Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1990, p. 6

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'I s. Thie Caa nc hamupion a. Char -Eatur oea. flfflîfw hiBMO Dihi N h Daa.aWUoea ~ ~ ~ O -Ch3uMiu 1" a. hi. Toi Lida. hibrn joy ý allm TOOKOý-Ozu" .kt* himiCmo a 1 #AIm Ph . M 878-2341 -W dmfW&a Boe snw r o Thrit Unte ui.11 cauPoauo M Jul o ia Ou111111ICatim .. saii a m ga IMUMb 1 â lishyb. UMM Lanitu MGaboy W8h. adlalUiÀ jOn turban tufmoil Lokingb'ack Io atyong lmi SIkWs ta sud ~~il .pybI i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iw abaldtt them under public sure inaaieir ta belong ta oaanülmln such du tii.rý Canadien Mounw. %olice? The. Siki. siiauld mal ntaln Uir traditions. And tii. siiould b.e welomed tt lIhe RCMP, turbans and as long es the7 meet the. force's admisio s t nt far more important arma than &«&-a abillty and clvlc rponsMlty. The IRCMI' la solidly beind admltting Sikhi olicers who chas, ta weir thilr turbans. And other major metropoitain police forces ta Canada have alre4dy batit their dits irei- ments in aider ta accommodate Sikhis. This is as it sliold N. Wauld any of us tnily chaos, -to rab a persan of bis or ber retîgious dig ityuin aider ta conlojt ta thedress code of the. day? Would we spum an otlierwisR worthwhule candidate for a job because bis or lier appearance, whde soclally acceptable, is flot in keeplg with aur own? What are Sikhis flaunting? Are tbty flauntin hhg ards impoed by the RCM fr admission. No. Are they~ rebefling agatinat the mile af Canadian law? Hardly By jolng tht RCMP Sikhis 'vi be swarn ta uphold that Iaw. Detractars argue that allowing Sikhsa ta weaî tu lns opens the daor for niany t ay legitimate cLitm ta similar dits, ex- emptions. Not so. How manmy people, day iln and day aut, dress in a disctrnlbly different manner due ~o their religiaus convictions? The ax$ly people who spning ti mmnd are Pr- thodox Je"s. lierbaps they could lay dlaim toa similar exet(ip- tion. Canadaaead other ethnic groups generally save their traditianal garb for ni~nai exhibitions. Thqse witii Scottlsii ancestry do flot ride, lb. GO trien in thbtr kils, for Instanc. They cheris that symbal, but il lajot unextricably woven into their religion bellefs or sens, afildentlly to sucii an extent lhy sa roup' fetýi the need ta constantly wear kilts. Sikhs, howver d fel he need ta 'vear turbans. The Sikh communlty bas miucb ta aller the RCMP and ai ai, us. lis arigins lie in the I6tii ctntur wlth a rejection afi dol worship and tht caste systemtaindiw.Sikhs bhave faught fai their beltefs and mainlain a strong martial tradition, a protad CUMMo DIOfU et ài lit O iWh tradition. la" wo the1 pff $ hW NU ft 110 dey To put it in a mariner witb wvhlch most Canadians are .familiar, thesle are thie type ai peaple yoù can, generally spek-Pa e of theT a inS, trst o go into the. corn~ersPae.im r Ufruaeiy, sante do' mi htway Theres a 4iuckster out in Alberta pand.rlng ici the. lents expressed by.unay and turning àatldy profit tn datag. He's selling caricatures of aOne YearAgo Sikhi di.sed as a Mauntie. He pisys toa stron Canadien fear; the fear ofldhian aith PU th. "à lam a national ldentlty».he fér tbat wsve afier Uav aiImirt i bton's saua planar lm. cot out ittongly wave ofimndg ag qà. àLac Mliuuahpeeç %0 Sipandthur cuary wll change this cou"tl until il la no longer recognizaba oputtta. stop dita 'N'sg-u 2arp"tt. -u4 tht Many Canadians bave the saine feur af culturti dilution due ta «Wa fat whàt peou>u 90 btl ur eie snlon the mucb lmg exotic tafluence ai the. Americans. nus vatk Toien dtanat lr o iadaayi Butde aun mu ontelvision the otiier nlght calmiv nu-rwnod 9 iaLimsot t iW ofLcMinetym) wus pfitatd Io aine mmn tlng bis case for wesrtag a turban once b.e joins the. RMk ain m thtis the empa= mude.iiy Unt dotiste struck us as more Canadian thon anytblng tise. naal suply dat atis am eand teras. W. do not blindly support unllmil tmmgration. It causes Q laIn au pparace be M6iltouix FiiHia tao much tension. And we do not condone abuse af Canada' pbgtr5 chiaaFnrPtxa.y mml hQ u'% any .abundance by immigrants, as la bomietims dhe cas. Furtiier, M-püo àdtwewtmmbal &I01ne we deplare the. fac tbat soni. Immrnts ioose ta clolate hodm h spvtd a (fat the dwri)» Il. loe aniong tiiaaeves and neyer truly became Canadians.t . Surrouadtd by res6oa wlulch do -ut o p- But tiit la not the case wlth tbls young woukd-be RCMP ai- 'a~ *Sitttata lihea côUld Wall 'At ua ficti, and other Sikhis undoubtediy just lîke hlm, who are ivili- 'U".i rit r n M etiituriTonto' a sdh ing ta serve Canada 'veil in lnuny, many capacllles. U [ st wdtà Milto fsmly aperls lis owad lu .mu . a 17 . lia et sacmd-tes beumh WU ribla., ta lms ithsa à yir. ln Dometnb, four yeldflDom Vw v«Rtahthpim unes of mta in- PrUmohwtheuni biienby hitcoutd have han s rsbid saluai liehr yard. l'li sa&ni ta. rit capturai and' tht "ii girl ba rie sure U the satimal that bit lier wia s m ~r a skua. lsà« Tuu"dy saori s rsbld shikC Mta setad ti th blls bàckyard. The ppltce natcft rd th~ville Humari Socly arrival a.é ID pick up the saninal. 20 Vears Ago ÇàRerou tuts ai Ontri 1WJ0 orte u in Fil" hisi studriu hae itaredtoe gchol iotDa taMloiths rumutled jpod t loaig ina pauvet = ip.Thenzao ia iarde o etrig te qer- taml do' sî a tpoits in thtî mre- the niotm of the lumbo jet woul bpicked up and ampliftled maay times by the high powred amplifiation equîpmnt ia ewmY ctaoam. 12 Coaatructlon of à S364,32 36-uaît emui aizS, butlding Weu mmoeaaaded ta Mîlton Couricti by the Oniarlo, Hauins Coeponition. Tt pauposal by VtA-Pey Ws# one of thrat iceivd in riponma ta a cat for te bde . U Despit hued argluments Imma over 150 ara Lard- owrim Oakllttle Planning floardthlia vomis a ira, 'ws for the appliciitoto 90 ine 2M .r, of land at Ckiagl for tirport uw. The voteo aie Inw lavuer and thrS agotasa = as 5 Grant Davtsmr's paupoeds airperi gatie 50 Vears Ago a Tt Aii opg a( $MNea lerm - tâte baaare piéyna 0 Th. u baut a MM'y ian. the aumuba ai maisals siute t*» dedàrta of wsr but de divorce gAtw Whm bom mpalrfr du Graid Cm"ra o* "A.yet Pud by Steve Nease de 1

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