Wrestlers Spen ce, Pickett, Ste venson head to OFSSA &uM Piku.fi uuumadSdm ueTo aiit b»a lie flh a hmm mm wm nii im Nmaia tl bMd 0i- CaUhey ai Nelaon la wa but com Mmr.E i nat W. ahie ID tmpu. et imaMhwm 'aIi 1ud *da N"k *au. tlm bout. 44aiOFA.-C a oeff amid dmli Pzdchit mommda w 0kdabef1lý WIIIh I. 0"m ampyid ornmd- OhMiD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ muua Adniiat0lSenihml»wnàia&*G" ic * " à Con. ai j" =lm '1 d a bu table simé they aim b.d theïr Tht Atdmit a "" dui aimfb AWlIMM . w om dii dm>IA crmm h Pkhmtodu miha.y 24i lm om a d migub (OFSA mst mkath, mvd" "won tur mn mUmm urgi dm a mimuit Rada captmud du gid fflave p1m lagia am bat maklng tm, OFiSAdht and &M f As a lttDuyai afe a them 38 1"lo M:kiu fid ep u cmumpiohmmhp. ta i. M" m tey ddad lmt b. joitid by Obi&op a tbqiotid exm qpatalnâ aaL= u pmalàd off ont of th. days'M Chi Inc awy misied a mat.. Zanmthed finmittuai we sflo upotetMg White d for apuia Ma <WS&A dmtca ècua afCA ean tm érmuwbe sSr Mack. who b.d troube gerting o dmig quandfie hum thât achool. woeamd. EC, Dnry capmmrai tigh trn tehen hlahop Ryton Mmol Fadia vKied a cdelapa for the OFSSA e"t ail day was vkutmized by an Dn.ry aiso qualifiait fouri adit. ovma&1 ai lh 12 flnial", dropmad a wdght dam l pin tSm- b"e. Ula uo~odmdl otml m gme ai hihth b. ~ ~ ~ t ietmiOeyn he match. w ts onemcLa e k Cit He mimSrd backt ehice andi ap- iton chamrponsbip. panmltly de at 6.6 tmith2 seconds ta. Wilson tuas dtafiied by ai.e but the iciai.. dld ot muaim the Bongad of Whie O.k and lfflt a g9mir msop Ryan's Angelo comnevrma decimon. Th. match tatamm detn lied à nurnber of rails that could Sinc Spnccamm ehrd lao bae hve gne ther wayv W%*mcr txk a 7ecry of Wh.t Qaabt ett - d icto the second round but Cerramit Mhlas ta bet Bongard came bock to tie 6b6 tuhen chaleng fo th OF5A bh. hisWilson ivas given a questtorable ont, tint titeatWhte Oas dsputrtgpoint penalty i. the scontîf though tuhen the dust CHAC ends thte wresltng seasori sette Sçaence emerged wtth a 9-7 though om ill continue ai OFSSA Win. and in Ontjino Amateur Wrestling Another Duhightr tuas Don A,-ÀxtWtion ev~ets. Dundas in the llogn division it waq espected to bi. a tough who nsanaged only a fourth place in rebuilding voir at pemrriulýv snirong the Hilton Champtonships but un. E C Drutv but the ' vounq Spartar poetoHaltonis second bec a. teamr had an uitstandirg %»uýr per- GHAC Dudas reached the final bý fornmng consiqttv obivte rrei.- defettng Halton champion irdrv tioo GUS MOWBRAY LTD. SALES * INSTALLATIONS * SERVICE RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL - Contral Air Canditioniing - Fumnaces £WE.crpnic Air Cloaners *Gas Firopacesi Humidifiors ..FREE ESTIMATrE. 751 Main Street Eamt Effâà878-238.1 *4OPOT ~'Wy dem MKn ofler a fru 49 point bac ifliinon mont cars ad Wit tnicks? Bm 9"8.' mar ta Wuin ff "rksn pumpmlng te pKW up "i dwri. Todmysa utak and othor aduncSd brukin sy.M padrn mpbm*ny tsi but #ture r r, Ç Aund ispetin dtmm or woden on them dumands the kindl of skilis "i attention ta d«aI that M"di wom te book on. . Soi an49 sqmrmtestopsAM ahktd ofVoix timm. EU ds free. And it coulti be the titie of Vour Wes * Seo a pwtapË4~ deaier flots \ 481%mm AMft ma"S