c i f your classified Hotline 875-3300 C lass fied ____CLASSIFIED HOURS. C . assi 1 e Mon.-Fnî 8:3Oam -Spm a; a. i - Ls E Iiawu.o The Canta ChampIon lceela cie$e@~e Dfepley: mon S Pm Clos~la eori ie à Gare,. Sae* ÇbaslflaDfele: Wed 5pus llune= 11 &M gg& mml =UT UUM ErrorS and Omissions h.pubislar7assurnelno fihaniai kaihty tou typogrepfeci anars or oey arnwuons by Nt nauspaper other ths1 tho cast of speci occupuad by the arroi. C&irne foi erTore e, advertlernents must b. Malle, pnor id fins reat publicaton delle 01 Biths GRACE - ieed ..o Sohl penase la aviate Narrval af eotar seond did Jos>wa Micael, born Mardi 2. 199 et 8.51cmrn weighing 7 fb.8..U ti h n-it flaspitar A brother for Tyler Oevidý Proud granirents au Cigale "ri peiad Sionhi of Miltoni and Nancy Grâce and Pal Grame of etesfon Special fhaid OrJtanadD Pearl; and fina mwmsa o fo = ip= Heeib TODORSf(l - Zaror and Ce"i (nue Barriord> ai 4th LUna. liffo, ars plema Io ain ce fn bihO of #meusn Ourýan Thonses 8 les 11 ozs. ai Midn Disinct Hoepital on Mwdi 1. 1990ý Our thst rscdi M. King aid Fý Jadcon and the super nures in Obaueio ai M.014 ;05 Birthdavl Happy Sweet 16 Love MoM, Ded,Grdm Il V Muid Ut mm so ua ang mouerl and Liadih31,1 9MA = O".o GLENYS à DAVID WIIJU of Rsdo d. Ouato wu pemd 10 ie nage- ment oi toir diiM Jlley.so The. aeddgg teu 10a plae il St Phikp. C, sonneuont. Engl.i lui SepWeta 1001. GLENYS Â DAVID Wfl I1(INS Rockwood, Ontario, ve pleacad ID IN enigage- mail of tiek deughla eir b .$oto Mr. à MmChaierbo ue ofilton ti a *»ddng ail tae place in Guelphi. Ontario. 0ui Sapoantrar 7, 19W0 Mr. A M", Jim Watouee of Milin are plsend Id ainouarci qhe foriicortig mer nage of fi dmur Tracy &MMi id0 Bia Davnid. son of Mi. & Mis Alexander Lernmchéck of Toronto. Menrto lite» - aI let My Reary Ciuai onU~ 1990IM uu umsnm HUTT, William Rou (Big) --Suddeniy nt hot reigtince on =rdy. March 4, 1990, Big Jr bafova huahasi of Jean Floranc (nos Sales Dow taler of Koe Anea of Org& Loulng son ai Amuie Rie Nuit cg CM@e nid Jlia laid Godeon Mark (Ad Si.). Dow egofira R»e aid Ne vin Aice élecofa Out& Lowed unida of mwny ivca "i nepliates Thei km kt. WIla R. Huit muid et T6s Cree1-n Chagail of Nls Ile 111ierait monta. Oudlit Fiaiste Seuis tee heud Mcd- naediry avari e lhed by Ceuo McKersie Fùneral Homea Thtiny.ini pers -.uWi. anti uraiisUeira 1Doug KochrAob Bemno j878-442 J. Scott Early Funerai Home Pcrsomal andi Carmng Seryic e nOGi Cou«ffml lg npmraed,2daa Pro-paie Funanal .Ouurnati *Monumnent Soecîlcu, 21 James SL, Miltan 878-2669 ITAYLOM.LN - Ifn q measuyofadont SMoNiw, Chuiduehua a GMU GraiduisoN wh ehpagneary en Febuuay 16.1filale and -all Ye du te . -9 ai 1 Came aind Joîn Us At M»s Çontre' For mo Sping Soum onOW Marc 141h, 10009 L to él0 i Faiui Tome Proffreat Vomi As A Wornas Progian' S.TE Pý Paanhug Piornas Yoo & Your Sciios Afin CMi Proguimt Ahle Saheefl Gieulpe t e hll*e 6 Yoma -8 yle Yom ofo Pragram Staul Aprl 2nid - âas 9110 .For Infla pie.. cal 876I244 DISCOVERY TOYS Open Mouse Salu:day Mardi 10h,272 WinOie. 121W-0-Op m Foi mou donsodmoswaU878-7314 NEW IN TOWN? .-- LrJPUT OUT 11-R MAT FOR YOU! SUE MURRAY MARY YOUNG 878-3406 @75,2642 NOATHERN HAROW0O, top opdfy ew*od, pu mci seaeoned Ir or 16« lengOi $2050 bu@ht cord. Baggod lardi "loft wng Wood Wied. Urueaaoned wood vnaIabl ai dé- 80 F«e Saee598-1 18'>NCI4 ENGUSH AI purposa solde. nais con- diOo à PorT bauebeck padi 878-0418 ai 878- 2786 cller 4.30 p m, APPLIA16CES NOW AVAILABLE. White Wallnfiuc N oey doten. no pcynnerri fpla CP«epeFu-rnulua 878-2522 BLUE ~PIJE SEPTIC TANK PUIMNG I Foneufy Elie Upruca E.darpt-ac Over2 usexoune ";INVENTORY REOUCTION SLE>! 47% ta 6095 OIFF!! -.AIL FINE lni Stock- (Wisle Supplies Last) 10 Day Same tran March 1 Io Mardi 10 Terme: CASH Onfy 23e4 lhparlnIr"atuef>Ragý 25<) 1 Sep @ <parIV"ielot (Reg 35C) I* x 8-* 30o par Ir" aal f (0Reg. 55<) 1* 0-@38«par Ialoi >Reg. 71c) : I2- 45< par Irisai foot >Reg. loi) r 4* Me< par lereat foot (R4g. 52<) 2n S»O 45< par W"aa #acS (RAg 804) n* 8-OI par liseal foot <Reg $I 13) 2-n 10, @78< par lm"s fot (Rsg. $1.50) * fIr @ Me par lin"alfoct (Reg $1190) IF OUR PROOUJCTS PLUIE YOd. TELL OTD4IS. IF Nor r<U us. ' F1WT qcdIy me mont <arpel $5.9&eqý yardý Forde your cp * neti. Cdq Jen 1177-MR. 17 GOLEGLCIVE - VIC TRAPPER GM 03. iFad iEi ,ae- 'conditon. fie-e ued in gorne, buf brklin . "dc gar up hckuey dia tu ipiry. ne mitae ai ollar. you cen't go erongl Cati (519) 8521-454&_ MOVING SALE: Wéshe à dryer. $175 pair. freze $»0 Meoslasacu ns. 878-137. NEWOgrfiler Sh*,C.S.A approved SIS&Heu Ir vriiable &pend Band Scie. Aibor table. CS.A app - -a $196 Naer spoe bench duril fins». rJacobdiu", 113 hp.,CS$A approvad $175. Phona 878-2475 UEPT1 TANK 11%01NO ROM lfl uieU 18 L otfhaefor aceehsge fmm. -3 radio biot i a yau. p;; Ji ira be infini (S=Id lagi aiInfint aveuy 3 yoese) (Sie) "134M8 Ail..i -n w Ilervie P64M OVIER 26 VEARS EXPUfDCE f 80For Sale USED APPUANCES. truck fonds of top qiarl Vend opphanoes - set about oi «wBtW'y and dolivery 3.000 sq il showfoomn of used lurrnétre Halfon Fumuei 29 Amnawn AvOa Geoigaidun 877-4792 USED Office Fumagea good solocilon rn stock Haio Fumeuifrs RelnMheg and Used Furnîtuwe. 29 Astnc'aii Av@,, Georg~fu 877-4792 VACUUM Chamans. rn $W Aiea parie id repaire Most maokas Comnpact. ElocIrolux, Hoier. Figer Oupen, Kaby, %erwnoe Budira. Conretead etc 877-9501 XT TURBOIC. 30 Mes- f0%. 640K 2 -5-114 i F00, EIdA. »"le perde. Manions ns.neir. PloS xDiu 3.3. $1350 0,0. CalJohnralfo ROUND & SOUARE balns ai ha. flood quairy 8716-455,11 1P i DWAAF RIABSIT. Gaod wi8r cleidmi and 1 Iltea lRabbit good for &@@e*ig Case aMW"bl FEMALE Cadi--pS.7rmon0a aid. spyedetO shot 879-0031 Aiter 6 p M FREE TO 0000 HOME, Tenter*i-lurid Cross 1-1/2 ygarl Gooduridddmet ifvin 876- PErER CRAWFORD'S DOG OBEDIENCE SCHOOL 20 Yoms ixperlWm In Mum0 vu Nex> sessiont - April 4th Equipmnent indluded in <Poke "Tralnlng w1th love and prelW Pasese MW (416) 335-558 13 i ImDrovenent RIENOVAT104S, Olyteol - Cusfont Woodroei- Suspended Ceilinge- Toping à Fîrishing Repaîr Watli Paînting for Kilchon. dans, batiroonts ek For free estlenales cal 80 614- 3960. RENOVATIONS -Frassîng, driwtei, finish busemnieé. drap ceérgeý Elg or eMl tee do il #A. 878408 or 877-4778. RENOVATICINS RePpies Elee". Pkfonst. Caupery Cantpbelvdf. P"sa Miféon A sur- rooeing »». 5194648P. S THE HARDWOOO FLOOINO STIMES Pretlnlhmd à Unfinished Oak Plank à Parquet Mony specialul Guir 4011 ',lm *eo 445000p r TH1E HOME HANDYMAN Bit.e m .0 sa,i Kieone - - xu w 878-7036 FoiO e uI » NOTR~ TO ADVIE flS son wucal of la s..a ma.~ feu si%?.OU& rI.ih aiasy or i oegin'm l epb wots oie tu 8 nmme Moresa tg rigt ID nmes n.ayf dua*atee We hme hi 1i pa e pjaa p for aimpged appcnt Tanfc alniuuit opponiuas Su"rtg bra %ieni al- .700 par hmu =pl gapllon. LocaW d Hwy 25 anddO 401 isi Fith vAsaal Trucialopý