15 Dis- courir$ le, seniors Phone 876-4279 Sleve WeiwOod iNCOME TAX PREPARATION$5pr eun ion Newili 878-251 or 8533423 no toit) 275 Storaae INDOOROUTDOOR Sioraga Snowmobls cm., bouta, trade S78 4009ý 280 Wanted to =ent GUARANTEEO Good Tenants Miture wortuil couple. non-sank, no cinnldrei, na pets, goeii mng apaInln, %lAhan/Idornby ames prafterrad for May lit Phone 8789384 baei,ý 1 pm Il 285 For Rent 2 BEDROOM Cosy' Bungalow, ttoownwn Mnlion. $M à mboth Anailabla armadall Cal 1416 2 BEORG00M BUNGALOW oih fbnnsead bite ment Avalit" Aprd 2nd. l99 Si.100month Cal Dane Obbom. Saln Rapraanmbne.Ce tsur> 21 OMMa An Es»e LUmsd b78.8496 2 BEDROOM lkme. iphau, dovïuwan Pwlng $11110 plia t"e Coi BWar8761907 3 BEDRKOM bref bungalow. Neuill renovtia. Ladaida alarancea raquhal Apoy> V.Md 874M. 1 IEDAOOM lownhoon, 'fmsapaeie à O j avaitable Juna I, 8t.tOmont,, 1 lied,. aparwnt SlWrnmonth. bachota, opaint molm oa, avait"il Apil 30 saisienh.bsa Rmn aparlnt avatabi AMY 1 B, III 1ai Cal Las Torturnsa, Royal Clir Reeliti 873-M3 3 BEDROOM Bongalow., mein loor, moi ccSled. tienciéti yar, lawidy lacifls, Et pIlus ubb. relaranices, na paub $73-413 a 3 ROOM BACHELOR aperimientin con horne. side Bintrance Sot single pertos or snl pauantE &YaOuPqM~d $400tonth No pets F telat reqnfl 878-3402 plises les 4 BEDROOM., 2 8torp deiiched hoose. appînancas, mur, tam,». rmn, drapes $1,31 878 5629ý 878-0227 DOWNTOWN MILTON -3 Bodromr boute $9 p., monîi tncloding ubîîtes Analible May C4t Anîfian> 876 4496 FOIR RENT STORE FRONT. 360 Sq Ft Onta endl SteeIes Cat 878-0467 MILTON (DORSET PARK)<- 3 bedioar bu gala'. omth bnth.d balenant Maya . carîdito inctudet frndgeanmd atone. Avagable May 11 $.0 r mot Cuit 455-' -l 2 A tments r n 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT ananibl Juna il $51600 mdnaiee App>. b Box 1744. ado rb Coaia Chamspion. 191 Mainm St., E, Mdllo Ont LOT 4NO 1 BEDROOM APARITMENT à Baubelia Aparmeni 1-416-8774443 aller B p mi 2 BIEDRODOM Apaitiien. ai ubl"ie nduÉe S85 Per monih CuPit , "Or Chah 8 -173 FOIR THE LARGEST, mos tadi cor puianzad tellactai ni 09ntidlers 350 nbca avadâiol Cal Moneloators 637-891 Opa LARGE I baoanm apaiaent tus balcon>.. par 'Ag and Iiondry flities. Fiai a tlut mSnUt mer S500/monih, Releranous and plie 0t Waorl n qunrad whan applywmg mo bot 111743 c/o rb Cinadien Cbamnpion. loi Mier Stiat BUtt 19t 4NO 295 h3red Accommodto NEAT non-stoter wantad w0 sheare bouse Timberlel $400nnonln Fnust a test Relerencml 878-4931 hein. message PERSON-t0 c/are tonnouse Fui ute otboust laundny facilibes Avaita"l immelW PrelE Yoni smolner $80 pr eli 87-7639 WANTED liOOM MATE Io lfera quiet bedoom apartnentn bnIton ContactD OFii,, CLEA Fmshe Ro on song.nib nets gni'studet Preferred l<îIdenibaibroon faclites MJssisSanga Or Brampton $375/monith Everngs M.ssîssanngal 4164S72-558? FUJRNISHED ROOM for rent on To.,'nouse Share Iitier, & bathrooni Ut. of I'vingroon Call 8 1079, lave message FURNISHEO ROCOM for renl. sltare iniofen à iannnd>n pniileges Rural Cail aller 6 p tri 875 0805 FýU-RNISHED -ROOM Pool coontrit aâr, coioui TV, wodning portion $95 00 peý weel, Firsl à last Annallable April 14 875-0426 leave message. 875-129Q FIOMb loir lent nr large diean bouse Use of con, mon arae aid Iaondry facilites $365/mth Cii Val 878-1292- RCX)M for rent en counry' houte privileget Cat> 878 9t43 evenngs. 875 1441 days ROOM FOR RENT . Husltp à Bronie Ton ose $3lQimonth, fuit ose 01 'nouse& launr tuc,1ibet 876 4590 310 Vacation Resorts & Prop. FOR FIENT -Linnor> Condo in CIuarwmien Beach 2 edoomn 2 flIl bathloome flIt>' tnrnnshond in clnde t Suthe board. use of pol eorcisa room, sauna and underground pariing Avaitable May to Septeniber on a vveei'Jy or montl. basis Cali Gary Thomas lienia 'Miomne Roaity. 878 2365 320 OffIce&B1~m~a INDUSTAIAL OFFICE SPACE iviabia foi ran in Miltn Hnoy 25 & Steelas 25010 3000 sq Mf snzsd la soit Fron, $8 net Eriquire i 9786363W PRIME DOWNTOWN 61Iîe/Rta, Aublable înrmndîatefp Ncely decoritd. atotent locaton Reasonible 878 8416 daes 878 3403 2.400 SOUAREFOOT, 2 toray bon- 1 ba*aarm. 2 baivoarna l"ge ata l ts moigg I a mi balinu o ite1 Graisd Roar. 828,00 Cdl si~707SI se bs, 3 eirom Beni, lm bau. an a"s, éliotit mi Il l fadin ébus t in haili.. dme MM.t 4 ftirçls rauwml inam, gaag iminmeal -,Y colidiisn sa M.Nv Am~ h>. PRIVATE SAL.E ut DOM8ET PARqK 3 li ban, long Mc. rm OegNi, minkim c A lig Privais decli Cilh bubodi n htit t A boues S eitabp end tarpon are puf teM Co the tMén IM lAam OetmmatleMungq.tfil fi. i10nX %b 10 Aul. 1fU1 andan slan PM o cif M.oo For en appOolnen 10 nietif, sas 876-3369, n-I REGENCY COTTAGE ITasiefly restored by Napier Sîipson IChanning slone honie built around 1860 2200 squoare fret cri moo levels 3 bedrooms, living rooni, Iarg,! country nîtchen, large famnly rOOrnI 11 tceng, pin@ film. 2 lnreplacs 11910LIS Old ilon 1w»'y One of à lnd en-, 11or1 appointrn Io nieur cas 878-7352. 57 Jam.a Street. 8319.000 noins aEoi on h ,fes V paliml Apero.n nitsy 111( "in',., arWi bakn d 24 h-,O .n'nnnl' muet be seen 5429003 Ca11 Barba, Butng 449-2020 7TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE By Ourner 3 bedrooms, 1 'rtplace, centrai air, end uni, gara,.ev.- reroie, 318 Laurier, Unit 37. Ask>ng $155,000 1 875-0136 241 PEELSTREET IMMacolet 4 Pedtoom home plasier at bWdwaod lkart Bright tpaOnus Oak. kfichen. 2 bail. Beaustof yard dalebuses 100% fn înînq aniable (il fou quIl >. - Weei..* 1- Canmbridge. 45 minules troif bhstntsauga, For tuiier demais. pl.". cdl DeBbne HouIdîng. rn'nesening Rormaut Goldaen fnagfe (519) 740 3C9O 1 1519> 740 7591 Has billin turnod inside out! Corne and Seel NEW. -Mâchant / carpet thvoughout 1 nny gtor- 'Mg f cotton, nertioats à tlnnde I 2 ltwer levait prof fininslsd / sienna, lngbts / opgraffleacti cad 90a,010 YOU'LL ENJOY - 4 tedroomoi / 3 wisivoon /I ImO flacIndry i kîtolen overlooing fini rml alf» rplie i on ta'. toits or enfentin maent leaa I playroon or mc roon, sapante letl / and Ilà % mongige tilt 199U YOU'I find is and mors in a boauifily decorated, spoless>. dean 21050 sq bi hme OnIy $289.900 876-4184 or Toronto 624-8835 ,Ouir home la open Ibis Frida>., Satord>. à Sonda>..y Aprit 13. 14, 15.2-4 p mý Camte ennd sac for yoursait. PS Dad Iliums soi niudb loti for yonn t~ ____h i k 41ý iý ýi D pa$l i %' 1 2Jýa ALL FACILITIES NOW OPEN MEMBERSHIPS -Transferable entrance fe *Corporate memberships 36 H(>LE k '~'GOLF A ~ ~ COURSE i 1*8 PRI1VATE ta ' . 18 PUBLIC ' 'nieHOLE #16 %sus BACK 320 70W TO MIDDLE 313 Lm\. FRONT 289 THE HOLEPAR 4 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS IN PRO SHOP NEW 1990 EQUIPMENT AT DISCOUNT PRICES j min 111, %Cj i SII)FR0%jý Ut R ý IN(