Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 1990, p. 6

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,Opinion, IA tale of diamond greed JPmimsM~t i~n0.hiiagaEaume Wth a View Ris Yom 1usu I - m la duar .wiuas ID ommât Y AmNAD REAME bmashaliha vu no Ma&ua mta~a ta gamt grne thon thea Pml~o aaide eloama ehse.wnr «ay Niai t Iaqi an osed u : = 14 Themot prudent stop la to na dovm new Thme paoyant lhv sui due rids cansmitta. TV contreat ird due awangomen for fond ta hane tse aparasat.olie tmnt~i a oensona, id touvenler sala, as weIl dis mistn dor . ta qulîfdfr a ti amhi ae and parking racipts., nitigi Strange, but I don't want à Nuei la&y ap, or Praumal> th la m compeuba hedu a veprtced DarneOog. I don't want top>' pitciers for Udr Iack af suit" training dmn, ta anmlgnhlhl wsa > nd. whlch miglit m iai their sein "oas and rutna Obli bt .=w =ayr id ac Xntn themby danmage their baganlng positions for and Ilddied %vaisi a cancer whtch afiflas lAs futune conurad. 1 hSrtbaSt Dasth welches uer. nover my Whaot warze la duet due aenea, via dh ulesi favowltema faa. consmittas. aghescl tau dicange. I suspect dus What wili happent ulsa 60.110 Cincinnati aunes wer frigimene of alother Impasse Roda fana floct to Riverfeont Stadiuin ta, m seit the players id à further eludlng of due du traditianal openlng gaine ai duhe balil summn Ssan o ni>' ta fid t talli place in Bouton? Ut is Sn much for tradition. Maybe du players ae- due seeghi af tradition whlch defils and sudlation seil nait that the new rut. should pronoms man>' things we hold drn. Chipping sente Why nm malle it aven cisier for pitchers' isa>' traditioýn dangeathu ver>' foundationa Aftm Iral tugh jb hrowîng Out bal] 60 aiolety. f ancisezcha toa catchser. [Impite the criblng of due mnajor longue TIna maud iniglt h. mas-aI dlost the tradition 1 can stili revel in the gagne. Ircan atff platne Tht>' ight bring bockt the spithaill Why experlence the pure poy af playmog. and tht joy nottthe piheslhaiaàtlttchritry sai ofuwatctîng ohrsplay. bekiid Omouosi? He%' lIWs nits the battr I sttll have the thailt af the graus, a perfortl> hit serong hoodeai. The plAnhera' nats have ta aramatic lawn with a crescsnt af smvth diri improve if they've galng tai make due big btacks deflned b>' tbree primtine, white loather squares duy richl>' deus-e. *which fora, a diainond'thape. Wt seauldn't seit ta lue haten ai due bat- Despltr the rutoation of the major leagues 1 tain of the pay ie. Let', tove the fe.-e in kos, deep in ty hearl, that diamonds are and ,naybt gai rid of due shieop, he onlyi forer. "The dating gai Dating cm ho à tratic aselo- Sur- ente ame afraid ta uit somatme fanyone) for a date. People in mld-hfe (or laie>) wha have ended a long reiationahlp, report avert mmca an- xloty &bats gtming back Io thd dating gamen. Datin§ haa a pna place 8" o c acl tila. Il s mole tht overiationail abiiy.oy contact ind due lie. bocut It hos to do Zeth intimécy, dlsplays of affection, ind actutl> as- king anotlior persan if theyd like tai os you (date)> agnl. Four basic restonm aie cainionly affermi ta typhusn anmtety la amilng for or oing an a date. n t. smin people mi>' Laci tht interper- tonsal 2ki1s. Tht>' don't itnow hou tai éi. hat ta do. Perhape tise>' uta unysjacssfut in the peas and, as a resait. gM vin>' anxious. A seond restmon la fest. lIt'I lta p habla. In these asui. due anxtiy hos toi do with àfur-of inîiinacy, brlng ialine wîth à mensbef cd the op- - posite smm. agking for a date. phys"Ic cantact When Darents leave home - 'And the ,t suddenly, theéy were a Il gone Whtn kids groueamp. tht>' lvw home. Thit's ritidnt il la ony il tente aId mu I hoven't auaill>' ua the test. Sure I k,. thare aie a feu ktida anmud seho 1mwv haine only ta raiurn Inter selis dur' oWn afftpriag In tna. But thoan aie isltd am. Amsenthe>? I have ta tMU >au thai acnmhig niighty un- aaiuing hall baest happening I ni> fanai>' ome the paxt (ew yms. Ira due paets wha have hbae fsvig hante. I remiembhe (kober 31, 1969 ver>' chur>'. Thaiuna th da eived gnd-byr ta n MiSSe. %nets a plane, New m: m à ba hNd> buSta o w tIer. permanent- Sure.Iwaagrawn upn tr f ay. Ahter a&U, I wu latts as econid Ysr ai 1mnchingiup iAnols. IYthv asitad otymoli. cauld my nuther fust 1 alseays f4uad the o muld baeamn" lt' notm nif gai Ptong Weil; nm ma du tino we didn't. Sd11 ell was ni, nither id du* belongad clouai ta me thon due ottur aide ai the wotd. A- 1.aaneahvlalirIIiei .tIli id_:dZssolimui o. ca die y. On the 'Home Front aith ESTHER CALDWELL ranging the furnitua, tIn hor living roam - *bout once a intt. limai muai htlp, ler gem rid ai du birealstblt urge ta, hoSd off lnta the wild blue yondor. 1 ended up with a number of parents se f gaew up. ào a ime I ls-od wlit a "unt id unde I~n pins WI1couId laittheyhall entrenu in du, ccmiuiy sul oi of, diurch, curing. fionda. thmiasre. Thi> es-en bath thelir diteanm home in Ajax, an ahili awrlotmtng (aht Onstario. Il waa a baSutiful huaind laspent a laoi ime tisle. One day they annaunced tluy uta, mnovlng. Ta Britishi Calumnbia. Hou cauld tho>'louve me? I toit tht, peosonsîll> yau au. And hou coutd tisty upsot tianSilvea so caslly and transplant thomnativea Io du Wut casi of Canada Indu toue of Nanalims? But tht>' dld, and non duiïr new home averloaks, them id tht>' anr watch due leries buts-e frontd outtad.' My sunt waa like oy oather. Sise ne..r heottatod tai votce hor opinion ind ai course. boas nie irand. (At 1mai., thatts howu ail.) Ste stfi doin, but du. can't drive mach a liard pnhfoin, dut distance IL-e uhonde n a t li" met m lntating, the'%as still fansill. And familly shouldn't live so ferrway,mnhauld they? On m>' huobinda MMd, lus sont ind uncle owngd 100 ralllng ares oni due vilageai Bomisn>'. When ut llved in Peterboroughi. ut vlalod. thons froquent>'. epadmi> for occasions l1k.' birtlsdiys, TbankagMn¶and Christimas. Thuir ceaitsit faut mus s » Io eonis. The>' mold i wiham an' nitsgvng and inoved lta an à~ ta in uelph.What's t- , boù i k anci d a ftfth-wheol traiter at. off aa>'ng lse>' wsen'm sute uhon tA.>' uould ho calg back. Tlse are rnd people. Ithouit tainYseli. What businea. do tht>' have weandentng &raund du cauntryside l1ke gypale? Tht>' utmould ho montent ta ste> put and entertin tht Yoaung (o1à (US). Mfy tatller lives iha mametin> houat ho bialttO yna agl. Ia ho going ta drae boain: of a tisse dia, and lait m:e le' nilng ta Hawi? Ia lis uhot I have tai ki" fomeard ta in ni>' V"-e 7-Wa, me - Part 2 Psycho:ogy (holding honda.carusangl. or iernofmryion. A third rSson for.dating anxrety is negative itîf-evaluation. Saine pople have siandards that are tao high and imspossible to mSoe, oihera seleivel>' rernemober and talk about patexperiences which dldn't go wrtI, %orne fel Infenior or don't scem ta, like theinselve Ftnuy everai studies have found that sonal attractivenets as strongly asoctaird wt fruquency and succent ai dating. Although wr car, t do anythinfi about smre aspects of physi- cal appnrance. mnany factars dut conîribute ta =trcioss cao be alteed. The way yu carry yo ref. wergtt. dresm. facial expies. maont, complexion and gruoming habits cn a&l enhance, or reduce. a pens attractivenets. Thert are asan>' reusons a penon nsay be an- xtaus &bout asking foraà date, and due ireinent vartat accarding ta each persan's problem, If the problern is pimardy> one af fer, thtnr a thtrapistinight try ta demnomtize you tal the fued ent Startîng wîîh scenanos that ver>' lute anxitty, ont can practime as- Ling fori -te, holding handsu.biidng.a&r- veta>intilttennietydTrspates. Then tht next (alightly mate anxious) situa- tion ull be tackledl.For exeinple, in thetcasetof ating for à date, tht firai step anight he oil- pLaying il wîth due therapit When thal Wi camns essy. the not step iniglit be aaing out a non-thmtening seoman over tht phono (such as nmisone warking with the thtrapist>. using a script cotopb"yl> wntton oui and tend. Thon. perhopa the client seul Inove up ta, iaking this poison face-An- face, thon seithaut a script. The seslon cani continue tai buiid taward morermlatic and niait faufiul situations "Sln 'gmtaa w il oui, ng thtsaumn ho .7.1 infrid l'm buste "ht nighi" orvolcea aiher rndcions the client nslght bo ai raid of - in oac case pracdia- lng due mnou offective waynai sk;ng and the h e asahanlg :nfeat kindasaifimac- O*en, houver. fiaila o tton> piobiein. ind désenaltlzation la not the oinl>' solution. If the puson's prialomn lcludas nom knaselng hou ta soit for a date, or how ta hohave on à date, thon due tmatrnent int toarit ntu dating ddkil (and perhape gSn ri of saine obooxious tir lriltaang hohas-lours &long the sente). lNo GN - Put* Jam M - Edb mml CO"e DUMbWUO TM L ot OMM-u asUMMfLIIII, -UNstd The CantadianChampion r DIIIITORAL: Nou: Rab KoWy Ifren Spili, No ~~ Spofl: sied Asaunu PhialmwY: jais Wenr. dmAVMUIU: ftl»: Die" Piés. Andso DX âMon Momor Yaun.Mc au Técd Léndai>. amum. ~:Sf*sy or- aida 8di84. un" Nai I CU:M Karen Huika. P CCMPOUOe MMi DM. Jun. Cataimut Karam1 §& ni Kimberle W ý -sni Hu ont.~ LU4@(0 u. tTe = as FSAr.5et lM u E.. As... ~ T Am. guis fleet. 0.. mms - - ------ 11.ot. iENOW" uai M demi" HMuana slnlllE lilas Nelion. ce ssas.MW. CsWodThes WaeÈ, ,ebm l as oktasit lm L*.e ionBie s.%*a fienv, m 0lave, abuson vAS,..by àS tWao de Ju Ofit~ beancs LW. MAO' mu*.t eauu m MUg In Vt m Il aeh 4 mumm. éclIsers, ~ 5~ Mit -m se.v. ae Q,, -d l l a seueM.@me

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