iD urPrayCompressor Oprators OrPrwyCaffnpressor Station seeks qualified Comtrressor Operators in the I Milton. Mîssissauqa area IThe successi iiil applIcarit will worl, vitli rcpairinq origines overhauling engines, and oper,îtinq the compressors withoiit direct supervrsion Thie hotnrs of work *are 40 hours per weeh and the suoe-esstil applicant must be vtffing 10 funclion I as a Shtft Operator when requred Qualifications include Grade 12 or equivalent The succelisul applicant must have denronstrated tecrinical ability and have an elenentary finowledge oft p)hysics and iînderstand trie principes of internai combuston engines Must be willin lot veille the Ont arto MinIstry rif Consurner afid Commnercial Relations ex amninatiori ànd ribtaii file cerlific;ate of qialiticatrins as Compressor Operator Mu,t have i valiti driver s licence Ptie rit i ruwiut'r)q ietre A1ur 123 190 uihîii; < Personnel Supetvisor UNION GAS, LIMITED Oawn Operations Contre Drection, Ontario NOP 11111 DRIVERS WANTED ACTIVE - ULTRAMAUI. Sa aufmnfy a.akla C"m A Divais for as Canada "i Us t.lubars m saIe c personne Wo havre dummp empoeunn W. 01- Ilai compoblive swagas, sacogien anefi pwwrig. w - cias lai, modal tractent, TRUCK DRIVERS REOUIRED WIUt close OZ licnce. "Ia have tisa Wabm5a MILTON CHRYSLER JEEP lQltis Lcoensed Mechanilco à 4th Y.i Apprntces Top Wapa and tlI bontifi packiages Hourty shop MI mu facettes% We et.~5 F.s.e.,rî wage pacha,.t 061 trin Nm tet Mlton 87040W Tornto ILino 0,12.3544A SECRETARYIRECEPTIONIST Uemi NOISSII. th Uniapmbd lainl du Who"" wuwmho i owuma T1ispoma mneat akilae la nhi.d The PWOW-0 et aisi luu day pnior aaMi ilahumé la R.R. H 04, n Omai kHilon lMuan a la "Iing for a manur & Rasponuitiffl PoIson oeffwei pmffem te, m temea offica w"/ Muet have ai loast 2 traîtr gantfal altm and conipular sxoanence tWordPertaci SI Dbase Tuaaait include anamuaig balapione. coin pular input, taang. ted mac filîrg Muat have a pinamii lelaphona marner and b. able la wnrii si aii noie people Smoking la paonitd in fn offhce Plama cau Mr$. GuIda 876-4652 loi an eppioinimariL BRICK LAYER Para Thermal 101. an amt.itd leader nr the dvniIn and manufactura 0t viduapiat hat tvva ig tumacea. rectum ai aap.rlocad brick layaoi. The applicani muat have enpariovce in htrotncé, à onfamic fibre. andl b. ibi le sorh wîih a minimum ot supevisaion P$... appit, dit: Parka Thermal Ltd., 62 Todd Road, Oeorgotwn 416-877-5254 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Lloneed Mecheni FlRaiaie, lots of ffl $hop Poreopereon Salry etu bMtu Wu 0ffr modern. roi laidvg unei alal Ot the art equipmiln à excellent compas1y CAPITAL !SONO Hwy #7, Georgeton EXPUIENOCED LEOIL SECRETARY GENERAL. COUkHERCIAL & REAL ESTATR raquîsed nmaWy Rae, In silli et by phone Io: Nichol a Oeume w0 Matry 0tviet Mutn. on"rf LOT 4NI 878-4140 POSITION AVAILAILE RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY %i auceasu cwxk del 4 have excelIent obIprMona oemrdoeivaM élèhvea a conmmand uf WordPerfect andl à plaaient paioviïbty Thia AS a parmavant position stl Ilamibla hm"r avatfasila Plaiel: Oytm on elf Club, Milifon 567->,200 or 878-0407 DENTAL ASSISTANT Certif ted Dental Assistant relquiîrid for new practica in Campbelville. Receptioning duries also iflh-Olvecl Expertne noessary. PWin conb«ctDr. A. Punu il 8M.2247 or 0840 aflir 6 .. ENJOY holping agniora? Use your lire aupsianna Flaumbie penion sfio atrefopa vaneiry Ilomacar Salectacare 842-5584 INSURANCE Ppmnai hines CSRI - 1I0O licenced Conrpuloî a. perlinve Excellent saloîy, betii prin grai n min RNA or carlifid .atigr Cars Aida naaitad for Pedcuoe Scrutan- ig la àH4111111101 Sa pronlitai C0 Olane. ai Peuu" Pool 27-23W C APSc. DIPLOMA NEALTH CARE AIDE COURSE Full Tini Couru - StutiIng May 141h, 1990 14 Weeks Fug TIMI, Monday-Frlday MATURE STUDENIS WELCOME SmalI Classes Weli lu ervinue6 cilica Instruiction. Fnngavaitall If quaîillied 84 4-5588 CAMEER OPPORTUNITY MEIWOMEN file n.In.v l' hrnp. Ailuin 01 i rvîii . 84i'i 0iî06î *m Ib t o ff ,Ii>,iiq L fitiAi*îfor v * iior iin t ,iiii OAYCARE avalabia Affarnia 6.11 vaner ama Phona iîi0130 ltrnapovibon 4valabla Io andl fron, M>r Ledit o Viclort Mol tunoffea à vu"h tort bc~One Lob I céit eiad eliuor pwy 171. t DAVCARE urganiy naquit.d b lo ire im r 1boy E W Fosialaiti C&Y aiîîî40 EXPERIENCED fatae dqaycara valab W pro beloglar Cu laitie Relarane av&isil Dotent EIIPERIENCEDECE TcJm ha las ipo anage vos 8@bm salamie Lob of ecmviu ard TIC W. 076-250 RELIABLE CI4ILDCARE amaiable Irom our homne. àsaeha and up. LMof Y L C 171620; NANNIES - Foi sponsoring. minimum Souge. Engl.Wtlali ApçllcaiE Sumaumla Ioiu leioe Parsonahiait Denatiteie 40-MU1 WANTEDý ralbl paimon li houjaiiol oiture- mg few permieni 0 X day petar la admitISI home 388460f 18 -m lv n nt i WILL DO a" lid oflDoalotai Wol M in y hoSSMe t am niaise. rabhi aid hadsovung If trou voe holp plana as me a eau I mvl pouk Upý davai wr mai 878-62I 200 Tutor EXPERIENCED TUTOR FRENCH./GERMAN. vtuvvrig aI gradevi vl- Net la improve liour mars Cali Gbrida 878-3677 202 Business Servics TRANSLATORI FRIENCHIGERMSASN. Translation Servicet avatlabla iro menibar of A T 10. (Association ni Transiatois a iniaipialaa ci Onianol) Ratuable. acajrai and fiait Cao or fiax 876-1441 L -ïa- c- TRAINING MILTON ON-LINE LOTURS lu3. daiU0cTomA OMM 4 "A 71aiS-lIOW Spmr Collet 00 0 Woihhti Graphie Dauba and macos Begni Moný or fouu April 16wo 19 1 Dey auaino SaladyApri 2l ,11I -530orn WORDPERFECT SA WIROOCC0R Av /U 4,selsOO- 1OOOpmr Collt $9900 Bgnng Tuai orWed Apnlt17or là Clou mila OmtIad toi. J. Iaflcly Cenmifrt servie" 3a2 ironie sot^ ugi nitls, molin 878-0682 or 878-068 RETRN-TOW PROGRAM jâÀý (Pari Tuef) envo for Splng a MedliUla Socrotariai " Dona Refceptienmt "agnera Buainss Skllî a Wafd Perfec * Lotuesi, 2, 3, 00S FInseala ANd AaaeI HI lton Business *instituté 037-3418 ABUSEO aid attrîdl For tlpe cout $1 6666o 1 00 314021 à 24 rieur , ans for toibusai *OMMn motion WomAm a Placée le en enmargertoi shehee aalobe lW ebeusd 50050o and1 Nhir ctitdrsr in Nation Ragion All calla ar@ comnfd PGANT Ï npaed anno mapragonamc Wi andl onvidenbéif sema.4 CAO bMrOvihl i 1 ad§ 'Ma FULL cils CNES' PICt< UP Vu, 6 6" 5111 cap 300WC0fim Aakug t IMAI, 16439 1 gs a JEMP CH È aO--K- L iedub, - Saait, 4 W/ & hulit, los/s minil condition $110 $866470 allaig Sipi, w poiler bribe,, Vooair locha, A/C . iutamili linmmajion CaIhd ao>eq Mde" 84 20 Prime Franva 2416 or SOISAalOi toil OM4C tii Ton Péca Up, High laoet. à cjilr.dar auiomao. or conmonéng, tfl, toMait hiba glas c4P ntdded. vvmiuLala Csrtied 8632408 or 414-720-7602 lis6 OtDs Cualorn Crws.r -Wagon Lodel A4 conditon N»s hua Crahai 10.50C 444122 bref, Protemaiovatl mantavied l ortify 876e f0ll o, 878 1429 1064 M0E il seawe -Va, III.-W00 or bemi o01er Good condition Cellieit s6.00e lau 878 1120 1 M4 FOIRa SE mi condalon. ruir tuadeil a pIer or 12A00 kme Mi rny 8.00e caralit 11013 Malit ffi LX. loïdmd ariiti nou 101.0S0 km Robaîlit engins noas poini. vieil, gocit 111CIndLo caillie AAMvi 3,650 OU31774. T"63 enfil Gl Blaok. awrool. Itauunhi AMfMi oafli Escaevin oondtc 84.500 87&.22w3 1962 CNES' CITATION, 34000oriia mî. (100f,, 6 cylinder, automatic. power ataerlvg posai hraues, t osner aIl original. paitact condition Cenid 853 2%06 or 416-7M07692 to41 OLOS CUTLASS SUPREME. Cenitiait $2.0 11711108906 1001 THUNDERBIgOD Va, 302 SI ph, p a, P ls uvrol vmry ciM. Uncarohiei t coure Plus. ces W3-2573 1979 4 DOQA PLYMO2UTH VOLARE Rliatifs luupOl Au~ a $«SIobo Cit7 285