a AUCTION SALE - Good Fiday, Apol 13, at il aSm. ln 4illet aithe Falrgrausda e ls Allgrilturai Hall os Ficteon Street Salet Carnatifsr 0f: Antique lamîiture, tiles à calls chadrans îiemns, nosiagia, payai books etc >leatilas lampa. glaea & china, country store ltems. boggies, pins and paînlîngs enamal ,aure, primitives, loofs and ciller conlecbles, Wc T& à à b lloycu Ladies à Genlueen: Thi s ar antnuel Gaod Fnoday Sale wmoh excellent litea Scmeffiing lot eMerrons, Terme aom cash cin choque with proper 1.0. Lunch Availablu Prila.ou Isma 9.30 se saWa day. Chria A. Schauten, Auctloneer Milton 878-2576 ACION SLE friday, April 20, il a.m. For: G. Howard Gowtand (Faim Soid) LOC&TEO: SM8 Tr@uaol Ad.. 2-1/2 mi le orin 0I lM". S. 2 141.8 seOum ai Dery Rd, appax. 6 mfill saultusa ai Mlles. Coneilug aInalai : 1973 1-lac fl kiait 15300 ora.. nu.c taipit e l hajuatd&W à lsuM PARTIAL LIST ONLY: Faid UM0 acel bradiuil1 noereies. 1850 rire.: )-54 MCeue" bade. Po sloops: Kuaiad e-sta.en 3 P.T.H 14 Posu: 32 Pla» d4cgi duC, 9-E double padier 0.14 &m-idU Neela crI. 1ia. co boad aid bey pala. J-0. 14 Isiaga bêtferac 30 &le of ppe A àb* Poas Fox uiiiig forage boux Nid adeo40dP gSars); 20-E MOucI lai cga buas ad roagln. 14 & l-L eqai.: 2 kt marges SM ,a :s l20 a 125 bu. (gaffa shpe>: M.P. 2-ta 3 PT.H corn pleelai les Il-IL WMIstUgi & f Ob ; 24- IL baie &rd gain réler 24-IL kbâsi blvli1- nl. ris e sle. S-bar Ap taie. lé-ian double Msc sedtdli w ih Wm lefor: epuSjp chalai: ltin tae ar, 3-sèocros J.D. ciate bale kook; bon i. 130-EO die tou. Badgmi sW*l dm*u 40. 384 IL à &AM:e 2- 112 a53 HA moi9 2 kWbicanan. arct*diOeo gi.la: affa. lafnce. 3 Oalaall-tilis De"ta Pitqi and t A.P. mnota: eolWqt JMneuleimun fage. 5tab qian"t id l tos aq Mmn nailem-raald laite CAill blaonkals:; fle wlbîul (il) TRUCK:. 1973 Fard F-350 VII, 4-1$aW oth t14.9 0 4 i" Ut t1 I-IL sine ie rd font .101o kéadlng lochule & acs set shapiý Sig Oak dog t*1ablea. . Ka MW: Ir"41 aa.k machis, aid haite ailla: plowe apple boes CrOCIII, sngaius; al khi1 fiil gigo ball Mnd dreoss. leçon wauhr'4-yar.; tuictaloc dryer. bandpmrl r@tgefalou- Mary nairs fasasefli M"r alec) se l l a M (Gond cilait db&e.( Lourch booth on greaid. Tens Congk or chaq" dey id alla JImM IMcCaflrey Auctiw Servie Ltdi. 65 Lsor Strayed LOST Maile. Doberman, black à tan. flo nauiered. fait & ears, docked. weariegsuver cte, colla, Lait saisn by Mouribcig dlila Centre. Moeday Aprîl 2/00 in the anening e.ard. il seeon plraisa cal 854-218 FOIJND - Aftscbonaie Corainge. Gray à B"ed Tabby Phane 878-1134 YOIJ NG lamate Tabby cau W;tlcoller E W Foniar aea. Cal 878-3454 AUCTION SALE Suturdai Aoi ltti att ar.n. Par ERLAND bANNIIEdAY - PlrtsSold. AI fort Farn logaiad O on Nety Rai. 5u noies mufot id Mai. lai loerni se rght Il baier Gaalpn La re i.,, Me Guie~ arie W* Gei Lîr sourit Io Déett Read. Ira Mn t lal se on i Walcs tor Ludtion signal SALE CONSISTINÔ OF THIE FOLLOWING USTED EOUIPMENT: TRACTOR Massey Frgouson 0265 Die»Ce cap, orly 1120 orginal hotse. TRACTOR Inter roulottai 9574 Diese w/ allbed frort andlouar and4 extra bacbel oniy 1562 oniginal heurs Huston PT 10 Haybune 10 fi cul. w/ hydiauiic cyioder & P TO0. Massey Fergacon 4 124 Hay Bar. P T O (crim, bulle 3500 balla>, n toaionail f430 Ha> Bdler P1 TO, 7 It Inter nationtal Hay Mcwet PTO0 3 P H ,Inlerne tonal for14 Hay Rake 4coiîo Surovblamer 6 ft 3 PH &P TO0 123 PH PTO0 Postaloe Auget, Maasey Fergcaan 10 hi Double Dtsc. Hydrauic mIv cylinle, 32 Plais, 6 ul 10 Steel ocx Sirugie Aille on tubbai, Hydraic Lift Top. International 16 Ran 9510 ri Fuiie Ont. Massey 3 Farta. 1* Boitais 3 P H Piough. International 01910 P TO0 onurtber Mauture Spreadee. 10 Il 3 ph Spnong TocIr Cutofuaici, Har" 3 P H Weald Sprayer .1 100 galiot fibragieau Tank (noc Boom>, 4 Secitn Sel oi Harroura, Fent Wagon on rubbe il le Il Hay Rock (ted gord ai 3 prier Furet Wagons on ttab7aer w/ 16 Il Mi tacdio. 32 i Bae Elenaor w/undar 3PH 6 h Oarnard Scraper: Kohier 4 fYRototilar, In- laaoet8 foi Polcier, Homesil Wood Enter (noe);. 21» Johnr Done Lares Mci&. Alio Chalerin 011 Ridieg Laeiommnogr (likao ne.> 8 H.P. ronharp Ricin Lamarmme MGOC PARM RELATEC ITEMS: Saper Mini Houtelle Chain Sam. Honrolfa 9330 Chasn Sa, (Idole se., Paroti al Jack; Pog Masier Ba-nt Cofogger. 3 Slae Waller Traught, 7 - 12 à I4 IM Wr5in Foitce Gais. 8 16 Il M"a Fetnce Galas. M«s Lambor. 50 &ise Pesas pois; 50 Codai Fatnce Poste, Gas Tank 20M "Ilon voit peutl 2 idjirnraln Exi Ladereta 32£& 28 ho 3 - là Weades Lad"ar Clichat Oroodet (ne. Oeedch Vice. Puliey i0 fil 434 lin Tracter aaap firan Pie. 140 Il of 1 3i4t SIsal Pipe. Serge Vacum Purnp Wh"ee Barra. 2 Surge Molkatg Un* Poil Straner etc , Antiquet Oeal Victorien Table, 2 Gallon Cracfo. Soel Jans bora vi Ire cimps Set of Antique Plat fron 2000 lis Scaiss (a Collafctors, fmr no es-mer blouse Inenifo tienuoo Wagon luc Wi mise and Fam ralaie "Me. 501 mUs MuIi il 1sas POIILTRY Ne* Hamr 1968 Layetg Hue 150 New Ham 1989 Layieg Hans - clins faull production Aurlloseets Reemike- Ladlla Gronierna a#l aquartirs i naisler Soettr-cr4. wmu siw us ad Terme Oash or Choques talis piopei 1.0. Properly Phane 878-41308 [h r St. Sl Oati Anglican Churci ru.4 la fr iuldsg Fuell Clitai A SohOuma - AUClonr - 11781-2576 7R FIIiatfl 2 BUSH CORD SPECIALSIfor Aprilaly. lep quality hardaiod. eut &arpbtisi log lotio. Moi. 4-arn Hardmood 519-85-4583 or 519-856- ll70 i ÏLu(iTON PIAE WOOO, Pick-up ond daïveted Diy haicliocel Oak. Mapl enad Beach 876-1875 an 853 2225 luater 5) 5M3 KM St. liton W u dn IOutln I OF GOODS AND CHATTELS a In the District Court of Ontario BETWEEN: ARLENE SMITH ENTERPRISES LIMITED canyîng on buffîness as OFFICE MAGIC AND STATIOPIERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES PLAINTIFF end CANADIAN TRIVIA CHALLENGE INC. DEFENDENT Pursuant to a Wnt of Seizura and Sale issued out of tioe Disict1 Cort cg Oniano and la me cloreciel against the Goods and Chailes.ol CANADIAN TRIVIA CHALLENGE INC. 1 have se.zed and raiel n ellecaîlon ail roghi. sigle and iniernat of CANADIAN TRIVIA CHALLENGE INC. enthIe fObcowing 20 Paneis lor 4 voci surflaces, 4 green solae chairs. 2 5 drawer gray talerat ies 3 overfieadc bock sheives. 1 geey chair - kigk bacl 1 Cannon Fax machiîne 2 boxes paper and plastic bindera; 1 Coiepuier assausbIy. 2 "u~n tables. 2 boxes office supplies 1 block credenza -smafIi 1 blaclo cabmie sinail i greyuesk. 1 gt8yerza. i greet dhair, 1 Panolue machine. 14 rawer grey lai- eral fie t Ibico bondat machine. i raiing table; i N E C proniter, i wooder ceský i credeuiza. i table boues iop round. 2 Istituer chairs. Pîciores. 2 poeces ni gloa. 1 leatlre chir i brass trolley, 1 chair kitdhent type. 1 brase lump asserbly. t seultrng machine i fan & dcil bloiter. 3 black stoge cabinets The rurnaitr sa aoie nem andion flood concdition and many otO iteins notl isled Ail ni whidh 1 shlait oere For-Saie ai Public Auction. subleci lo'such conditions as rnay be made kivonn on the I 7ih day of Apnl, 1990 ai 10 00 in the lorencon ai Scainell Movmg aed- Siorage> 863 Main Stret East, Milton, Onlano, i nih redgermed belote trait Orne ai 10 00 clck" in the lorenioor. the 1tnday ofAprl. 1990 PREVIEW: 9 30 A M TERMS: CASH or CERTIFIED CHEOUE by 4 30 p m, Apr i1t71h. 1990 Oafert ai itse Couflhcua.. Town o iUltion la ilh. Judîclai Dlirict of Halltns lis $th dey of AllitI, 1990. ALFREO R. SPENCE ROBERT M. SPROWL Auctioesae . Shori Judclal Distict ai Hallon No pes w nutg foi elne Monîsiry ni tim Atout0t Ovnî, fcae iIePiuuca Coco (Cv On e,, ni, i Ioism r0', tmeil siaçurcias *Mi,, duecil, 0, Onr l'- gous chaies, iareso torurueils ecetaShvI.t f, sil ega' W-.oi AUCTION SALE Wedmesday Apit 1Bth 81 6:30 pa. lit Milton ai the Feigrounds; ln li. Agrîccliaral Hall. os Roberl $boutL Sala Conasisn ai: Atibque amilare, ind a 8 Duncan Phyle DR salite (Paullad) -(Son, lurruisr la unéiashel>. iewery, appros 1010 pouces of 014 coilectil depresior glis.e - ntons colbre & parfuma Calleclible iaa aed cltiva.k pm:ses. oi paintînga & pnets scole= wbt es. 4 011 bayonne etc As radios'& pauta mael couaec lors plates, etc Usuel Iaims. Lunch Avelaib. .Pienla trofil 4:30 os Sais Day. Christ A. Schoutên - Auctioneer 1 -Milton 878-2576 75 Wanted I WANTED card table and chairs in good coariotion Please caO 875.3425 WANTED 35 mma Manual camotera Use'd Prferully Pentar or Cannon Not toc aupansiva Cas. Slacy 876-154 mnillns -80 For Sale 14 CARAT goldnng tonl 23Cchamon Wolfft 4 -14 ct deanda Peileci loi graduation gof $650 875-2859 AKAI rte orai Tape Deck 3 boýum cg recctdig $200 Cuit Bonce 878-1263 ANTIOUE Dîsîingroomr salle, table. 6 chaire. china cabinet ballai Robelehe cietrmOod $2.001) o bo.: hourd made utfany lamp, $200 o kgp 878-3224 APPLIANCES NOW AVAILABLE Wehite Wehiethoua No mnuy dlown. nto peymans 'W Joue. Pweaplai rei. 878-2522 060 - fil is 38 inch. Ponbire Mai mats-ec & bou spiig it gondi conidtifon. 878-4479 CEMETERY PLOTS - 2 for sale ai Milton "APRIL CLEARANCE OF HEMLOCIol 40% OFF all 1" à r" Hendacl Lumbe in Yard l%'i Supplies Lasil Ficon Apil 9 Ic Apîli 21 Onl TERMS CASH PULL 1" THIOKI l' X 4-@ 13c per finu" Il0 iReg 23t, '" oâ 021pefirentaour fReg 35ei l'x8 @ 2o:e pan Inetal oti (Reg 46tei 1 X lu' 41 dc pe t" tout i (Faeg si> PULL 2" THICKi n« 4" @~ 26c pier bniteal bdo (Reg. 44t) 2 x6«@ 43 pr Ifii oot(Reg 72s) 2" e 8Q 57f: parleaita #oto (Rsg 98<> o 10> 7'7c pet ieai l l Reg $1.29) 2 a. 12: @gigo par linai gbd (Re.g $165) If OUR PAODUCTS - a PLEASE YOU, TELL. OTHIERS. IF >107 TELL. US. - J.--aDr 2 rieu - 80 For Sae COMPUTER- Commodore 64--Cornai cuIr disb drive, 1 B M compatible proiter. aosong a Super Graphia F Pontai Interface. T V sel. loyobck Mausc Machine piag in-caretclge. fond a large sciection of software for mord processng, giayhics, garnes. rasic. speech syntheséaito ulimies. etc commercial value 0l wel Oci, 12 000. asking Oiuiy $600 or lest citer -Cali Michael ai 1 416 598 3000 (catis) or 878 6229 icvennga i TIAIcCND R: Sil diainoend with Ihtacts on eiIrer sine Pe ecl saaeeIeaniproiise rng $75 o b o 875-289 FiS mamyrc ronin carpet $5 9il y ard For alo aour carpet neaooda Cal .Jet 87763,02 17 yeti o Oceenarm GIRL S BEORCM SET for ale Capamne beel <nnw maotrues)i end table & dresser ExcllentI condition $400 878 5tO.4 PANASONiC 20 I Caoar TV miii blit iv VCR 1 year olel omtb raineta $700 Cal Brian 878 16M PRE DUG aed porred Junmpers Spreaders -upnights crnd santé oprughi Spiring Speciif on Mal:les, Perte and Syrucu. Large salaction Cali 878 6525 eeemvgs__________ USED APPLIANCES traci loc ol top qiuality asad appliances nté about our marranty, and ditvlra 3.000 sq i showroom oi usaI! tamihare Hailln Fumrrear 29 Armstrong Au. Georgetown 877-4792 USED Onlce Panurflte gond rsoelcion in siocb Harion Fureitare Rainîsbîing andl Used Fumiture. 20 Armstrong Ana Gaorgetown 877 4792 VACUUM Chanirs front $30. Alei pais ind repaira Mest makas Compact. Elecîrolus, Hoover, Fler Oueen l0tby. Keuimor Bai-ins. Commnercial. aic. 877-9601 CARPET WAREHOUSE SALE $3.95 SQ. YARD AND UP Cati Jos 878-4280 Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p-m. 264 Bronte St., Unit 7, Milton 100OPr duce ALFALFA HAY lAmi cul, gond quadity As Sillumua li Trafalgar Roada OffIce haure 1 416-276 4555 HAY roundI balue, op foolgly oal SM0. miud hâti 815 8,15-4028 R0<JNC à SOUARE toakose ol finy. gond qualiy Psure =ei Syrsup 87"-54 19S Farm EcuipDmeSnt.., 3 ph. iCOMMSlILD Caliala. 6-1,2 laet kelo se.. Alto 3 p.h doit Sqigutne bale Alida faloy à raffln sec. abcs Aila sod. 33&M80. 130 Pet Stock o FREE le gond home. Beaildealou Doit Trtograd. kac =epl Phonte 78-3062. 138 Hom. Iniarovemmnt - BICRLAYERS lai hie. 4ssy type eftomussoer ,alk Fîrepiaces, cii.lay repairas Pre esamAie Reesonble rains. 878-7630 CIJSTObI OARPENTIY. PLLWURI ELECTRCAL i do il il .8a Binait 59-86&4857'Caepbe#eIis à ruralilton. MILTON, ONTARIOnlcc anec 01tusta -rersaM, Ca 'c Ste.. - ig inn cowe -t .LTSC 150 c 1 Cni c- : neudtrs cole asc ne loi- reN nainG 1 ei- nRl.Ka Jl- n.ttOiC. Mt. CR LOaMRl5a 1ý i à 1als21 M 1 Ilil.5 sl -ml n F r Cle5t e Fei OKLWin T1c s/ýC & x - usý10 - Il tsUWNu i.2 -, ta-, M 't &Il nauas- Mic. tacol. 12 F No. CIruu , 'W lidm0 7an tC-4C. .5 - -n c ss .ma an ei eSa. r . Fun olaKuucleq xxleu~ - t. '. corcs an cal. casa - "m 323,. tai . s.4 - i ti ut m- 1 PDai ummc Rfoloi 4mO - i a solcs - mccEL husseRs 12 neuclit We neotin 4t, Rioli ne. - il Wr M . r.. r, sue - IDoù un Hmci. CanE. Ca coi-. -tAL uePaCi.r .~~~n LOlAMR 3 MSi M à o 5it.o - tAL r a-Fýenr- Wv -WTaaan a5 1 9 ouco plagions loLu«tes 'El "sx-a. syxw Sonne v ene. O - mmc E"ua k. Ilmv i. h S- 111n 24 . cnielol Saaea - CýC xlvoltaonsLoi - Cm, & axi arM, enac Sern~ 0.-mIni - Epua. Ta le sr i- x«, i - SeiGle Sexl 6 exil P~c- Cala io u0 I Rv- 5aaaSc Ri.n Gçou - y2 -i.. -ra - cama-d S.e*. Eau..xi - mus M. 5e-ix, 1ma Gunu v -. ýi ra cinq c. -Tua. - A."ns. - se P Ra . SetSuc.q nan viacina et m'ir lilu, - a? wvra #Ili FoLogo5 N Criaknet- ' t-C as Eae.rv c, R'oc 2501 - a, io -u' ne - el vosTw of.a.- te i- Iloi - aimait5 fromaage i l 79 1 HC ý - rloClo vl,- oIlx tunn 1ttir iamcel ME". mccvam' - 7m virans¶ui - ouaais rasadeKs ai - ofFtCE TRctL5N (r2it lm. Io v N às W uxo 4DS e. W 1 HC 255x -,21, 'Act-ie .20 x -a@C@Le.uMlS ixom 101 as.4 Mn . a. -ub Tl ou rou- mu IIIICaie acs, lro . 6 acta - <Lelai 136as cIO=a Ic - mix, 0l 8M 4, tiC ni 150 MF.sAeS - tala UT'&aet oe ta.D - B_ xta- .tai 1m2e n &S ni OU IC , e 1', 113 0550 aStM tIU» - L 001. -UNTVO E r _mu on