Region pushes for Hwy. 403 fast track Ely NORMAN NELION Haltot's top pimorter Can't enophasmaur earorgh the nSd for constiruction of Haà l iFltonr Regtoa. 1~I4Oi ard> ndrrtakeni extenîr dm work ithHa- way 4~3rtrabniu h nerriof r Hrha 3 ama th eW nata lHamatoa (calla'd the Froriaan lntarnhangrl ta. the intoeri&ction of Haghway 5 and Highway 25~ lotei outh of Miltoný The propmti tîrpectasl ta bie ompked by 19914 atan enpected caooi ) milion. Ho"mvrr plmnnraxotaarnlarrner Raah Mohrammed i% erncerned thnt 11o timingR or cotmaitmçnt his ben ertabl-rfrard regarding the continuat"", of [lre> 4013 through aftkville tu Trafalgar R..d, somuetingp he tantes the m.a ing lrnk.' Bus tiane as waeII A report ire will poeart ai tnrdav' ra-grreaL pilarnrg and public. wraoek crrnrm.te mr'at1ng Tg*cn.i r'r-t f- ç-rsnccecer l4frrt 41et'ao a, n-aI liar, a- f al-. 'r rr,{ues ua-r s Park .t, porate a but Ian.- tu iac.irtate ma,, tran-t1 hI .".uId b.hrre-rt u'~ t -nr rv tr rsgr itas 4.!1 as a baste ,'gýt art- J r1 ' rr'.'-r %r m r'r fcp rnrdàr triejn arr ian The r i-lt on.<trnne a ud' !aur 'r, 'v-arlr >r'g.r-- prthir. tràrart i" lùlton and Mr M-r- -a r~s rp~¶" ta rfr-'r'r'rf-'-ad'ssr.rla-rsi'--.a" t"' srraa "' P'r-.r,çrs.snhdrf..4 TraNfie congestion Wahni trait., t haîtrrtn fr t*rj-,% ;f~rra arr ,r-r-, t.-r't grtr.ajg prg--aeswts-srira't-P[ ?r tr i - frai steppe'd up itffsr' r ii r i- n 't "r-srtr as tht- afh ,'r r (ire inrrai hrk rrr tf-e ,rrr ,s" -r' -. ana -c h Atarnlaf-ai ail mrr ..- . a-t j-r 'rat ttt-rra nrntiI r .a 401 trrtrpt-riv aarr" ffar -rira r ,. -r' tr 2t1iM f-s'C t ia cul frrghway pnt'rrs in tf-r arra Liat ecars% prc)%ierrai hu.4griran' r"a t' per an adItrrr'il S2 irtii.r n a'tpra.rinr-rrrrr -rc(-u Tottar Are-a er tir e flctiW- leac F.riirrarg tic budget rf-r pats.ree aprorrrr a %1akjýr4i "' irrttif> ex- pansrtrn pýrrrgar'fr t.r igirsasa and n f-;hl"ný rfCA 'f-tcf- rclud tfhe S144) mri, -satarr ni H .ifrnas 44'l trur" fla'-ný 'r ri -thnersax- ru i Ilghttra and H fsltrav r,~ For special needs Volunteers wanted for drop-sin -centre By KARIEN SbMl A north Hilton prograut for pirst- cailly atnd mentallv ditabicd aduits rt, ah>. of orti> one' tîtrng - Milton par- Itl Of the mrrcionn Srmmrat- or o'Iporil noedt are aartking Mrl- tomiant to jun a dmop-fn program eurnentidunainatrd b. rmrdents of "'Our purisme as to get pota u itD the community antd 1o:21iait sayt Shirley Raszewski, chramraan of thre organization. "fltea pople are thut in. Tire> don't get outw, Ewery Wedr.eaday front 1 pm. t 4 t;ýxfidpants mee att t Royal Stt tn o= anZ =,aota "Since Our progrsot ls drop tn b>. nature. prtapnts are frie t mose iru itiabsation or juit it back anrd oé4lae." adds Nb Rauzewsk%. EwraiNtade gata movies, spots gtifM 9Wn cralti atnd g= pekena. A fuisiatg dCnt>.. Co- by> the Haitoa Rein Conser- "donai Athorit>. and Fbr Sosns Anglais ad Hutmes . as wea as a =os teamtaor ntîaa oui gi lie. 21 M 15pe attnd tis pmpam y wo klyienbenthip t- tais Iltorta 50. "W* katoa tirer.' a loi tmonte uplaot then, tirai don't evn abo.1ltu lb." soa Bonni. Word, prsnsperivisa for tire 'Ibwta CI. Zff t== d.,und Imsm ta do diffeent tings,."rond Mo Pug.mio-lt sonfiud t à chutr- Me Wafduyth iotgoiMl probiets warh trsnspotataaon But cauntnat munobes wiii htp inter'- assid porticîpants ainsoge rides on Thre tp-ial corda dmop-rn pm"rrs i cooipereatase effort between the icrsure sarvices departttient anad the Towen of Halton Halls parka arnd trreation departnt Mi Raiatrwir a foutadang mntitib of the proirarn ay, the belreae i &s the lirai aiach venture b>. the tveo twns. Foilowang a su"vof drsable aduits Conducird b>. the flayrnally Hatdicappei Caifiens Affiliation in januriaX 19M8. the foremationt commit- tee ipecual taueda in nortr Haltta iornaed t desagn a dmop-in pmgcsan. lta mandat, is ta pniovlde dasabimi &duits wti fisrîes %vsetr tire>. cas paia r r'utottl ' tiets. 'I- crkt aial netcoîka. telis at ne skilla and fi opprtunrtiet tira, caS contnibute t ther isemo ai . betng At well Ai Miton taembena. arolus- tten-a art sneai t assist par' ticrptnta. Mtttberhip cots S2 an.- nulyogeti nvolvtd, caîl Shtirley ai Traffic màml> destln watir better sigae Mayorti Pr oranta acc"ptabler oenp se t - pot'., tufr io m bJ. reniuh Munwhlkcli tüh dsincrusmd trt- fic expoctd ott tao rues, a taff pmoposol cas adopsed dtia an>. mmu aséoctulid clir the disuu - mauch a wuî amd btr on totirn moado am descur sigota - b. sbearbed b>. the n'rl ceve!ZsrrMdIton-baued te".i utians ven't binais1 oi<eldie body>. Tepooediolour moute amwad th k oo wrpi. includ: faons- raoe Road. Main Street Esat and the Ioas Paries>. VILLAGE PARC ON THE POND - \\SYO TOVE 'SAl E Buy before April 30, 1990 .and enjoy savings of $20,000 made up of: lîlrC1 ýl o Mantnac tee ru17lo n r -i, 'n , 1 ' I ~'VTENION POOL OWNEPS You Arê Invited ta our 9th Annual SFREE POOL SEMINAR Wed., April lSth, 7:30 P.M. r- Muddy Duck Banquet Hall *An Informative Evening hosted by è~~AAIT&fit pa~u AT&O on Pool Opening Procedure$ and Pool Water Gare eQuestions e Door PYizes * Refreshments Ca#I iton Pool1110 IN Patio g to reserve seating or VISI OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! os Poole a S1pas a Patio Fumiture~" 845 MAIN ST. E. Milton <acroii trom the GO Sutiofi) 878-8770 878-7087 a'<>.