88698 ______ qoGigcr's rave[ OL 4 , I4TEJO FEDAT MAICU flue 40 CENTS 8*PAGES I Rezion approves The heat ion Twomore stores to open Sundays Bi, NORDM M4E8N Ms = Mced a piblicme"tz àMl by Regional Coruncl W.ednnd ta dIc anfl appliction by two Acton Mtons to remain open Sundays tue into a IIvely three and a hall hour debte on tht whole Sunday "hpping tutu. At one point fouowlng an addnem by a Haiton Chrisian hiaiaua group.« Mli councillor Bill Johuon noWa that "the bl&i ouies f ail 'a th chwtch." telaia14 delqattatu - F ra~ uwt tg busênes 1ru- d = eS-t -ap- id" du mmat of the aid Hide Hotm mt Avm Acwnt - lght-Itim ams Lmthff- m 1 h marh. the fit* Fublic nutig duriez bld utdoe Habotes ams Appuia sa fi guâddim -e Wu Dtber ,tsd oly thet dard and l .8 tsurt meiptlaa gratd In Hal- .1dm ion - Ian 4dom. Wu H.."«, th list catm mw u h ~ ai I day.. tutiaci Wp àa Wl«apbl.d uutshy 9 ta ctmsdoer a taqut . cmph aix 12 VTt..O taome M0blig .diI W à amdlshrewmptutft shed" CMI Mdi ha oe whta th. ptttboe tietd the VL i Repu deded op itick wlth the lr20uI lyiat tuuqaid biay reubieetrm lyfor tassret i , une - I ttWsti b00ý ai6 ublé isi è= th uidmi t opa'am 90= ummumvlw-;mm bng"- - lit *»~M MWVf ObMUl . l~e se ak baiera M -~ aatSe~It~ ~- - .- etmmU _ý =r*dml w E LT E F U P NI Wr'U- ROXTON GALLERY -~ mm - t'asofa fbr Ot- , 42 OmU SL &. hta LJ luIL TE_-ý' , .jr " , -rr - OP-Oovffl