Student wrote, directed and stars in school play Dy KASEN WM Millets DistrIc HigsSIOO u dram co pitibe t =zsgst dessIn wllýI swge pinpsrîla Thse youenaclon «eU close thse four-day 1O Seàn Ontia-o Draa Festival sest their pressatost of No MqA Tmssgisi. srittes by Grade 13 li t(dljMrk Lonerpan /Mar~paa dîrectss tiseprduc- sien, as wel as plarnsg ts dH year seiilo pstsrabs PeaLea.der- ,Slip course as Hamilton's MeMaster Unlvnstyý "Y*' e st luclty se get te close tise sehoL fentival." sud thse eb year- oid. Miltonr District lias besti voived in the tie annual festival for higit shool, drama stusiests sînce thse fis osm- petition was hieldi tmo years ago In pressous vs-des. thougis. tise ste- dents enterei plays sentien hy pries- %!ona1s 0f thse Il estrts in this s-tr's com;settn, c'ght are studcnt-sTnit- ten moris Mark sa'd. The 19«l version sied Tuesdas- at Burlington Central Hgis SehoSi In thse 191*1 festival, Mark mon an indis-idual ating amard, andi lat s-car tise scisis mon an n fiemblem ii assard for overaîl perranceSMr Lnra Stageil li a cast of 19 students, sv 'l te realis pleasei iti tise acos 1J-eýs Tonîglsl is a sensus. isarsi.hiting andi .rew nmisers andi emotional1 play sen theougis a (riser amards sii ft' giseni for ce?' tesnager's es-e standing effort in alsas such a% set 'After tise close of îonight's lielton d-e.în. diîft,ng isnd ssirk district sompeéstion. issu plans Mll lie E C Drues Fligh iSc]ila- lias , hossen as osc-ai 1 sinners arid mosç tiso cntriss a drama .alled on tu, regioral finals fsitrs lrsn, 1 C P, 1 i, ç ad a c.mesJs ýailsd tia cmpettiusn .sîl cuim pete Alnd ly [huis plays -sis pc, ptinaln t.rmed làat niglit Marks ialooking to taise Milton Dis- .So Mis's Tmiei.t %s il %tari as aissie trict Higis StiSl te tise finals tîsvtie 14 Y p tm Tiskx4 fer tonîgisi % titre' fi mi lime tonîghi penfrmanses a, Burlirgton Central "I arn lairly cssntdeit tisai se hase lISh S fhoIsi c.,t 54 and a,, asailable a chsance t0 sein ibis v-cr.' ise said at tse dais Certain lts s '7 9i pmt dating bock et leain 8,OW yetre ère n displey si A"1111CIS ow on the Hadon Rogion Atu»um In à noie exhibk called Tmma frons the Past. The exhiblit opuned Monday durinq Hwkffl Week. An Edison phofflraph, à wathing machine, à »al and un nglnter's transi$ ère pet à few of the items In the pernujn-enten dlopley. Linde Twilchail la plctured above viith the phohogroh.le HYUNDAI MILTON'S OWNERS ONLY f of Cfll PIN[ I, INLN 873-1818 BOUTIQUE ANYTIME, ANYWHE *Airport Specialists *ParcA Delivéry *Fiat Rates Available 875-3015 Locai; rssd à 0psal or 875-3016à 6t4~~ )(;erat 6ed' 88 Main St. 878-0553 THE TOWN 0F MILTON cordially invites you'to attend our RECREATION. OPEN HOUJSE - Location: Date: Tinte: M 4MIE Saturdav, Februarv i4, 19Wt 9:30a.m to4:00 texciting RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES available in Milton for the entire farnily. Find out about fees, tirnes, program content and get ail your questions answered. Over 50 Community Groups Participating-