a BERN /CROWOLEY 2 ACRFSI R44 M03 878-7470 a . STELLA PARTON Real Estit Lid.. Broker Mo% BEAUTIFUL BELL STREET BUNGALOW 000,0 ,nfocOe A.4ro $225 0OÙ R E/M«A Miltownî Campbellville Realty C Tor. Line:I 854-0777 Page HOT OFF THE PRESS! $479,000. IVendor olonts 10 oeil tali 42 beautilui acres jus, minutes Io Hwy 401 andO Guelph Lin. Superb spot for1 tate hu0ma or ho0bby farm amnr woods anio o, CAMPBELLVILLE MANOR HOUSE $89.000 A àognhlast 'Enh L4~esenho nattai05s on t 5ci015 xl OssncCGrMI . 01 Sot of CffnpbellIle. Fira badrson plus flwfy*a querers. e.ienmîe u.» ai .&ald toîars - à fne exacotoS no.,. ent1il W howa of Tormno Im l - , m Selling a home requires some ingenuity Developing a gond marketing plan essential to mEike your home stand out Attr oudecdetaoelly=i home, ISeht bt-ngh..f0 ur= =p tclu wlth all alter reatos within your peiua nestThre. a afsl litta hn about ..tn ttmog th ta yor home la <tal estate board. MLS muni max=me Som hosdel thesoselve but thse vast on the nwket vant beaceqlahed ln a poeur oryu prope"t. majority netabe actlvely soi How do nuonber of dlffeillent lcys .tc the moe After d=cdn on hos t îltou andl you malke your bouse stand Du ro htIprtnt chois you have to malle la how your realtor shouid d=cd bhar seiiîng toois aIlier which cmowd the mal estatle section cf tals oehmta incorporelle 41110 the marketing plan. your fcaa newspaper? With an exclusive listain you appoint onte awn i gos. often underetimated byý As it la wlth any pthtr type of selng, tht rtaitor's flrm ta net as agent in the sait homeowners. r perhape ltt moot commo Ilopment of a gSadd marketing pln le es- of the bouse, Thtis rositr is given the ex- and effective way of sproeding the r. - seta.You =n yorraltor 9hould work clusive rfght ta oeIl the houte durlng a tellest fron peopie leo have servn tisem is togehert to an individuel plan specificfperod of timt. ecil prmîsing because thty have, whr tkes inta account the unique features Tht M ultipleLstn U evc IMI>sonyikd at touside af your baome, like ile of y aur home. available thugh à realtor who is a memberr and irant ta know mare. First step back anl ry tuobe objective. of your local mal estate board, and is by far ; Newspaper advertioing is also a itel. lt's esigtial ta loosk at your home with a tht moet popular way ta lot a home. ciow practice. Hausto usually ajpor iri critical eye. Ste it ao it rosil is and imagine With it you geI the personal service of newospapers on a rotating basis. Iis way§ how tl appears ta otrangers. Add up the havlng your own realtion. but indirect contact tbey don't get mtale in the mimd af the buyer, strengths, weakneoses and sperial features sa don't get worried if you don't sue your (including financial) af yaur property, and , yithpaervMd. b oetra ts omtetng thaict cta istasg Hom e sh w n b Tht opn bouse is an efficient way o yourself frmsmthn ht ota shwing a ose ta a large number af peuple many memarico as 0 borne, but its' lai checkllst tamnumicveec tyo.Yr if you are gaing ta make the moiot f y i at- mainimum innepa penion ta e y oucur vestment. - STAY OUT OF THE. WAY: presentation bookiet, and ai as hast for the Part of being objective is the scitting ut a Have your roaftor show your home open bouse. You sbouid do your bost ta stay realistîc prîce, Nearly'everyone tends ta white you're away. If you are ai out af the way duning thesec events LUt your overprî.ce thei home, su ibis is an drue non or have guess mej<e elw realtoc do the work. where a reaitor's experienco conmes în b.andy. efr o kee ou 0f the buyers' n addition le, theso traditional ways ai Hie or sho knows your aiea, lis %eliing bis- ellorig o hoeeepmat uis o fe tory andl wat the market will bear, and is way. nd rememrber you'r. not aelling aohome. manty srvealfrsnoafe weil-ocjuipped todetermine a fair price. Ihere as host. Dofl moite excuses Sanne ai these may include iallung signs Afier settng a price, try ta get an idea of for the houill and donit draw at- that broadcast mon.sges inia car radios, ira- tbe type of people likely ta be intetrsled in tention to is faulis. tradvertising for specific types ai proper- your pruperty, thon develop a marketing * IIIEDSTATOS y, visual displays in mails or other public plan which spoeks to that audience. A gaad Tum off lihe television or radio toi amas, televisimn cable advertising and na- idea s tu ask your rmlter tai take you ta look let the realtor and buyer talk tional or international adverlisang. ai houses in a simitar price range.whu it~eRgii t Alihough is unlîkciy ai ofi theso tcchni- lits always a gouci ida ta know the wihu itrac.Rsri es qui, wîlihoconso part of your marketing or put tttem oulside. plan, lalk ther aver wîîh your realiur Il CLEAN UP: AfWays try Io *pays tai examine ail theaopioans. keep your homne conslantly pro- Once prospective buyers have h,.n doen- orp. sentable witie il's being listed. tificed, appointineni or indîvîduai shcîwings S.Clear and clean counîerlops, wjn- ame generally arranged. Tisese are 'the best 58-1 050 dows and appiances. And remem- opportunities for direct face-ta-face markcet- 54-9833 ber to look atler the gardon and ing, wbere yaur realtor can facus attenion 826-1 030 exteror. on fprospeelle wo have shwn genuine inter- i BRIGHT BEDROOMS: Evert d Wfsen you draw up a listing agreemeont, Ane ayorbedrooms arenl large, thOy'II loot discuss how home shawings will bchand- Ane ayorbolter d lhey are neal and orderly. led.A A intment showings often happen ai I Associate Broker Always check t he balhrooms be- very short notice sa remtember ta ke Jfore the house is shown; clean prepared for tilent et aIl tintes by keeping Town and Coujntry bahom r rlclsllg your bouse at lis besi duning the listing pont perwo. 'NTRGESAE Coes It's duhing these individual shoseings that basemients and iu a nl be bues Yu atrwlnoolyintut eirpty bultlhey shlJd booki t - the fuatures ai the property but dentwith tered. VOU*ro golng t0 frove any- concerne that ame raised by prospects during 38+ACRS PSLICH 65000 way so begin ta go through Your a showing. This type af groundwork viol 38+fien ACRopES PUSIN oms M,000saoy belongings and box or discerd prave critical latai on whmn more serfolui 'rual «ta ll paina Sanm di S w o arrylhing you're noi goîng 10 nelm. n attons are underway. Rolling wooded %lapa.s Iho ponds.~ fua k.ee EE H I F H Noh- Selling a home van ke a vhailenging and h0rne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~KE THE AIRri FR5811:. fali lbMlSadr n tri rqeuety exhllarating time but what's important is ta barrir, ingh feumin ao dressagev meyO paOff make sure you understand evr tpof the the nou h 1015 ndressag in do i Fo It stale cooldng dînells or olher i oss CtY M.1 ,ihotjaehold odeurs. Keep fresh air Mn t bc afraid ta ask questions. Your rmal- clrculatirig and use room lor is weil-equipped ta oifer advice on deodorizer. what's best for your property in your = -ý market. i YQu setLthefln MUSK0KA SEMThG IN KILSAIDE S58,OO Ha- yw pOo 10e and cotagae in? ont W.04e, LoWyi t. we p.OPeh 5.01h @Md rond fiolsge. fard rab,. ponds. inIsO ban Stunrins and mus p.Ilen&ip deoignsd open plan horn. ebif 4 bedios.ns. ,wo sonep fi.ng coin, 000, beslns cathèdalcon.teelg nocSk aI4 c'mm*$ If Pou hO.sl.lngOe011 oldnarl. Laia la100 COMMERCIAL-CAMPBELLVILLE $575,000 Tmreedoas pareontal - 3 aeOnI.3 Sida Iroiî P~tw f&0 on and. . pienry of parki-g cntrai Sien Si 1.00500, w.01 god incarne mm ' a M%»OWNM LTDýMON Ina.I Assone s i c< il 3/4% and Vis teon.d0 ¶.... qas e yYoua chance logel 'o Me, ho.sir 'nankel nc. Sofid sall10 COMMERCIAL-CAMPBELLVILLE S299,000 OAX ViLLE FREEHOLD Gel in0o 511 flOelOlOll pa ni, o du Jn tira rSr EXECUTIVE TOWNI4OMES Apslmni l" i les 10e 1.1.rtail spoces n nal .llsge burns. loaton ULider constrution s000 lu be olotit. WO11 t0 Glen Abbey Golf Course. Good access to Toronto va 0kW Raig Oelwreen $255,00O si BUILDINGà LOT- ABERFOYLE $129,900 LOVELY RENOVAT1ON -SOUJTH MILTON Soenc on1e acre Win0 gaad stand of evergîoens Cls.w asasaas~heMd0..1.border. - raui nier nas l11roiu1 pr0o1erty g000 scess teaflcHvi4 17 YEARS AS A LEADER IN THE FIELD 'Marketing makes a differenice By JAMIE JOIINSTON In prehîoos, otians, i talked about the neixi tu get a marketing plan. Whon the market bas more broyern than properties for sale, then il is sometimes bard ta convince selliers they noed a proper marketing plan or prog raim In todays market tilat shouldn't ki t hocase. While the market is stili active, lihorie bas ta Think home air-conditioning, now If you're thinking cd central air condition- jng fa your borne for next sommer. it's nul Size: lits important ta undcrstand bow the size ai your systemn sbouid ke determined, se you don't get oversald or undersold. As a <uit ai rhumb, your systemt should range in size tram 13 tonnes for a haune with leu thait 93 squaremettes to 3tonnes for a bouse Dentas Now lea à timaûn ta otat shop- ping dealers. A goind duatir ba pst as imspor- tant as gaid equlpinent. Regardim. of what pou pay, yooar systun wll not deilver flt satisaction If it le nit expany inatallad ki a specillc plan designed ta markuct each propen.y -t hiet bs ta. exos ilt tas Mary potential byrasposeibl In a Step, by sie procesi. a saleos n should flrst anaiyze. the pmoperty wst tfimhe vîco, ta determining who wauld kc attracirol ta il for reallns such as location, sizee . number af bedmoms, entertaining atora, ec) and price. Thte nexi step is ta find out where theso peuple might currently kc living. And thon, only at this stage, sbould sarespeople discuss the marketing pingams they would use la reaçh these peuple. White setlng out a marketing plan is one thin. getting tht saleperson tacarry it utis anotter. At this otage you are luoking for ac- tion 1101 promises. To ensuie a certain level cf action or ser- vice, several meal estate campanies have in- troduced warranties - not warranties an the condition ai the bouse itseif (oemember, the broker does not own the bouse, his/ber jobi io ta seIl it on kehalf ai tht owner but on the levelef servIt the bruie will provtide. Now tisai la itsiling a broker bas fuli ontrat ovw. Funhlernma no broker sbould toaw any pmbubiaviit maklng; suds à coin- >gmit ifot Uhe/üsetraly la sinoere In seant- Ing yourbInsinues. 9