* Two table tennis tournaments on ta7p SEastern Canadian Open expects more than 100 players at Reding Tht Rgien anadon libm oaeOa e mcinppbefrm eh. Muet n lil esl nammary, aedIls ta Làwune sitadwcbe pla in itao adisr e md 2 a 2 th lvicpaygteTluul anOymc an d datim to Sapra eAaday schot Match 31- p,1tI. tournsenL u a Lwuo < Mil- hmv the oumd hrrt ptlain ta w j omat. ltcuh Pymaibrc ? el The toinnaèmea wua criitnally éaduduled int Ston: tab " anIÈYa mmae noeil ul ITableTeais Aucmon isdWie. Lmodon but thuy we unable ta provide due thair sport a ia a lIain dlbou paupin pnfik uish Karmax rolis lover Dundas INfl"d ito reach Ti -County finals -Pn Int Kanax at midgft rape nMty tutti a baie bnjuiy h.' oui of' dS con- i avnst erad*u u w a elittd Duadas ttint m Mht ganta to tan thhrd pol. Ibo * Cea" Raglan le hasit a tourna- advmnc ta du finale in lhI'Cotmt pltycff "a aelianination, Diandaa "id ta de i li MM et Maftli *roia SChMOo On Smturday, hockey actioa. dthUir nuedyalh teathe finish. k<- ACei 7an &M cnt lol.o la u opener CE du m8ita. eauly ~lnJl aton lad aedlrtpsn " gobyltvo tryt n~ e b. ita thea hécubo Mu" d st thed tom of du arse &MM Band s i Stt and Cuita bt Ottidai cuiglt thedïr yavdg~ fnibU <clii hoIln .1at ta à thmt goa leLdon gr:ldway bek itith à pair ta avaiu du atoutm e .vce t18iN and Ashmlna goalbv Rob Croma. "Àn Plaxc aad aingtd ta rea-@ thoit twota oka i oat.j SM178.7_ paa A SWvaway la ite eidna reuud i sargi thanke to Pla--- anal Ml?. Cox. lu Entey Ii and th;lj D'wtda- 0111 41 dd go-A ll 801111 y :LWd thftd Dun1da- clpçi Ou in t a vn. Thet ut for =ivTlan h Richard Sallbs hlut bld. eda h~ lad ne a. McDuffaaoid uirly i opdMbadd dobi ~ diviions. Gansa tato ae à P-lt ftlled conteen in du third "m le proveid ta bu du "ai ttlni 14opefuy du two tauruaieet Wtin bucti which Mileon skaia «f duY ice a 3-2 atinner. es Dundia% etu"tg te giva Up. mwa$aMt -a. , a in ekrt club, whlch hoids ita pate Plaina ad tieo aitU David kkbuiff aitWi goal. on Friday evenlagu at due Martin Stre inhpp4t wtth a -oi and an isa" ta land Tt Karniax major mldget acat await th du cj- lawumso »id. Mloloffeaoce. tint of due serniftnal aaibetwtei 'We' tccklng kor new menkers and neat Ryan Peddie played a wsSuu iane oal Brajapton and Ern. kime ta telp incesait intee ta tht spcrt., * I'"S 1~ZI G! 969agie Vista 3-door ONLT -uf or' lesott Don't delay, when they're gone they're gone! 19Eale Summil IÏJWMAE ENGINEEREO I. el~ 1909 Eagle Premier / R%éý CA.-M" 1990 EaL» Vimsta WsC* DA. 1990 Eae Premier SIANS CU DM oMIIufNA %oday.. 842254 %Wrnt Lkis of-t 842.244 TM UWExpect the Demt. VeUsyb@flQumIfIuu The V*mde VoiuIybel Club nsldgt an enaagad an uadç*ia sestn. et LoyulSam dayS o Cllviltt ~bowun.ade 30 nudiaet gEC! dad pa u t WmMe nsldgn club. vClueybtll lae - ait abova hlg acan vollebal. MMa playe Wtin Wuta A MkobwldWin quialifia ilun ta repu- sant mOta at due 1r" Canadien na- wtth du prernierdvimacMat- 1 the plai r 1cr IL uoeaat Actring te out- Miton ema petldim HqCaMa La a niovaaattldupement tinwti hI ac"o A tcr E.C ThtW idtai inlu lnhasy but parties # UUtI8both groups wian ta o dit- %rfa Ha W ha okdfian ber of ytahs taitards a ttahtd arrngainet fur avu levait of 'atou ta Milaon. MILTON HEIGHTS MONTESSORI SOHOOL 8No. Sida Road, Milton fiMw accepting Registration for Sept 1990 for children ages 2 1/2 - 6 years oid. Momning. afternoan and full day programns are available. «Iel 878-1397 University Courses in Milton, Mississauga, Oakville Thýese courses can be applied tu a Ulniversity of Waterloo degree and/or a Renison C ollege Siocial Work Certificate. You may register for credit in ad#gnce or ai the firt clas. Tuition fee- are $184. lf#pace permits. classes may lx, attended frée of charge ti>r pemsnal inter", t (no credit). For more inforffrtion. contact: »nie Registrar. Renison CoRege, University of Wàterloo. Waterloo, Ontario N21.3G4., Phone: (519) 894-4400. MII.TON Milton District High -'.hool. 3Q6 Williams Avenue Fmanly Vilokeoe- (Soc.ia Work 357R EZ) 7-10 Wedrtesdays. April 1l - june 27 MISSISSAUGA Ecole Rene Lamoureux. 3U5 Meadows Blvd. Art aMW Society- (fflS240R RZ) 7-10 lhurqdays, April 12 -June 28 OAKÇVIU.E Si. Ignatius of Loyola Higli School. 15.50 Noti~ ill Gate Social VMnk wlth the Eldlerfy* (Social Work 367R RZ) 7-10 Tuedays. April 10 -jue 26 1,8dk-Wa t ? >ewgflt Colleg personnel wili attend the first cpasa tu finalize mtlistratitoIs and sel courue books. RENISN COLLEGE Affiuad blthde Univerity cf Wateîo