-AESOP'S FABLE STILL NOLDS TRUE iBIGGER ISN'T IALWAYB ETTE THBEST $HOPPG BIS lIRE AT H4 TEFABLE: Àesop. a funioua'fab teWi la remembered lbr hiem li1k. mc larger ane In the reflection aI à stream . but, in gr il, lostthe bons hoairay d.' IR- DME tory about at laoked abbing for THÉ FACT: Mieny of us todaye f1 lkn -i so morfothe gOMod thonga we haVe b. rsac.hig for -a temptlng offer "usd uroncm munity. U By shoppin~g elsewhere for "The bigger êbne' we »Mfous-. ly undermine the economic structure tiiet supports aur 1hools, churches, buainesses Orv evythng 018 that makes or town a great place to live ýan&wr This commity could enjoy greater prosperlty nd many Mo" social nd civic facllties If oujt-of-town spending were kept in aur local econamlic bloodstream 1 Shop At H4orne - Don't bei à lctlm of a 1300- year-old fabI. -'-N 1 -qunD glu Mil Tt