'This tonkicked us in the teeth' as ic Tha row fo duuwu hi.i-babisrtn. tha, Smi but by à c" &to dune U'Thte hardest Wln fer nes 81111- Mazzal vetuvud t a mo u mcill8Ud MottAm . e.hptasud. 4klw o.dtto. lianlad JBù . "Ever in lndNwmsdna the8 IIIIumac I.M Vthtunh gaine. Milton esa oal tima wicrq at 16:34 cf the 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~1111 asnd'."si Dne Eu nd Me Go)Usrts nabc- .og pe mi i end by Maimili but fh< in afluuthion's Rdb Fighawano gainai te won fi.ains us." air wholmrhtp. Not co-inclentafly den sud slin tc dand. doont Who donnad the poi toq tihe atoppa mir on pournt-lil shahs "Vita'sy 1a' found hint. 1 that js ale lune the Capitale lurun Bîi -811d i'mruly ud of Meicitards i.aa ciii>' as go.In tran the rigl side. The second ilr Il waatgaiths jkia Iolhom l," bagn Io turn. ns'Mym ii baaught hockey b.cli te isari stgu c the gagne Mihon tdwso~47adwaslbM S DmScontinuad. "'ol drand, not be- "weve turn;i o i op.o tm mo and rbtgsncÊJta t aiu ubrc odnupr Gra aitni4l7 d Daampîob %k. Scausal1 lmi, my enoitaons am going junaor 1B hocha>'MeuaedoCalevl . ashaed cf te dmn a aPut mustie hc wMlonso lo ne httnjtpit g The vocal Omai,,inu taithe home ice advantage aw4y ftmts Merchanis. 'y ids we're t upie that the B fiyo ans outchured Mût=o tns. sd Binc. 'o bitter, rie upse wtth this town atter ail we've Thts tow i.,,d us in the tut,." In tht filth gae, Warren Hast V ector o$tMlonto ait gante they leveoîualiv ten. He toDis IR th uck. down the atft boards, hud V « tot lad .nide, and swusg asound dué net t, sUit in tis a t %ide. '-fou PREMIUM ALL-SEASON cOuld doua gî ~f~ id ALL-SEASON , RA IAL Ca *iale ifh ise RADIAL A He ARs VA se.Ant 4o gatae VECTOR WHfl' Att Hart did exact tise saine tiîng WHITEWALL Siz. Sale Prtce lapin propelled is team hock into Size ale riccomtetior trailing 2-1 aitter te 515P S1i rîeP55/80R 13 62.99 OsIv 46 seconds inioe thi bd Pl155ý80R.13 72.74 P 165/80R 13 *71.99 permitBrptonucd a cramnie P 165/80P13 83.99 P 17 5/UR 13 8.99 and i couple ot ishacks ai tis, puck nrito their tird goal Fîgliano con- 175/BS 13 89.99 P185/75Rl4 99 verted a nice back pas. bu Ch, P 1851É~R14 07.49 P195 75Rl4 899 Clark int a goal - her, ise fond th, isigis short %ide Ir %Iazlîj isiti a P195,75Rl4 99.74 P205/76A14 93. 9 quick sisot selller, minute,I later, P205/75R14 104.99 P205i75A15 98.9 Mfilon begmn to pres, purttng a P205,75W 5 112.49 P215/75A1 5 102.*99 large nuinber of good chan, together liver the folouiý tei. P215/75R15 116.99 P225/75R15 106.'99 minutas. A înipping perart t P225i75R15 118.49 -P235/75R¶5 112-99 Braiepton, pouigo) h P235/75R15 128.99, BLACKWALL Second Pwrpa ftegne P175;70A13 96.74 NL'175/70R13 74.99 Clark got in alose d'unng tise ad- Pl185/70R 13 100.49 P185/70Rl3 79.99 'aflage butwas stick cocl to end P185/70RI4 10949'V to P185/70Rl4 87.99 tht belali anc optite score., P205/7OA14 114.49, wo ortepeat xie ûo Premium . o mi t Cv unthoy a ei LOWEST PRICED ali-season radial. crack udon in the. Milton nt. HIG H Mechans 'isopesi of corning back PERFORMANdE 'Te di R~AD IAL JI Vfthavtour 10- imure lapse," %aid Car- EAGLE ST Wakstmpger"' RAISED WHITE LETTERS a' LLOWEST PRICED"fia e.sn uetgs Size Sale Pite II lUtALL-SEASON frtlses, mmna lIe bati, P 175/70R 13 89.99 o â 0RADIAL frileuys c>amî Î= m"m P185/70Rl3 95,99 toe becatoi th r un er Me . 1rst P 195/70R 14 107.99 sa ee br fr hedMa rch3.rti). P0/Olh3.WHITEWALI. Tht sixth garnthed pits nigs P2/10 14 13.9: v â 'i Bnamn~nu og oa.o P256R4 149 Cmli for préson sizes flot shown Euyd> Mihton eyioeka2Oadongoj.sr P25i0R4 1499>"~".Siz. Low Ptice iy jtff Diw teo sKen Guil'frd belote P235/60R 14 122.99 Pi1 55/80A 13 48.99 the inidway Point of tise firsi panocd P225,'70R 15 127.99 P185/75R14 63.99 Zulam inoeoi.backw.tsîioof P235/7ORl4therow 13.9 157fon6.9WL e uptrod etsded, P235650A1 1319 P9/5A46.99 The goals isv Dane andi mastv P25/515 10.9P205/75Rl4 69.99 Wells uer. tollowed in, the second P245/60R15 138.99 P205/75Rl5 74.99 ce'îd bgoals troie Ahi Kylvu enty P2 55/60R 15 143.99 P215/75R15 76.99- hp=d di m allo, aiei ""~.2~/0R5 699P225/7 5A5 779 'Me ganse, was à penaîty-fiîieî ai- tair uti aier 30 penil called in the gante. Ther,wet ieisconduct, including one ta Parce Wo thnson stick oeial isv Bine a gaine ieiscos. CAHG O O D >'E4 a lcor thre ticpenaltis tu an TAXKE M E HO0M IE 2:20of tduin ànast ftoethe 0_______Na n point b>' Taylor. Brampon us n tie favour six ieinutes liter uien Wl f .1a NO ýA MotKm0 l~CmMdVC. oa «~Nle o Wells scortri ta osahe it 5-3 Visea daais t-Branspton. Fgliano scored wt) 51, omis seconds remiing but the Mer. chants could sot ioe thetlying g@a 011il Fluer & Chassis Lubrication desptea coupla of good cacs Includes Up ta 5 Litres of Quaker State 10W30 oil SPECIAL 21 .95 HEAQTlNG[COOý1NG SYSTEM SERVICE $4G5 CYL ENGINEl - ing sysise Pressin. Flush and Imiait Up saS8.$99 Y.EGN - ;1ý1I L rau ai Prastaona Il Anti-Fnuze Cisacit AHl Bats and Adjual if Nacasary. $54.95 6&8 CYL EGN ~-C scisAli'Hosas Prasaue Tot Hatn/Cooling Sysla, NGN Milton ME»wm 875-1502 OPEN 7'00 A.M. ta 6:00 PM. MON ta FRI - SAT 7:00 A.M. ta 5:00 P.M. 8 89 1