Four new village constables are slatedft; D7m*mDKiL G t oLthe car, get with the pop e. = y ~ Gpi Mt ou meicr muaIemt uth dI w t wlk uadr p ffm l n M"ln laiieet. M eutluiui d Mata les F2l To tM «AI due lamI plama a wth due oulylng oemmdil two am o il wSl. ulu M Io ni" "'he 97 par ott iaple bi é.u n-eof ai dur lrdy a7hg .dpleouuaetpeofiandt tel. support polce iiati lýwte apu ar lqcontabla"progism1 t i, çci C-lsdfutm .1à»soudyý t Property owner wants more rent from town It is raie lor a taxpawr w tur- tht' i s u t w a o n S d n ddta b le s o n t h e' to s e n . b u t p eh a p s t h ot Mr. Sudn ourt propet on Fourth Lite whch tht' toten us to turnit% as u-icke- amound weun the mStp hîli at Gfrvmiy Bridge ý viot psaýble. pànicu ri tr n tter. The town rents thetiurnimg circit fur thîs =upoe br Soden teas paid M90 ltaciof the last thrSt vu-ar under Sthe th:n ri , al ance s ton 'mail ic prmit construction of a wown turning let the munkcipality hot little choice but wo rmt'setdu agmement. accurding to a staff Tr Sodien uan.s 51993 loi 191Q matind a smiling couricillor Rick Day sautatioi and incrase municipal Ilee e ni Mr. Sod.n tying ind rieuatering idules if noemry. Brui l ' n ' Banda] Tolwn m ait i wll w te a ith Brie s, ,,",Un.,se unny howver He is ecover th c o deutmyred traits. [j opponsed wi the agremrrent. and saîd Counicillo Colin Bie si the the town should attempt to strike a drought problein, ai tost, is sot al;- ansd $1,203 lor 1991 -92. Ht' s charg- tu-ai baed onaà uwsr-pay %yeteni gavated because homeoutter don't ing S944 lor the- umnler now lin i J J -J ater the tj, trei riear their tnal mtages hhe ratnale hi' iii. Tht's tr o hOmcsý Mr id fui s ,dt'îudh% tir fos this yur afler kmng 50 wo Tlw Ptsbldt is In dris tehare tin crimes, uhirh prieeral lommîtie ac- drought and s'andalîsm lait >sut m iesW by thet rve, suds asin the' oepted, by caîing due ladt that li At pilerai comimifte Monday 1Ptt~Cnt vIi5Jt on Coossier- taxes have "en up an average tght nigla counictllat' Bill Johnason sug. csalht ha ad per cntpet ainnum and factoring inigsm uiialaai Tt~ ain arddm tu.qo pet cent for inctaudpgrmw retelenw e ten values osier the Wtm ni the w rmnrto oe agt'oenetst nmttd, howeve, councillom lust lthuethwas quite ck-.wr"ad.l opti w kmpa à tinter eyt on the Ar ilton Md Kfe a"gc id ugan ,cn e" -"Ii Uoonthud. pneviosy wis due case, ha said, lW' atlkm àayear - Ai Wel, pemionel ivIns In sort ai Haiton's cammunittu uill lie tel. courage Wa wol A> pati officmr ini .that community Wiafd 3- munctilo Bain Lm stingiet oui the' village omntabl cotn- cept as ia operate. in lIs Na%- sa aevawald for praise i'd le wa complaisent the force for the lob II liai dune in thet rutral arm tri mucli impmved'* MEr Lee uld tht' force ha% made grmt tndes 1war4M Quick changer slowed down Ca shierfoilsflim flam scam. Thaîls o noteent pub1écîtyý police wy 'quick change' Lait Satuiday &bout 5.20 p m, a fonnule utft attitta arecoeming up empty handed in Milton. e dene a Main Stnrme aaainhdange for à SM Vilg osale L.arry aMoitn lied Wed à %usl- bill ao site could all.ply um dte~hn The rmtmthmoughout Milton and àaoeti ChineStop cIevk Bt* clue that soinathins tie a thet peu aicle enplalned hose thet hgtn .ork cuaiomer denqto us the soutes, owî hot Teklk às pe pet. td by a thief handing nwr a The dette provicied change for SM. but tht reluse large bll and asking for change, winch the cishler additlona mquemt. Tlhe suspect Wh dos MMt walking uul'y accommodatau. Thet duel tn produces riglit by due pay tolephon. a" due ckwb phornhd the another bill and ail. lW more change. This ontinues police.' e t a i cs thus onfustng the cxishiet. The temaloe suillct le dacribel a# fAve lit. ffl tr- aYtv Sol to, slow It rigt dowî.' id SUIt Frank chu a" "Ihdid shoud.r.engt1h haer and about I'hillips 35 yurs oage. 4~ ~~ S POL*P*FR710PUU ABOVE GROUND POOW Complet. Pool Package i TODAYI 174-8770 CRUEEAN SALE Be Readly For Sprlng 30% OFF Exampolos *ým s-si p'ccY'& ( DWircM edic&* Fiom