i14 GAW flIUSA s k» he Nomms teue URVaumle et: . . p. 878-8163 carli, ,a.u aiueu dd.egq R ai~ulle, gdMW m TUo Boutei.le Cvdevi hamula Ruso F--w "Jild CCWIA SteSt SU 4U waspm dk mvup til *l Ph4EUDAN NUUSEMIS UMITIOD mi"V un »W iiueI pWclataIIe urglomen. Ontade L70 487 LawnÇuoTechnlclan .WhlaIâia I. (416) 873-0522 *affo il tll <41 84 01 a meus la a l a i- ou ~ a 011,10 cm somm a bonWiiam Neilson Lld.&Llee., a mianu- aen aveeill &u , -. llri facturer and maricetor of DairyI . ba Wh yu mm a Frozen pboducts requires a PART- u hi 190M awteet fo py .w cd ln me TIME HEALTH AND SAFETV opporinetl khlig etier o. al 87.00 tale S(ý*1STRATOR acolhea Odairp par hour, Apply in pear». Locaud etMW. 25 c %%a AdA'TAO àt thews ma an 01 on dhflel rcào) . m em peu.1, -dai i Hallon Hd.Appicanfliu andtc.(IalaidPdlusemTnideuIap CONSTRUCTIO il possess a Grade 12 diplorma, ai or* i on a j: lisaitNTEN9 ad least Mars socretaniai adniknistra- 87.40 Cal us eltUEINEive ~recwith wosling knowl- 876-M > u cm-, n~emàâ omt egeTMufi-Mate. Lotus 1-2-3 an!d HIGH INCO&R POTEN <lA . pisomeade Eq»ailnced cçoet' btel. Harvard-Graphics are a deuinute for Matiçiet; Newrmok People Co pou Plice Pets. ast PRICING ASSISTANT - 3.51Pieuse apply in wriling in conti- Penimiel= putai positinse waet Y& diupao par met cm lue woai b. Iaom a in eoem GGEA Huws RUuCSoflpaetI LUMBER SALES 1CIE ETRDm w 7 uii t Fui lueu position, 42 iscees pur wrae& Meim PIOICfW UCBEM «A MCIWIC eoS#1<OWf, Ofldro L7G 4834 entoy duelas rie ousiam", b. traut mm V» m air à Mai CWvypW D-Mlume in ft M- w mil geoorud LwMibu exportero uealt Oen mua la ardtler aur Le.eg ei CEOE HEAVY E»1. MWcsM Wuf wi liai RO buoutl podece avilisklà ba 01 cutum wo= =t dl Iert onty need Woy. Caii Al Kiuntn baril poilioes HOME HARDWARE - MILTON r. FLL TM SUES PERM ~ mui mem lue: 878.1 tFUL lIME PART MANAGER P.O. Box I& MON ON LIT 2Y3 PATTM OT PERSO U Pý ACTON VINYL 9111= MANUFACTURSR MOVIOCA CAFE No pda ricueav. W* W« VaTin fUOECEPTOhIT/ECRETANWTypIST roi ~ TOimpoi. c 0" uni thT cadda vi pours excellent cm M*"e ppwetT i ATT. cd ~ f le. Mm '1e om mume and aaterpsoslM dtt liii SmiHm eUU CIVY"i - noMitoge ol "s a.11 Vorelaga Phone 876258 in %W W - se tuwa an "a oporaeo ci mmr Coin- 24&ip*m"u 876-15 V 1614 putainpruloabp inVIi maie., Mitn location. - Have à drsre olaamn & at*seestraoeu OVMA OSPressure M4I1 - MrWnin oclmadeeon- MighSdwOOlGraÔJata. Hç enn nAaa&UKF& 8vessel lx- î prelarmoy wmets soinsbueness. irmemy p01rn onnt e raari wilin lo partance. Pmm fortuve waei itiran 9 a15am PO Son 300 Actce«, mavi L7J 2U4 FURN PUoGTON LTD) Apptcai-e m lWmtd fo ta pocréoei of nie .m Cool Clatk in Our Aeuueul opsalut SAHOS 1LASTERIPAINTER e4ti s u **"1.ajucet~aluil mldi b. expectud- (Ueo,> ~C PATTME.3DAVS3 PER WEE< aamuaeee. kste d- collecion wid Must b 18 rms of &p. éror linie m R~ 'c Tto od poOiIg y prParlou uiraentrées; sciap amokt Exp.riencé prmlerad but «M taas et c - ......fl*Ulais pein n.cueauy Fui Weu. Moneru Io Fetds. fni- qh O518o tlI818I75I5 uIe#fIO=Otlf, Smc' Faessull mi delt pruesnug spm-s o Ad ~ 8753300COl 1-416-56423T1 dmeul mma Thi s adwnmue pou",e Ask~~~~eltit ha on8 5-3t . fli iLa bueta. hm»agud ppftant 878-1843 saauc ourfalou 5 oom flumuD 0410-14j adl Ww wih* you PlaceuO >ua&dtoO IPCUMM LALUTAU luw rmmmmimmmmul LM your unwSntS tem . 0ueuNtie * ouiw YAiL * ptmony in your pocMeI q lo~a m @m e:On FULL &PART TIRE MiSO WuUped pr m or CtuouMa Gol IWfl ioex-7ha0i leil 0pbm C rio t s .. Il!R 16 eSMdk. Mec 87- * omO sîpe .enqp& Us. trour lite * Wyldewood GWl Club iwywiwaao 0 Umua~~nu$V it DRI VING IN UCTOItS 8liie nd : wrklg te am aiuepebidco NduMlc..Tcil les.car andl i le.tuae r tult.te position. 1 a -J la= e Apl inamt pu MiIOOtfl CI i ~ a Oakssll., Miltoes or 9su. Mcaa mO hiUI IJ t utad < trlui houri &Mi rata of0< iiapolet am OtbrGi A oie DEIVING $CH à 1 Cam Plaitefrs»Mekm #m" w ,.mI Mr.44 or MM madl lm m43-21 sel________ i4-44 aweràm. _ _ _ _ __18- ll