direcors Thie Oafifle. Miltn end Oîsltrct geai Esle board recently insfalled #i. 1910 Board 0f DireCtOrs The, members of thé. MI90 bard of Oîrectors are jbrick row 1.r) *Bill Humphrey,. sec vice-président Marki Meitlfîu Irit vice président Richard Weime, dîrector, Malcolm WCOillinray. pàst>president. POUI autitr direcl Lawrte Ginen. director (front rom 4r: Virginie Mopkings. director pet Evnse direclor, Aneit Francis, présiderr. SMSY Barrait. giffra ménager end Nor ma POrres. direct*' Carof Poley d,Irec for. wes absent, 420 MAIN ST., MILTON 878»8 4 9 Toronto Lino 821-4764- f CENTU AP Century, 21 has been a Award wth Century 21 Jim & Lorraine Keý, Brokers/C>wners of Century 21 lGolden à"a Estate Limited are ver>' Plesed to announce the following award winners for 1989: RION OFFIO 1988 / JAMES C ID NO 198 IiiCENTURIO D NOW198 1WINI Golden Real Est e Limited 4es a no t hy21lte iwarded the 1989 Centurion a rd honouring a aWgo 3 fIe 2 sales reosntatv a rakin of83 o ovr 45 g21 system. James offices in Canada. Canada out of ov~ 21 sales represi warmest congrati achievements Jam<i SNO W N AWARD dER earned for 1989 itional;,'s highest 4 top roducing BS in thie Century ranked 28th in er 8500 Century entatives. OUr ilations on your SCOTT B. PRIOR Associats Broker Pipr.ssntative SILVER CLUB 1989( NOVA SPARKS- AUSTIN Sales ,Representative ERNI! ZAMMIT Sales' ýbepresent@tiv@ GOlLD CLUB *9& au8 , , t 01 -W lis 4