2O-,year CAS ýworker has seen sweeping changes Pmwé thet Reliant CMUIitt' Ahila Saho (AS, Ut. ad u - Ma me".a hm.fn m m ml .09 ton Haila y "s alay la lit- =pan day. rhai làà datt lipumwhmtxd. adoption temul hm*hv.mm 5 ula When ah. jolad. CAS a a mrep- humte lb hoapilal, end wed have donat mi wfh~s opraOs~tie tiettaI lesiteso amie Bute - sonne- offIe wa atai a l,1~kaain "almat - iqhohe mamaful abhl Part Hilton 9. rmmem*n my dehtea tZ ao amd buy,~byW ckstu mi ru.ibmmUp. Wdlook aer thr avit tmihe adopd% agtea *cnn ta pick th. up.' 1Te ataneapherte wascabu i- way 'lu fa. M lte socwa "MWa"- merby fieumn . Whtm Ms Ham hn bep da wedi as typing documenit§ abou Childri bie opu,àt kea Into Mp= e o,¶n divorcesint the aZe. Almia changedmalt onCAS i tht e 20y .apil Ms Haittann *ham tgedwIth it. Whleathe office ,novd front Milton tc, Bulian. site baratine office maaite and=it, alteratetheemwoOiiakâýîei. hbe- I .~ Cime assalml toi lte compaullcr * Whea CAS bmaught hn a computa sylait andit the accotating, Mo Hialnwal trainadi un'e it. and moe rnit.le computer probk.ras, wl 1h impttaNive epte. 'lbe biggeut change," sh.e sys. '"As hu th geowth of dmt av",c Wh ANE en 1 «tietai w. liai seven to eigt Ail aboard! rbu sOwe-c1i ' fie"n jett Ibn of Chg The days JrigSng In Sm"up of Pacfe UNma" oam $10, habita for adoption on 'placenml manti a ilOuhaqu w day" areve t; tac - in fan, Halto Counlilt M loutan, a.- CAS ha. Cloaud lis waitiag BIt Wa pop &akam IV t» M tht. int a In adopting Iafants Wdie Wy.TM dajuln boraume ao iest ne aval"h, - nuisn ognlmo Of l's jil a very lalte htug place t0 ahr." sieyai. "Amnd..m af lie ut~g~'~ISion poopl he are linul. - ity oonmatfy. eily rte bou théb chilirea. That I Wall of honour à mua M mldItqm alian maatth UaeUa a M m ahaw NopUWW POiat1,m110tailla un- Library's new arrivais are rghn"t upfront Tht7, mayueialy appju.r Feiday. Upstairs on the 'mete atasa shel t nour the Information de. fi VOu are quick tacugh. you may b the irt peeson tu borrow ont of the mewly.areived books at the Milton Public Libeaey lTai bak have ly spatit a aumbeeF days do Ir. = ng pracessuti Nem thaytng beoe tinisgine asuhtreaut sert bti- tiaWth =csvi as tht le lisbary tla.ey tal.ma ovais ch, a giat camaptae. Stick hypoputae Pitts'w,ge Bita. Roiemn ami Caite hlgtprtd neuth They'l,&iav1youon whatbbu I- attume you til and tn ma. You'U r iio hl! ý hne uns- 1 don't titinl thtwae forgot- »an ytltt mRiIstotaice 1 aWt not a kalie.t but I tttpyai beoteiagthmtîgt Leslty Anme ?ncs couful i's Xad ts Harice olfarit patrma for tafants am children op soiage AIveý Iley tadude cardigana. leg sarm., fiuis, tcamves mtaler., ponts, an mi àu a wîmsit la A Paet aï odte ln idiagmo Tnatàg. John A. Gloser aMcieuta. the mamy Concerta that parets hmv reparding ibis mmmhod of assetaing lit is thepu ofain waut do tbWt matan 7 Mw an patent eahamie the mentil abtlittat. cf their chuditea' Books lke 7fr liedeky lIeu umiet- tie mie 1 fail I hould tad then front cave ta coffr an ordre to iscover andmien y hmrdsthat nsiy a- vetyaumwlmyamîly Osa thetear outaniay durngs to moiy &bout, la, noet tet g suria Com't mmar yaur fond ia plastic wTrap ot cntainers.uyiaulthor Liai Maisoa Hualee. Th pari ciaause cancer arpr U2 t-dia. nwtru but mtcmowniasms And oua paois reuse talbc Sm. Eves <w tains made huai symlhotl malmrals may xu hunma lai ga Mo Huai. atm cuvera safty andl asSurity inimatsas teS as the melo- lima of colours for the homts lateesorr to eti, a hoethy .eoarimeatal at- rmmophat.' . 1 1 1 .