E LOING iFOR ABRAK EA - THATLL ST o D CALL ... FRONT DIC ABRIÉL *)BRAKESI (JAS SMOCKS 123 $7495 FROPS 71 API $15.0 FilEtrea1 Most CarsINSTAILLEO %'878 =!8819 L 88 ONTARlIO ST. N. HMY 25 Country & Western Dane SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1990,8:00 P.M. 311 at THE OPTIMIST CENTRE 31Commercial St., Mîlton Live Entertainiment k JACK REIMES & REEVES BOYS *Buffet -e Door Pnizès * $1 0.00 per pezaan- Lipmo,,siiw Service Super Stretch and Format Limousines *Airport Service * '.ddings - Stght secng Tour *Sports Events *Conceils/Theaire - BsaslnesTnip, .Night on the Town * Corporaie ccntis UVlCem< "A specuul serwce forit specal occasion" LJ 878-3351 GRAND OPENINGwj INVITATION! April 9-14 only Gentieme 30% OFF EVERY SPRING 1990 MEN'S DRESS & WALKING SHOES. (Ladies recelve a $20 Discounl towads any Sprlng 1lm handbag wlth every gentlemen 's purchase.)_ 2c de NERNATIONAL wl COBBLER AKYLLE TGWNCENI .(nexttoth»Koo> me 21O North Service Rd. -.5--If338-5488 2 PIZZA 10 TOPPIS G le ianpossle: Pepperoni Hum Mlen Sb.usage Onions reen Poppurs Mushrooms Ground 111ef Bacon Tomattoes Black Olives 11«0 Pm P&Z"oU Iw pr1w A WÇ MILTMONAU" Mll 875-3711- i MEIUM LAGE' SMALL 12pzzlAu 12 puzM 12IZZASI 1 '$395Ï$149--9 $79 I onéos inc em eppeLitl ronOg MCMMEe nsaiioons yen eper tI. ds ffflIy ett = . toupoon * I '050 O dkoWt couvr e LxlcaOrtr chies *Eacludes extra crent 1., IM 21 9 " f 9 i ~ Ikaq. Ca~uu* Cioaiz~1 Ptesbn.ONLACtER pEOisSISeS~~~~ geEdroieDv Plson et the Ontario Agrbjicu~ Museum on Wed- nelieey. fw tbot«kmg Igglng hn Tonmmi Tern garni pirotesters at museum.. -from LOGGING on page 1 acces. ta the arnes fonists. "As well asproecng the natra: Temagans, Action Coalition oppoied T agminpr fa4.10sae.environmcnr, ihis would pîtx lossing activities in a wildffness ti- mile area which has bees.he bomne- groundwater," said Barbaralasi anglerlocae north of Sudbury and land of the Dee watr epl for of POWEW n North Bay. 6,000 years. 'flic atives nav ienn "Uncoritamîair groundtr i, They say the loggîrrg practices in leal battles with Ontario overclaims an increasmngly scarce îur*in Temagami - which they call the last to the land. this planct.' aCces1ible wtlderness area ln casiern Meanwhile, Halton Hilis environ- The envlronmental group.' d.,m Canada - are disrupiing the natural meenial group Protrt Ouir WaPi'r and onsiraion ai the muwucoio.dod environicet and wiil roduce or Environmental Resources (POWER) wiîii the officiai cerrmony tn namie eliminate recreation, as weII as otfier âemonstrated aginst peoposed land- the Niagara Essajrpment a biosphete activities. fi11 ites on theNiaa~ Escarpmnent. reserve. Thc coalition, based ai the Unîiver--__________________________ stty of Gepis also lobb>sing the provincilgvrnmenî to put an end to construction of roadi providing /le P/.-,