!North needs sa y in sciencé centre 'goodie' - Johnson SyfdO*MAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Nt dNUpud Ioteca be aua rKubi.emuas the.l.ai,.wudwna idi l.bhni.pd J Atn Rgln cliataso JOwU vtaa Cm hud po eh 1aat = ho tm ud p aÉàme cfDdngo' bce"hI nu bui = 4cfd m»a bume. dU5:n MO.tviàe ctfndlor JaiiWehotl "i îe ladad bU2vtOonr) tht. p.avlndat-Ca,. Pcie t ppy, abat teL Hel Ucyway, ho "-d a %ù Pul le fraubbles hi-e w, ""past 9ul 1& .telkwamt a. yul wcrkz Momte mah 0 eus- bseatm eh w iieet M Nn âdnp wuulduind Intl Bua Oneli ddng Heet ol. n.tou ainieme. gaadIiw endt we g@I &Il ehu . dS httey ilt be wel ti e gi ýe off lte~ pieusIn ho. W i I l. ommteewa.deattg wiele a canmu- lac e "t mnpafg of.eh. aet.dasem taùdiSt ien gJWW be ught h.bkt ettite Iien ta?~l hbe t.lwh devWsm ftrad in i oihn rmeve cas pIlier tâh. support of rI ttemif ii pelu.aipublti ada dactetnmk clude ScWwue Norte in Sudr <280M t1 eh.onded we Wbhaty run eh. Osae McIIy of o Ccmle. mehv ueietd «Pc.- Aelcan Uc. taiin Rci O M, te pemucta e «M. a oub'tdtu mul depazemie hawmSt, .mp bts ai. wet ptmsta oedtae Rayai IoMfa Consens ) Mf te Onento th.fle " po ifa higli qMadamc caat aSi of g Plmi= ràldetneh rupou la, a Z.tad1 4'.'. d f odrecc' fteh.ee Sciermc mt,. (1=»00» eh d eu ento U0,800 eo pupIe iprscttew i h it arte' coeupte. if lie echou th 3 MW two ceher opetons - In Zaa (1,100m00 amiete Rayai oeeeauo mouunML%-=O o st w th :m ouü"md-upes atMmply drop te rmel or at tem wu te (1.400000) ajl o~fmwi ay t dy tnauau à - 2 k ouuaJosmmE*LagIUAlIOlà mi AC*ua.~. a., VY &W.u TRUCKSacI 'I ~ru~h<g SMoCDooaId cum.~o.ni~M uv$~s' 13.101 ch~,À~ Mifon Pt.-- 9-N., LLB. Barrister & Solicitor Suite 301 205 Main Street Milton, Ontario PlcL n.atproua A.& gte uapn ta lp LI