ND nta riola% Cu -,b &- r4 mo '0fld "qiieuqaad vecty sapnarva ai mm Wor hanas ~.rieuei nîghla ( ve e"eaa.l.. d j hldatai =r 4 or Mcitlit 8ECMUARY - ad & W loi .l, WB mli alii Pisasai ea. aE o; na menui aes uncedse" MMc P apiilD um L. 143 mm i .le mo% LuT lm? ENJOY helpin, senios? Use your file aperteaisa Piaile P~ h o flama vamly MoieauSaicalma 842-5584 GEORGETOWN AMa DISTRICT MEMfORIAL MPITAL miiae - PART TIPiS REGISTERED NURS[NG ASSISTANTS tai. Medicain Cetficabît) ici mplt sn ow mode,. Rhaimarin Hmae Ex- psreS ini worlong wrlh tha aldoniy Would bi an assai Wî ail or excelment moîlîng conci- bons, aid a friend1y worl enyefoîrmnî Pisasi lonvard reurra or appcSbori op Personnal Desaient Georgetso & District Mmottai Hospitl 1 Flrtnti Anas Driva N Oiegamueffl v, Onlrlo L70 2B& SMITH & STONE hot be ai nnulislurlng eloctrlcil vitrine devises ind po#salaln produci ln OECROETOWN aIsic 1919. Cun'enrlp s, e quin* eh: ADMLYSTRATIVE Raporfing1 the plis rsiden. trou mil providé sucrellanal Support aid adinisre ai-. tance la the Seniar Maiagimm Group In addition la dicta-typin. using Word Pafect and Lotus 1-2-3, trou wdl possesi excellent wrtierVotlcommunicateional Prevouseo. ecuirve sieiai ispanain riquudý Sadtgrid on a SiIinMaiui Cop iseait .oudi bi an isiai We oller an excellent halary and bientsll qacKff. Entamata'quati lad ap&santa are go *Oq.ctod aatay fontf go: M anneaiceo CImrgiimn, Onarais CtIILD CARM WORKIRS TWO COMtMUNITV WOMRIES tb îev,ce Malion YOUths aged 13-24 Group. case mlanagement and advocacy il.tIIs requ'red. TWO COMMUNITY WangiaS to deveiop irousing services for Haiioîr voulîrs ageil 16-24 Case minaemeniî anid poqramý dIvilopment shijs esseni. ONE LIVE-IN MOUSE MENTOR (3 or 4 daysi midi> le supervise up t106 YWMls agad 16-21 n lîgon boird.ng nous@ Case mrniae mii md ninîa aperance rgquir:e CASUAL RELIEF WORKEAU rsqu ired lor Min aid Biuriîon group homme, Resýden. t'ai espine ina Oainu MWi: Mars1 12. lm8. Pleinat *and viSUe. te: 407 IubOIe cs 04om umvoe7r RO) e i a u d âpauaisi he Thés 0di ia ual for a lii 1w uiltuaomisi, *W eact bufam awe mm b off usl a moqF notent mm*l pw Tahin WIo hm aYom 0ii exwi iq prepusM SuImom.a i euaoe i u usmirn Avaola lubdYe M lie i. o mu "mmr atiý iaraa- - r- UT$ Mi iNh RESTAURAN KANAGEM NT/ Available at LITTLE CABSANS Cao u ais.p at 170 ecr Sortat Faond ywd, lCaiy alf7B471. DAVCARE ta nad- in my honte tu, 2 musaI" afid hdei fond 1¶os eltrit uf id fr mi. bira mds6ia: wotUd »ài miasasx Co arfie EXPERIENCEO Ioig dayosofn avabu for 1 or 2 vr-o. ....lers or toidierse Rel.r.nces avadah CoSe psu. 878-6910. - -- EXPERIENCED Dayese Peovidasoit gim lomerg cars to youw dmN. km cf or"a Md Oumor 0"y n Iioed yard. Moi nue" lmanchesa A ai. Infants walcome Rotîrînces avaîtable. Raison at" usk i Pet 8711-56151 FULLTIME DAVCAftE ivaait" in my honte, for cldolon aop 1 Ym Sd CM.r CoS PalAria 878-1475 NOME OAVCARE avait". 2 cavrgand alo. parancd ~ua. u mi.E.C.E. Hsmemada mui., idkashia N. JM.Denffaa Phoms 1175-M07. MOME DAYCDMIE peddby un expèllauoed sochal. Vour dudmi seul mmg aid je- liviti oei*ed cas,.weuhW uo idid «Incus i a hofpy Mmpnoapue Cod um il M71784. V l ie Hallon Board W . 1o Educatiin invites proposais tram applîcants who are incorporaled as a noan-prof it arganization. or wlllîng ta, initiale the *pracess ta aperate a child care facili- ly Ioated in one 0f the falwing schools: Gpening Suptember 1990 liier, Dmn pon sciant V10 Pieue submltt appications no futur tin 3:00 p.m.. Aprit 1, 1910. Applicanits effon abtain application and criteria packages by cantacting: Mr. K. Rerup. Purchasing Agent The Hattan Board of Eucalion 20W0 Guelph LUne Burtinglon. Ontario L7R 3Z2 Tetephane: 33i-3663, g888451 or 827-8403 Pet Muillolse Chair Be Wiliams Dîriclo Imei p mei - '4ye.li ' uid o @Mi Mwe *di. Pb*i il ai%, boom MW à kuuod .r NuMM kOa baàa ai mi. r-U raifi bum giSai. Il Yeu W" in mine bdmmdan pbai id M7 OUALITY DAOR in Myg hame. m *Uue =amMa i i id Fil , fPl u Sa 7-l SnASome LGEAYM NEECED l-MFIpa m 'Teacher ngwith poe-schol îdy foi l amC ntres. l n i es t developnWntldelays and deitarite thsir elleibiit)f0t the lIspiiioa Propar. Fsanhsv, youll compile an aaaesmci. thesi d evelop afd imples tent an indavidual p lana for emdl ch îd.Pvrring mmmamawaia reparl s0 part of Yoý have a domi la Ealy Childhaad Educatioi faimn a Lnzc co (0, equivelint) plus à posi.secondary prWm da wli i the ncediol'ctsîtdren ailli cipmeisa de asYaur epesc% icludes 1 >rear in a cld cire WoilnL z i, workiag saill childre wiih dont&].a delays. A valUd dnve'es licence lit aisa required. <~nîiain brhe A.E.CE OÀsa pr.euîiite t 4dvancemeni saolary range. Satarv range for this poifion is $3W.666 progffl<sîoig to $36 865 Quaifled candidates are .ssked to siabesîl a resume, OiIig canr petiia ff5 29-MW.po-mrd a ltert han Math ;,190 t i 1131 $fot*. Ro.a4 OakviII., ,ýOnîa, Loi; 1 AMISED aid ~ri For hoif cdu 8745W or 1 -100-307-4027. a 24-hm et criai u dignai usifn. Mablicn WSwn Plae hn an enugenqi eIrahla d fe ibusi o adls Children in Milton Region Ail cii.sire conenil PREGNIANT à noud a hiend? Frait prugnaicy Uman rd =*ahdu"i airvcil m kigla $75- 1243 ' NO$ Gel the faclp. Let'sTalk. Cal the Ontario Mitsiry of Heallh AIDS Hatine 392-AIDS, lev UMMJ im. %laim aa'ia 4iJ un'" nie mam Intime A@Wai 8000. Cd 87811-1111M laft. S p i.uel.«,. alipme on maihuada laie khDZDA 323 LX. 5 apiai 111.060 lui, as- clsla n$.00cra. 7-51 lUS CAOILLAC Eldorado, oaan oae. M 1085 FORD 9 TON PICK UPi. F150. XL, EXPLORER. Autonme. pà., p.b., anite 2 lort peit "ii nMWoa. 5&2m00 or (416) 72>- 7m 1984 00001 800 Uurgundy. pmui bral.a, pose aliaing. nu. «49a, 1.800 Ira. fI4.600 Cod 876-2m0. 1583 MAZDA DIESEL TRUON, excellent sadien. 100.000 ils,.. 0~Ui $3.76, Cd 111718723. tIPU FORD VAN. 4 dule, auiaiuie pà., p .b. aisuh. auni -adie. oaiibdow $&3- 2M Bor (416) 7â.7. RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS For Your Truck Purchus. TENDER WG-10-MU For The Sel ot mot Mix mmdIr CToMMI Asphait Seait larmis cieaîiy rnirbed as o o. ei wiii h racelvad hs the Office 0i tha Manager or pucharg unhui 2 o m. Lra' T nie laiad. Mi 10. lii or ihe Sip' ilol. Mineand/n, Cnd M-- Aspirail Tender documents nray hi obliîed Ihon thei Financ@tPurchsng Sectlo Reieqonai "UnIl= " - Po80.7000 1151 Uronl Roa C7in Ontario 16J IIE 1 Tender mei b. nlted ai 2 15 p m Local Tan.. Tueadiy. March 13, tM6 on trie RegrofllMu qae5Cmse R00ni2ý - Il SI Br1i Rad akie Oi Thonl subniwllîng tenders are inviled la attend 1h. lomsi or any leadetr's 'roi eesa accepled A J Mooe. PEng MM l<r.h CPP Coînmss..ne, Manmage, ni Pur:his.n oi Public Woriiî 1979 CMIV SPORTS VAN. Noe mm. neW apiga MWs »at 80000. 078-4724 MMe S 1977 FORD JSTANd I4ATCMBAcK VI amm. ne s, bai o@h, bB ai. 7&.40. 1977 UNCOLN MARK flo. Psdpy fonui«sud $1.50, cuit 07-2217 or 064-0075 evid m USED CARS AND TRUCU0. Co a" MIaim 878437b diSe. FOR Sa«I- POU 1100 1uiW~Èmb ul 4 t mm - aidasli Ens~i ~li M8 haeam Anodire OM. CO 418-884 032 or 46947au0. RENTA liii 32IL Mp *aca My ime iloium, *le. Idail I.e leur roundmiil .esudig. CaPai" idie C 87"40