Miltowne Reafty Corp. 22 Ontarlo St South 878-2365 THIS NMEM NuAS T ..Ju,1o.s:w f ooo Wth113 cathédrl (8011 --4 11001001" -ofge bot --00rob,0l o000110 6.1,N anc cwn -t'., 1911010 $229.500 For More Ilforll*011 Ask for Sharon Ke.6.y DORSET PARK DESUONT %oP bOd0011 10503c t1.1113010* eOati4ller ivea of ihIr : ac, - I0097l1'I100!l fa-Oy F041011'1 2 0411,0. Il shed oc0 1001 1,th Itret bat, heovaldI bda;10011 .4 In 1, pool bath. sbd19 çOss dmc to pea VU caca, dock "11 ne01 mTClWl 6300419 connee lot( y0.lO Cal 95iaron Karer today ASWIr9 S206>500 AUDREY ' à KEN NEWELL Associale Broloers Sevogq Mlor il Distci Sînce 1974 o SI *040EY AT* o' 's- -, y001VA 111.3M ta 878.532 AUDRE AT orDU e 87"-489 878-2265 or Mun53 FO fA NCO T NMARKET EVALUAT ON OF YUR PROPIRTY PLEA8E CALL WflD AT 87&-5339 OR 878-2385 LITIG WASE --LSIGSATD ITNSWN q MIKE iMORGAN ssociate Broker 878-2365 826-1030i re 878-8093 RS A STONEIS TS4AOW oWl %1.M ewil n 1 010 -ý C- ..Oh 5101 b. f10 b 104%a 500 MwI,er. l t-0 ew4 cm u 0.0dle -. bom.1 Il tha wy 4*0041Mo, Bnd tfople ,th hostae11 and1 C-10 oèg Iord the-Il Pm55d41. - Th.0. - d. .0010 ehix y- " W.0~m.n1F1 -le 11111 Intenet C0 M". NATURE S HSOEAWAY Th.4 IroIf OPeo1 6.0.A 1* bdol OfgT -001001 ths finatl 1904rkn on0000 a1 O 00101 w004.4 2 Id16 t 5 rhIhI 10 the0 401' (9,.0 - Pt0 o. e. 15 ditS,0 40 El rao 1100 1%1 . 0<0 20 .c.. 0.000 m11.1 .111*1. 1409 100.4 *ona r-. É-a-r -*400*J 100 >04 .. - CO~NTRY UFE Th. WM -Ildome l mv - n tu "Ilk bId 3 00dom bnck bgg raa o. 8.1 wy e Th. b.g. 0.05 M00w end *1*19 Mont1 laie gb-.'- 00,4.004 floons çgédw 41 m040.0006. e VIS ft ma c ra -1* =11 .04 104110410.0 lac m . wodeo... p-i cairemi tm.4om CaO 140 t I- - as1 -y -.05 loi Màe.e m, j'm am 228,90 COUNTRY HOBBYV SUILD*0 O-tr ryoI , 005356 00 -0n0é "Il 5 a I t'd do 10*0ri Mat t4 t-2 unt0 <1*" 40040..*g 10 I,001 IOol E*..cfz m119, P. opa *0001101 0001,0o raIn .510 h00 n10 »1 h* fl 0001m0Fe 000 î1l. en1d 1-01-.... c..11 M .g.ho DON7 BE OECEIVED Y110* bat.610 B 10 et h- oOBa t-o Molay 41.1 00V10.0850400Ioballe *1140"ti .000 *1000*1 ha *1111 -00 A 1100000 51..2 0d 0.W dock m-*1 sor600. 1-.46014e In t-:WÎ10Se65 0104 CbO - a *000.1 IA. nill199,00 W, 1~ f 1 1 PEACEFUL y00 -h0-0 y I N.0.18h., thl1 W0 1-110 Ira0. pie*...1e.1 -P,*d -llod011 .1tG thI . -50e* h floor.. B-n, trot 1*00 010 : * , 41250 EXCEPTIONAL LM VM t- Y e&1 1101 w t-ý 41.1100401 fS-0 .00,hi ores1*. 411100054 l I. têe.d0 -y d.o06. eo.end *1.3.1 1.41Pm Io4b rit 8091* 0Ib.0 In Fwtçot tu 2M ef *1 Son 00011» 1001100000*M,*1me1.m Bd "0 0951*0 dooe e- A-mo '0*14. CIM.m01 Juat L19=8d329 .700. B UILD YOUA FUTURE - Rm. W286 100 X 200 bhid05lofOl-Ooat.001o0000rth of 0-ato0 dO 16 OR 1 4 - .(166. 0370 1.Bo*61404Mo.8t. a&Matha 00015341 1140et( In lvery offre of corsait 99 . a, Par Large mature l01 120 x065. fIludes cenltrai air Bld 111.41 floc, fanoNt 1r', 01.11 PRETI AS A P4C11JAE ..hil.. MW1011510 Bl 0025. fl ta. a s15 0.0 d . a3d.. o-04 Jy 10- and8. 10*.0,14 Bam w 11* --ew m 0 9 - d. ore o;eelBlB 0an4a vr1 It 62'282 .1m00 Set on ote oetr eue. mirw1s font1 Milon M". Mo.gan N1 Ï221W0 la fi Moculaîe bric bongaloni «Ils 3. b.dlom an11 d 3 bathi. Footurnng tIni~e boisement 2 fi.piace. central v050 bu4f d 01110.011e double garage, 00000 910011 poo and shed Stoos g10011 Ask,,,g S329 00 YOUA DREAM KITCHEN M hai -10d th. Uchon 10111. Cramant Bnd C'a nom 2 010 0-e 505( 045 00e' 10411110o01410401an 101*011 In.1 m~04 *14% 0*1h11 laS %e120. c* -*'1 Bhd 5304e vat0 il.0 0,R 00410* 10,. w th, 1000n .1 I s. Fo.1. 0010. -C N- i t'a, -à4900 'Jon ola, t0 ,-cý Ts3 0150 10119 0Cm. 05011 10In Zo-I ~~~U Rffùr dSCr Io10 p B r90290 01111*cl,ýat *0045se f0104f 122»001 00004 M001 10011 N-0. i10 W11 touse hmade8 P. .CW4 C0 e_ç00t0¶0 frSphoa Bld ï 1u.. e.. B Il U* o010.f laming67000155116*1<31111 Co4IlI1d Connlo.l* *lold 10,1e Ooo Il*40 ,e 88il 8410 wol tu400 Uct 3 bedoom, 2 pert50001, *1111 pne «50l000l1 en d agefuO bSlOQflU érld 641851. f arry 10041, dirn UpgdS boe car" Bld "80. fi e01 moant. p o m i et si194.9m0 Phore Bet fy m1000 tu Jusfp LIsa Mie .90 'I~ f0b 18 Im a 0 ftua 10,4110