Haltôn supports Milton waste rirm 's plans for expansion HWnReg ian seul not stan in the se y.n i nd a f Ma ta waste ngmit -treats at fois MobeDrvpln Au.mc Soirec=hai eqarteI. per- mission fromn the Ministiy aitie n- virefment (MOE) tanae Ils maîtycapacity ta 2.5 million litres fmtiecarrent t million flme, tu ein- large the geographic scope ai ils licenc ta inclutie aljoi Canada anti ta incrcase. the types ai easte il can handle The MOE. noting that al has tise poseer ta ciii for a iscanng under lise Environmestal protection Act, te- questeti regional snput. Public Wrks camesîssioner Bob Moore' 'n his report ta coueicîl, satd he i, stistiesi that the incremie volume wsil nlot impact the seaste 'ae ue nn ad." hasttiaisai "'se halieve Ai. mc Solrec prvides a much neededm servce ta thîs area. a service whîch wauld prulect tise enviromment (rmm the improper disposai ai sivents The W01t,00l litme per month received by the Milton company maiely consisis ai salsîssts and sludges generaleti by palet and tek manufacturer andi cafisumer% anti by piper praduct manufacturers. he clm paeys enviroementi manager, le hi% subrisission ta tihe MOE saîid about' 150X ai tise 8(X0,000t litre is reclaîmcd as solseet and salti hack ta îndustry for me-use. The remainder, he said, is seet for dîs- posa p rimarily as seaste fuel for ce- ment kîles in tise Unitedi States. SWitt the expansion anti by împrov. ieg prooess capabilîties he uaid tihe cam pateteti ta reciair i million litres orne propaset 2.5 million litres for use as solvent wîth the rest sitippeti out ta be salely disposet ai as seoste fuelý The compaly alsuadvsei the MOfI that t is 1,ngt instali làfaclies ta effîcily Y, e humsî-fri drumns antd simaler csntainer _Our expenience le te -osie pm-intlg antidiposa lintiustry han shosen us tisai ltere exilts a large numh.c et csîmpanies generaîieg s-asie in rIaively sm.Il quantities anticonsquenilv in 'mail chieialner." he sai The poxt. if approveti. souid e qutne = Ymlsajîuipment andi 1fr OXBOW BOOKS YOJR INDEPENDENT l, BOOKSELLER *Newt anti Oui-af -Print Sstian.ry % OXBOW BOOKS 877-M66 102 Main St. S. Downiown Georgetown Ac'sss the cannerroi Vrie ibarlîhm G Contr : 18981 tiser utilizatian ai nase vacant por- tiens ai out lat Newe Manor Halton Regian bas approveti a eew S21-million, ?igt-het senior, home ta replace the agieg Hallon ContenniaI Marior te Milton. Crie hurdie, itoweeeii rensaîns. Alihough the Mtetstry ai Community anti Social =çsie oniglnally sup- portet a 2ltbe actlity tl later cisangeti île minc le iavour ai a 15(). bodt(actiity. moitis 5i0 beis to ha phased te ai a laler date Thec region. hoseever derrcid it seoult ha mach more cost effective ani nsdîeptve>ireients ta builti tise weoehaf c Pt0g il passei a rsaNitatl it the mînistry's S0 pet cnt stateir tf ad- dîtional 5f) bd..s Construction lis siateti ta begie eext yer anti ha compk'ted iîn tise spning ai 1993 anti take 18 montss. Council accepteti a coissullant's recommestiatioe ta builti an entirely Dance your way tofitn'ess By KAREN Iltffl You cin have fun aus yau a ta ffft~~ ~ theg fi matiw n;Z d of tl o"rsdetCathyH Auchison. Tfitneuts instructoroiffmi à new way ta cinu shape calleti DanceT. ttsgnA and clsor- y Lynnette finie.the programn fur womce a oairae combises.tise basic ele- ments afi lmes workaut with the hmu of dartcîn1. '1'OUdOnîiavtaeagoodtian. cer ta in t the proram sad Ms Hutchisan, wns cretly torches DanceFiT ta 61 seamen in ieo clas- se.eey MondeA m 4b= sa niht ai BîshopRe geoniî DanceFIT is designial ta provide a compiete fitne.ss package promet. ing better hcalth, à stronger car- drnajuimoîsary syteîn lhert, longs CathyI Hmthîso hat put toig.tholo DmnsoofIT il fîtria peogaem i. an crcuatio), crlmset volvlng dusCiîg. Thes Mito aisident talche@ 61 Wnomein f two CI&. flexibilty andi muscular strength ors "BCh WOt. andi endurance finess leveis -easy fit seithout down routines. "it's designed te pve you a gooti bounicing. andi super fit wîth Lynnette Handleys DanceFli feeling and itdm's sise atddm moderate bouncing, Ail lesttuctors began en tise United States in 1977 Thic lon<competiltve poram musi ha nonsmakers, mcet certain anti son aller started in Ontario, I came ta flton in JanuaryT Çheet weihht iequirentç andi ji. at is nase a worl-wtde pistgram. session, wliich consists oftwoocne- minimluma l2-minute mile-and-a Lnete-olyssrsss hour classes pet weck for il seeeks. quarter. moan by sessîcîn ta kcep the seau hegin in April. Bath day andi Each clams % divideti!nie three DanceFIT program cnteraîiung evening classes seul ha available sections seîth eight car4iovascular and fun SO se c an inspire Yeu la HIit han rltly caughî an"," saîid Ms flîness routines. Fîrst, 201 minutes ai keep fit loreseýr atddti %I, Hutchîson 'Yor don't really stethigrgets the .ctic Hutchion. know you're eetsing." toisiameio he~I An Il mes-k ssion 'sith tis Classm.înciude15 differentdt4nce diavascular workout winch foi- ane-hour classe, per ssrk casîs routines sehich are offeed in tseo loss The class 'ends with cool- $66. To get insiaiveti. caîl 878-771