Daughter-in-law,'s open house suddenly closed to *mother PaieAbb Myitubin mdI hve ton marclod sui toho mave fie- quoni~llicwRocetl~Yboht mved sui de mane clty about 2i10 ;h alol;n la ta visit theo, teé diamei =i afld u =ugbu "boingou tdcm and tere lid ihWd be vrait- ng vmnuear I S caldUt ango u, ho called bock to uy hi telle litd ld hlen ltai 1 wain' teelasme ini tittir honte 1 tos ahco.tyve bien macc or 15 yenmd M ,hd boau in toui hame, Inny lignes. Onuoesho " ai- sistod ltai tee goay tea weeka ten ted plannod to gay onty anae. Dear 1 calWd and asWkar o.t 1oMt domtohe. She naid lit 12 yus A b cittdre theyn andad hadi iietki wilh ASIGAIL han' but be in le. Abb% 1 VAN BUREN clwdllt ohays thougit a fai in AI finI tee der"do nat go'0 um e didn't teânt 10 cause any trouble betesa ourson aud hI. selle, but t eaie son intisted tee core anyteiy, sa tee went, He &d hs elle ete tendefl htnmwto51,gritta5 tc h.tnlstel osgae ie useilot colog.dct dh.gn Abby,w tomuid 1 have donc lirai i didn'i do? 1 fe terrible and doe't koosew whiat tu do. Oea, Heatsick. Cenaldec titis: Intellgent clo g~ ele seiti godmanners aire nol Immune te pitysical and Wmehldàcm Your, dauglser-in.lss uddeit. hestile. penaliy change cauld be a iym 0011110! kad at diaanen Tel ou w u s e. ita i e ùwtuld ba ormandpityslay and peydslatclcaily le weuld be à kindais. Dae Abblr I luit read the latter front Danny's Mont. Itsans hec uon, Danny, had mono bock ta collage as the age of 36 and, aller savon yenr, ho tes gradtasiig tlit hanors t theoapeo 43. Danny said ho otved l ailla you boaus e rend a lister In your coeumnl front a man seia omsdebmic.bout setmb he situld roture to co ?llefo itideae ltentc hd orue ', ai n yeici, 1 teill bo 45 yoar oid. Your bepy z l WSat in elS inu lB e svn sif you doe't go bockr' Vieil 1 can top Dmstny. Alter 14 yeane of torkicg days lid going1scoa nlhs-taklng ant wr twa counses ai a tiroie - nln 9. I teol = Wdai agna mun leude front Eimira Colae elit a dogme in peycitol. le 4 tha-e four gid idmI mir audiene and sell ho ocle dg ny 57iitbbidy In A=gi Abbyli roeflcets on telIng people it's nover toa t le int. A Parfum GaadrIdg Du' PI: Conp.ttslmtom. If anybody cu tep yeu, l'e sur l' 11 ier TRA2VELCà%MP-ING SHOW 1990 Thursdey, March 22 tp Sunduy, March 25. Metro Toronto Convention Centre (next dclor ta The SkyDome) Sao the istesti n fifth teheels. tradears. park modelsanmd motoritomes. 111a011 lim Ainthb Prie Thuci.. Mac 22. 12 noon - 10 p nt Adulte $5 Fri..Mar. 23,12 noon - 10p.m. Senors$4 SmtiwMer. 24,S.. - 10p.m. ChildreflUflder 15S3 Sun. Mar, 25,1 la.m. Spmr fontiy (2 àdt%.qch Idrer> $12,50 fredonnai by SAVE SusA WIfTNrSâ(- Expm h New Homln 1 ws loalni for a canm change and retuming ta University hans bemn gond for nu in Wurn af reasin ry knaul- adg and makin nie mare maletaile? V Nancy Smitten balMsan. Ontaio SPIeG/TEsEG ibn Ao1i 30 Auqud 10 Laurier offers courses batti through classmaom lectures and at a distance, tflrough 1eIecollege, In Brampton, %Were offafing 17 classroam courses plus 23 Telecollege courses. V*re here ta help you achieve yaur educational goals. Classes are available for pari-time students ait Bramptoin Centenial Secondary Schoal and at Hmwltt-Paclurd. For thu who prefer flot Io attend formai classroom lectures, lèleullflhg may be your aftemaWe. Viere sure mhat you'Il fid classes ta suit your interests, cameer and location. Far a camplimentary copy af mhe SprigSumrner Part-tme Studios Course Calendar or for persanal assistance - just call us - vWl be pleased tai help you! (519) 884-1070 EXI. 4447 OFFICE 0F PART-TIME STUDIES AND CONTINIJINO EDUCATION e'Mre is. a Van9etyof feéderal P ~ms for seniors in Canada. Would you like to know what they are? The "Seniors' Guide To Foed Progriis And Services," pro- i, vides basic inform- ation about federal benefits and services available to Seniors. This guide is available ~ in English and French. Il is now being pro4cd in nine other laenuae for distribution this summer. The guide will also be avait- able in a talking book formn in both English and Frenh this spring. If you would like to obtain your copy of the guide and/or talking book in the language of your choice, check the appropriate box belote. Please fi in the attached coupon and mail il to: Seniors Bo PO. Box 8176, Ottawa, Onltaio KIG 3H7 CI English 13 Frenchi CIGerment ElHungarian Naine_________ O Ukrainian OI Portuguese Nm Oluian CIRussian Street O Pol"h CI Grecit O Chine CityToknDot Seetosain Booksê( -----------