Indoor sce Brynkus playoff MVP after shut ut oathua front Hl-AV Mu pfge 14 ne1nHnapfydaai ttOtpo C=niu tutu ront UISJtT ply iidlng ni t tu 1 advanoe tv the somfnal round The D)icens co firui on à nice Pasa by lue Thyp -ed up a 4-4)win tha à a uçond half Deoraï te Matt Stis,~ who fired tini fton tise Zo hra lcfn hl cswris Suer wraa io make i2-0 awc ing thee Perd Notait broke the scoreloîuls ae mit a Febrnnan defenders. cbip ahot ovev the Optunost goalkeeper Cniffin and Des Lannard 801.Fearnsans back to within a goal Ray Chrigopher mure quick te 1vcaiz¶ on thse lou despite a determined Dickens defenoe. Tlie goal %et morale of the Opiscusis to PUSCh tise m to 3-03 Paul Up the last secvund herics te lie the match Vidovtcb rounded oui the 9conng. ~mw. NYu'1 T FIxe d A.PR. 9Ii 90/o ani ne 'lfljck pedarb-ts-- Çoing my way? This auy lo riglit Io the bank go depoali $2,00 reiiud In the retent Mlaon Swkn Club awhn-&-thon. Kristi Rouelle (Jli), Mary-Annat New end Jea'Iia Roueille *Il look part by awmmkg leNgiha. Mus club wIll k@*ý $250 ta help rinit tisai, cml pmWrm and thse remnallnki îfMB gl b. orwarded to Swi, Canada Milton women capture iritermediate hockey titie The Miltosn girls hockey teans w<on lust a batle ssith cancer last julv. The their first provincial tile last week- squad considers thse Ontano ch im- end ti Missîssauga. They capturted pin p a lifting tribute te their the Interniediate C Di%îsion chan- =oisrcoach p1nhp *with a 3-2 sen over Wanless had co-coached svith Bob ils Lee Wo four yers. Accordi'ng 1 ton unilonsis embîjooned wîîh the ini- unie ber dedication aindqit oe< liais, P.W in metnvry of their forier mitation g v ietm ontlg1 coachs Prsscilla jean Wanless, w^h . use INTEREDIATI iipge "W uPtO 690 months DInIrnt Ford Credi on EVERY F-Serlt RegUlar Cab ini Stock' F-SERIES REGULAR CAB (w/pkg. 06A> Equipped the w.y yau want! A. tonrbonrig- ceC#wsasce group Citern gsit. Argent mus ilOP bumpes - Hauts.. - IntdâaSo pkg -L.Ohi group - E ecerohc AM/FM stems escassese - Spot .*eel cveasrs - speed canit- Cilsg a YIs en - TJ5t itnlawil -Aird norn' *f lbly vour Perimeter Dealers take Ail thia aMup to laver j' -.,gu j. I c l.M ho c»S lOuBI &len »iusdt C afimuonme : 1b ceg. u ome alfta coac Ol ffl" Lmm Koufte.4I ariM OALUI#IER ~Ij 655 Main St. Milton 875-FORD