r t , i 's Farmer 's m~ Two rtmo letrttr for tht pot o 4. m o t la. raditonMlhalie in the atasnt hall parking lot te take ovor the entire dow1toso Now car- ganvetn faiant the ellrfit tu affonse a aletrdy filatre andI tu ponitapi evon "tic out-of-town <utlorntes la mas cntîwdîsi froi ontr d toi thec alter whcn the markiet wala held egtown" 'aid ajohn L.awrence tdagfrofla Mitetn Chhtnht fat Cotmmerce "Wc thinit - cari dis it sot 0faito t ,nci ovutls atir-et a, a motion t4lsofMain Simd,ýzo 'ruiMatn taq tel vv Satunday raornmg litait lune 2 lui Cantal 2, allé unanirmislv ap- pisoved at the town's general c"in mice meeting Mondav night 'lite idot must rerive final approsal au Pay hike ... . roin CO1JNCLLOAS on plagle 1 and changes it accordaing tlet for- mula, approsîi ini 19i3 whuch as bascd on the corn allson munic- ipauttes. Basc on tat iirrnuia. the încreauî tii vear would 'ra% te- sultd îiata.ercent încrcase fortitc ayoant= gito S27,716)ands6m r ejtncsaeor counctllrs <590 Howester, at-cordîng tu staff. titat lncrease would icave the mnavor and couiillos %uhStanîuallv helosu the comtparative nrunicipaliirs andi ii thev su$gestfd re-adyasfîng the base Bninging the cîuncîl stîpends up ta the average of the comparative munic!paiie wouid have renuited in a 52 pei cent incrvase lu the masilîs salai>' îraîslg îtla $8,'9,60)). andI a #,t M cent incroase for itm- bers of ciiuncil lSi4$ifl) Thil opion wa4 nî,î vven çhut lnîd-t by ciîmmîttee, allhough Ward -Cîîiunîllo<r LU, LAughrn. tdv- "tted the mavîli gttîng nîrhing; lls lfar th, average Th, ý,îmm'ttm, traIt uth bhris îir renurni'ratiîîn matti-rs ia 1Ie crn'llîs ho ais, sraik' ing up high tulspitont, bîL' tite gruser an addiignai $2<1 à nontit. 1 he flait nrirt >ii.ted that îuncil- 'r, Bill lhhin. Barri' [ci aind 13-ce Atîrýnboriugh have isards whn hurnentrtu% lontg di 'tart call, ha-î toi Wu mad& itraultu -n-t drdeJ aria lxntirsth hin a,la, cîînrntis th s bal vr lioin li if-J tl, undertak, ieir -i 'i salis surit-t wîith umaau rnmnPàî pav,îttehai fi w1t'ultI ris te he t l, pM frt tncroa-r dcitýr:n.l bu' lth, liual tlninul «. th,' matir t car alkisiance sa, raîtes lv II pM cent il S2.2la' Local Century 21 Office &Bd Sales Auociate Recrive Awaruls MILTON. Ontario, Felinia;. fIwo5 CÀenturs -11 Gofiet Real ElIuîat'4au of Mît i hanl bie w.,tncd the ,,, uied gE T. RION -aisd f.t iQ@9, I ' RY.i h, i.ENTCRION &isard rtze"etOu toîp ueo pecent ut mort ttn7,20 irait estate offices tirritutu lthe CENTURY 21 International netiettri cf ind.peedotls otoned aiti ttptiated 'W. are ;rotidatc have qualified for flice CENTURION acaid', ,aid Cornait Keir.8ý,c RriierOinir lTh, award as a .,bute iii ouf siait and ltre outstiî oithen havi dont tii pasil itar We io1ifforwnrd a mmn ut V-ar o# gin rtce unid sant tn thanl tq -omal cf, Milote o i-Ii'd .in tht- su, hca ItnT'I) iai. s-t higitet piodintg mlt lreenlatlne ouicfoni .5) al' tfn Canada Ht a, tmn ie pecent Iii .P ariste tîmne Sal CENTURY 21 Golden RetI Estat Lîtitl è,t reifnalîîd loi tittîr aclltteitnt &a te 1990 CENTR y1 Intetioal Consention, n Oulàndo gond. Feiianin 12 -t CENTURY 21 Real Effrait c' hiosIILd -bi5dtlv ttc Unlii Stal c Cead aur Atah? t Meul tiiI n ah oasan arket heads dQwntown, street closed to traffic natMnay'noews l 8tn. he lins the imbtidw. Mr. Lawmm MOA at t= con amoe aindoo ine officiais have givon thir àp ITht stncamg aidv 1h th IhinkUP,,,= ,,n itatsve bocmustit plenty of spcleet iatnc iia IMrh.< fasl thon.. said Mar 2 iihl î s biaitiwue coin. bons. lThoée PLÈ a utnt jail fitul Wt hop. . mi becomfe àdesttna- CouncilWo Mary Loîng, iii sppitt munîtv as mcliastoprovide"an oçt tial. %he uidl atter the mutng. bon fr peuple outtude thre courn- the metteinolntvt tpnitmcet ot Weut o emsm dnmt unytaoreaMîonhtu- j Thse Chatiter of Commerce andI =mt 0 grontnd thve la sus mr Pstrrts so dnd mo te muratg u teat po tle u the Dosentosen fluaras Impauve- tomera The -tlm fil bar ckud Saturday Kitchenen/Wateqo. Farmer< Mar. ment Am (DOlA) am putuly oWgn- Sandy Marb il mhotepiemetd the mnorrtnga froint ban-non. Noice ke," sai Mr Lawrence. "qI won My=.gh oiattle and.Iost 105 Ibu' ~haksto NutlSse. "l love food, so it s always been a struggle 10 keep myself trom overeating But al Nutri, System. 1 was able Io wî n rny wveight loss baille wilhout feeling hungry I aie things like Beef S$roganott Macaront and Cheese, Beef Tacos Ilnd Fudge Cupicakes Iknow lmr a, winner 1lm me' Nutl/System's Comprehensive Wolght Loss Program Includes: " Quick, sale , easy and, permanent weight - Ioss " Professional supervision " No calor-ie counting " No gimmicks Ir Our citent Stan W4hartonr lost 1015 lbs Wbea Succee Where Diets FaN YOU: A4 p.sy.laieto ONU 1h0 amftESwoE9c IJ 9mf*fm m m rw.ght 1os centrs i3 Weeks For $79, 1 CALL TODAY FOR A EBM NO"OBLIuATiON CONSULTrATION 878-117 S465 Mçin St.. E., Milton 1i (Across frorn Milton Mali) I 011cer vaio at paltcipallng cenltres. New clients 0nly a