aPlants he~ p chase away win er blahs necaptue thse feelig of sommer Plns n maîl pt d h I% te surround yourself witlusk- whtcbhaen b neptd M.clos gswervr for Mrin lune n oefe I Each plant hos its nien ba q qur taering titan those Ln need for ltght. humsdityZ 1id aretcontainer or one% whtch water. The amnourt of water a fraenmntype. plantjrmutre depierds on s Pat I .Y<>csci need Ivinonment aMp the ture o via r, tir plasticonmm Some plants The intervals betwoen watc- rod a peîldrving pencod Wo ing for ail individual plan hfl twemis cateetng, ortisers do irai w>cih thse seamOn àn cfa~ n The two most cominon cause Cmus cndion -.foplnt f2lrsaeoectr I lavd latsco tlee nuujh Ing làr undr-watern. Watei- dacnditions than thin-la4 ig is a fairly siumply tak if you vaeee and à nout curtgwl r1ineiner yooo plants sisould be Stake up much les% water ian a potted in on appiopriate. wr11- mature plant. Wîth an>' plant, draêned toi] mixture tise larger thse lina surface arnd The type of water you use wi l tise more rapidly ît is growng, aIma affect your plants% abtltty tc, thse "tEner wili be its need for gow. Top water fronn lnost sys. frequeist cting lemns fuas more chionne in t titan n cunter, grersthsglow. dowsn, houme-plants like. but If you. let tisehfore overwaiensng should be tise water sit Lir an opens con- avotded duning ibis reming ses- taitner for a few bours this gas son. Aslthe temrperature and lighî sejîl evaporate encrugit tu milie GIJELPII UNE L AND STEELES S@ b.-teint mali sa Iil asr SM' aeâ ir paxisble - ipiA-ta. mn-pý le & s-ee buuiq sm. Dock ondeo , Idm am& GO . $234.0M « RENT StjOWtm, à mtiim 0a91 HELEN MAJKSHALL. Sales fep (ie.) 522- Al'1 s 's MOES For advertising rates and information please cali Andrea Downes at 878-2341 VL3IIlII n. -at. un l2 am - tP.m Call Miltoni 875.oetO L Titno Dtoecr 304441 FAX 878-7019 ) .=. *uý - dt CMMIJTEW8 DELIT/fRMEE'S 09AM Piate West Hamilton Mouniain ittirttr conominium I-- new 1. 360 sq Il_ 3 bdrms 3 bonis, quahty tircadloorr 041 railings and cabinets, central air. humidifer rnuqtêed in central val: series 800Odoors viibêrnn îrekae eîînras ors Pvae ato bay windows. neutral deco Eceent vaue 15 90 or appontmnt cti ays r eenins 38 513.ten Gles - Ifl Ilana Nicholson TOWN LUNE (CAMBRIDGE) 15 r, w.at of Milion. IDveè 4 yr aid 2 stortn hoem. s.5atsd oi, a pfima 1/4 acre lot. conifoi sac. Mohagons tri,, OUd kitchen cuti board : main Ioor laund'sy room 12 x2: dock. close Io001 ariffl COMPARE COMPARE HOMSE PEOPLE COMPAREIII Wyars you sti oarg Close to 128acres locat@d Close tO Mohlawk or 401. 4 bdrm Century Cunp eoft & 401stmâm, .b lu? &2 td.,i sçgooe que jopen filsids ponrd à 12 mselg- teri PadoCi. 9 box $rail bank. gry facý NIlevsa aidPrid bn. hot & coii wul, &Sc o rre UZAAT AIINSOUT O 01MI# 1 896-8966 SERVRC WITT INTEGAITV WU HT EVERYONES LOOICNG FMR il 7-7 IlMIELIFE' KEN BIES