Senior .Citizen's jRecreation Centre casino NIGHT STUESDAY MARCH 27, 1990 4:00 P.M. -.00 P.M.- 6 y - 0.O BI.ACK ~ JACK 21 Charles St. Spring Frolic Anniversary Tea Tuesday April 17,1990 10:00Oa. m. -4:10 0. M. CONCERT HAYDN LORD NELSON MASS DURUFLÉ REQUIEM .SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1990 7:00OPM St. Paul's Unitéd Church, Main Sdreet, Milton Directed by Brainerd Bly&en-Taylor Accompanist Dawn Brodie Organist Eric Robertson Aduits $10.00 Tickets at Penys or Delacourt's SStudents/Seniors $8.00 or the door or phone 8175-3310 j Volû,nteer experience valued byi employers %am >woe ppl o jobý» tu, f be "ai that >uu didn't have lte ný:arysxu.e AMe yu oou d b havlo th.sit neem to ftnd agauodpib ah«e "oking at huile raiins a m i e tiy Have you e onmldemd dozf olne'rweahf a 0f leng new ILTON ihaqmnus ty shili. r out a caree option sLON ait,5rroe arnvolwed aI rvery levai of act in huldi and maciaI s edvcs ucation andrea.tion, religlus and =polticalI organaza- tns. Lack aI experienoe i nol a bamner'lo mnt 11-lountul tibi on th. Ils amble taovrtmaele importance of VOI.U.T1ER . ou = Cmi y. ay 41pn asio OLNERclu. organizathoni and institutions offebn emntia s ervices ta aur commumty would have t0 radically reu pmgrmn r ipl igt ut ther doom if people didn't volume.' thetr What titis meui fur you is Uit OPprjmlv.. If YOU've he-e worke mlthit m l ag* MMe4uld oie yorhelp with h 1 prlp m ~ '. * I1f youd liha to dev1lp m W~~i bt IUUm consider prticipatbn on aboard of dirafqm uti O *If You would like ta, try t aiaJc îaîîn prugramn.or iharng >ur haobut t th. lyou've ever Ihugt abu drcng in nM, or wiîh computers, or In no0lsscs potnt~gon tuy yUr hand Fond out wl'at t hebl = n ail u. - ev=bo ikilin-P = l gat eiprie and nti ncidentally gi=eyu elp te the commumuty of which you aie apart Fo oeinformnation about altere and other volunteer opportumîlies caîl the Milton VoluntSr Centre .I 876-4756. The Milton Volunteer Centre sç a program of the Halton Social Planning Council. Cold Turkey clinic March 26-30 7h. Long AssciatIoinlai&% Cold Tttrhey smoking chonie Winl b. held Match 20-30. The progrant rumt frem 7SO taý 9 Pm. Partiipants wlll dicuus lthe wlllmdrawl stages and wiWhave gsoup oupport te hecome eue- caudaul ex.smekss. lise ssm" muiD taise place at the Denett lisltt entrliC orgtwn and ktse cosi le $10. f you aeinter- espd mli 2400 875-3224 87&-2952 Podiure & anlcms ul xteisios &AcrltoNails NOW mOlli OFFERINO WAXING AT "4 COURT STREET LIOWER LEG $00.0 MICIi $12.00 FFULL LEG *3500 UND.ER ARM $11.00 KYRDULP *7.00 o. OEN MONAY T0 SATUROAW-CAL MO mN APPOINImENT (Above uphoiste;ed by Stonie's Crafts ' ~ From OurlInStock e * Rolsof icds YARDS IN STOCK" *Pa OS'o nry- ulsuua