If you, want to knowmoeaut pool 1car ras ore adut ft * ra i 1.. yo rha I. i "K PooL If yoLi're like many pooli,ý So'hark yotir caiendar' owners, you probahly don't anid plan to attend. ,know as much as you should We're.pool and spa ex- ~Abot caring for your pool. perts. You can be ton. BioGuariJ can help. We make swiznmig a We have the knI veg e heaveniY experience. You nieed to make poýIeaoe %_ easy. AMd we'd like to share 8119poO Our experIse wkhî you at a o bG a free poni and spa eveniiig. B ring a neighbor orftiend TkaM 0"à"wCY P O S A L 0 0 < _ _ _ _ _ _ P O E 0 * !0 N.UMW N loi nfoRmm on IoeOW C uoSme Hosted by PRESTO POOL PRODUCI Lion's. Club Hait, Miton Memorial Arena, flomj.isd. X Tuesday, Ap'ril l7th - 7:30TM. -- K.Si.V.P. Door Prîzo, Limited Seatnf.Rfwnmn I %1~ 1