ýMake French toast tropical by, «adding pineapple and banana, Tisat aId stand b16 French toast, taites on a whole ne tale wlren you blonid soitepinea!pple jutceconcentrît antI a ripe basane int thse recipe. You cars always moet oevprtdmilk to malta thse centre of thse toast net o =d u an d hso. the- ban.unas and pincapple wtll give at c toucis of the tImpies. It's simple te a arcend topped wîtlr pîneappLî sauce, fits sttrply deliclous te, eat. Tropicai Ile Prench Toast M / cup (175 ml>) uedikit evcporctad mat, *1/4 ctp MlkipdJxalr; *1 smogripebanane; 2 2tbsp (3o mi) Irozen plnecpplepjiconcentrcta; 0 Sl"cs(1t2 inch/l 2mm) dey oldelgg brecd; *butte,; *pineapescuce; Directions: Comrbine evpate = mik wcle, eajs. I)aeaanplep l jue ocnrte in bleeder con- Canr.Corceb. ai hogis spoud until sînot., Place bread scle cn a ee shallow pan. Pour milt mtixture over bread. Tumt srr ove nce Caver ced = rlrrte one hour or until liquld is absorbed (btubd maybefrlgeratrd overntght if dcsited). MeIt a steai amount of butter in frypin. Cook bred dies prît a tînre,'utl goden on bath sides; add moebtea pan es nried Serve witholden Pineapple Sauce. MaIses 6h sîitrs. Pînetapple Sace Dieteine Pineapple taure: Combine 1/2 cup (125 ns) butter ced 1 /2 cup (125 ml) pineapple jar in strait TrepIlob laie rta Toas l tt le ma4W lte and Cook and stîr over lossjset until smoothly combîneid and.heated trougir Malles aborut 1 cap (250 m) 1 - - - fl f M flý1('aaIiwg 1 Fit SCommunity Cuch of Miltyon ec MassifsEnry Jonkins1 Clirc Ofce 878-0354 5Ecelro nve Uni oeS ita s, nlùns ALLANCE CHURCH m u go 945cm FmrSndeySst 6 3Opmi EveigSemaso Muaacy POMtHa.et ai Seetaca BAHA'l FAITH ST PAULS R. Box13 UJNITED CHURCH MILTý«. Y 123 Main St. ai James "Thot chlidren tirs aven es Rt4d Yut Patd ui lsécn liPnftantar the. prélyarst asseNg tisn SUNDAY UMNC4, iffl 1 Sermon Thile 430 m'.i&"O* Zý1 Lesson: Iire Pedsin Ges»ss Cý 24-9.1517.25- Fsna m rytre $- , 317 OPgNTO ALL - JOIN US! STHE PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY * CHURCH AAD KNOX, ILTON BAPTIST CHURCH P O Hov 596 L.r'e 170 MainS.. E. 87a4M a? 1'2 AW..er1- 'a iar.as.o.a iq- W F pare 634 4879 U;SSOSUNAY MARCH4. 1990 930arn - Adul(Bool.Ssady SUNDAY, MARCH 4,1990 e.45 a pi Junor, Senrior II#t 9 45 a M, 8.5e S&wlo 8.54e Sludy . rtI classes for dit aget 11.00am -MomWqgeorship 11:00am à :30 p.m. Gii6e Speaker Ilev Florerro Fimr Oervoses of Wtoullp, %rle -Churcli Schol (Agea 3-Gradie 6) andl bible Tasching -Nurlanq (infnits Teudff ?o 0.. up teo2yrs.)W>olLSL8»I ALL WNELCOAE MAEdEaeian à.4 11TO WBLTON WIACWAY BAPTIS QIUCN * 3APMS CHURCM $712 900 Nepsing Rus e.am ms MM wu M facette: 1101 in.amw uhW es Irn Lew4 Sundry, Marchs 4, lm0 Sunday Scsool 9:45 is. 1Ifip-êld MomknOWoship. 11.00 ar. ale..aacU on huNrý MWeti i Nurar Mn MILTON GOSPEL HALL' GRACE ANGLICAN meo"s6 CCf'AK1 iýOe am. - baahg Bread 317 AhWert., Ot 11:45a m - Suae Salluai 11711,41115 ~p m - GoselaService Sunday, Match 4,19 IMaic,?WW30P.rr 8:0 vit. Holy EucNaMs 'Fan W u a M- fl te Wg 10.30 arn. Holy Euçtsrit s M r-ý7 - -"4*ý -.1111110