87751 . .-, Fd"s"- ICHARSON £MevhofflidCOuobl y0a13. M."ulTO, ôwNTmU. WEDNUDAY APUL il, lm 40Ee CENÉES Côuncillors want temporary Iights at Parkway corner Dp NORMAN N)CLSON An ~dnt-pvne MIton intersecton us about ta gel busWe aidPitn ouniflrshave decided to request temporary tnfc liht Miie cnes Avenue btldge over Highway 401 is belng replâed by "ii province, with construction sLated ta begin titsmmne aid "a about a year. PleJIgEJEunds dMo up mu uhicli ln21de d" u -.elf ti', -l'I in Staee aid0. dur for disabled ar'- .h Pappwap tuaI utIit van rejected I«=n à.not Bp NOIAN NUAON Il pmpl.q lahu.Iih d v- Cood loottame uvi il Mm. whi .hpnuuetyhaid uh à vun au0 b, duheh lMmldfa thog uvnooe~ he Hàascpped (NHAD64) MfIp~DwannslI~dcpe ov.mue ani dbrl i MihSm onPl.i iaeua Iia. oSly due driver - Halenui Hui, luI- As du eaiphoai Mlviag mm dm tJsdmaY Har-a - -Mq-rd à ahlmsIl. du utibI. accd reiff =aguY hospit uap to Wai à alvety anmbw dudaada% houss a. telba anid hip. ah.,. con du prail dileita cd At Moaidy atsig' grautl von- houl epaed vanf mlasnueg th aucliation ex- tissaaioe tpaovi.de 90M cutiv; diretor John Elli ploïded daenti ah. *m-yus-od vai's with toua couaiilon "ta take acto. uoath et du orme of accident, but à on due Istallations aifo hgJs at lui. %,a cous SUÀM - iuvilat hi, smy daqeuoaa lnrt.af NHADI4 .crausbI,fr du 54.00 'O.r vans@oaby lirere, day - diffeice , a lewàty danrgeraus etsur h. taud Tii.umaclamal ns fuirs d-r&Wano ikbwsgodumwdnag. aunape- hiid et Mihmo ausedi- Ah. M 40 wo u Miton girls hu-.s aenparrly reliala usa, kilt t h. e hraitwuc"la whan ah.y dedded th. aseociaor. whan à drnk druvt iied dui mp ai lut uMW saicul 100 clientas n ga kg"ho and Habos Hill&, dkoud Anl Pantly. Main sai a il gi spproech Hahioa Region and due of usY y hhimtd theci plovlna.white Jameésoeur F"lo. w héch h a raaon hivsig bien toups off fronatlgHuap ~t. menae stEva hn ah. Mitaoas toemuty kWleen sa7end at amp t ay nn &Md uitht Alh=ou thwein wuhi km- hvIoecugaad Ia Mélbors. starle-tI fi ah vthe =s e&rd A omelr 1 haa Jobn MWs ti du Brod Clenuaus mld gaui. hav euua mnabuS idln Moda tioun 1heair lm enoasgh U5affic le, th NeM h.uatd Io g.Millo aaaait . Il@Mlghts etkauohetpat Houvas, gIns tuhe «cllon's HMWduosdb ai b caat it moitst and uhhd th Uied la- ipenh l hou "godw." fto u edwow, %*rd 1 incit-l ilepotkam ..paidaifdu h il. toi e tla im l= . hu Kvmal enloaadhaad ta alie plaiaa dut uhua du Poflmw têt d u ng Mr. mmii tagle lis Miaula à hutsi aa h le . hé la Ma a *4r -Y baé . W in .l opwiall Paon mwwd *0UP« Ouad b eddia& da ettl milp esadudéI u.iwp Anbuy à tmedi vert Miedédupa. b -Ybud I m uaebp névmIpe 1111 à . ýaw ý mýo llit Now that's egg-citing c" àhvu "mil M, aid @m"e I.l le ta yl ier »0 IV, WI.ascad , M WBen Sehool board taxes to risc 14.6% or PAULe MriVNUS bu Uea l t leb Chpt. h..hM" who~ boad hoi' nou TW.a banni ono= davapaply s. bl udt van iseu vaaaof 86JOM. MA etam triant. e qutks caltirire du provicIa governent dwlasg Thauday aslght's spou l budlu lUlS 71mablitueni the MhihuaDE Sdueaalaa btcause grantave drappsd la àova uherr t4y cuer, pt ààp mm. c Hahma etalia uet do ahI. 29atg4 ap« lnstil U14à pet, ana dits Ywevnm du 0ae.sIi Siartîngian lital Don Casssdy Vote saslif, ah. acacios as hila, and ustissa that etrévi cuthicks dmt auoed to ivdasce p.optuety tain-s cia.... uhâcl aim maie alia double, the rate ofi nflation, 1* c5ijisS coninueiIi la biane uaslo k-vifs oi gal'rnmmal.- isld Mrt Cataldy N%* ms gonag lahve law uhah la sa eont h M.' 11eW divuio Mol WlUM&ms ,ed gi n ictaed delmanda by ah.e cie~ ~ ~ Il MW ofuaa aInmsa coa hair Pau Hiloue ua 1VM bealcal blnwg et diii. in4 bat dut masilc." glu eald. 'anal kgeplq du Aiot aspuam of lm N nnvr leuc a "dY" lIna. aIe b er. h. province Mrlu elwiq ahoi bï"d tra- r i. emenat oa ' ' .e col- liMa by ihl" mmwweuptal. I ID POLC 2, sAELN LS-5 *LSIE 1923 REA .SPlR1 SportsmIen suving Up breakfast nu. HeJia Sgaatm'a Ch*h on', mentir mw yena baja M TeY'U MWa asp eaLala tmmsal prlS Mie ymhs oa h onuedpaelp là. "On Ueoia% p l " ai i aponta -fl * §ebc" Ahat ieýMl 0- ial - CN l Mda L = Oa Me W', dOipaiMi" l@o ly à bU. mow. 0ha lpe