Today',9 s omputer tee. znology -makeshappy '.ndings possele, for car crash haeror s tories A.< en rs~ e lswusey 1~ihis iu n..adt ,fiiii ~ Ii ' ~ I nls tnpn tes adr "t"'hnEeuii aeta 0 ll ~ ipiee s e0a*i ~ rIçnMI .i.uE'. 1<e lsts W&N Pidtt SmIc.i dtheit.1,, ýq7 b 1 In8 a .tt g'ni ld< ec dl . h lnld seK51 A. s,~1<~ 1 < te1rM P., ws As .mm.uêe 1'. a8 pu roer. flante -i rt 0Z *Mtr. t«Ie * e. sde n 1= 16.dtko.ottd aiî.pilt. o S>.l.m % .n 'pli lekpfils, ~tid temely Mid the Ilotnatn. nupaokd 1= "Cahap reaire. %,riti couette tht ne J.esibs aIs le t.8 stie W , ii ta etse fntkd e p et stiuiw m' d8' ~ î~.~ itlptt'. ~tN o 5. I? 8 . . . . 'oogke, nsola-t xlninn mmwno. pat a e, t .als. ! t. iIwh pe Ail ih émur ,.r Or..i " i<t< wîîn e !one >dt' i roqe o. te itl , e O l r n î e1 ' X . eot h a s t , e l. cein MIîwdur M.5 pee 1.,3ed*wedh qW 1l,, n Jini d a -1~ lem -m- 4 uth1 tdwri, d .Uff aiee asiaI ha -ld the.helem Aiiieîîsfl ~~ta, iinIittidtas fleititi<1Wr. i deîît & -g th <mita 1ibae Iîiî) iit aIOd utd té older cars, elhin, sîn >byaisNf<t lll1ilOistiaia r. ktprhand te - ataII 1Wy can *h ht, frpreeni ito.s -*ktcra. Good oqy. et Mon SWarIn Loao. Il l ur ituer ~s n e r hai stwn îlthesxp drîsîolt.n 11W sire Aht.o< Mgi MI Ilt ihtni me.i. 41< hât t-,nik uoso , a the hie lmon <MaurcI tt relti asrsu.i'tlt 101 ia p.c îi..tî an 4tpiatai.e k-l s int th,.,àîr aa a mak 01 Luîia o i1 slrd ofi respi rsatie . cthmedt t1-l911 fîisoltti .1a itih hast .o,-Ulaatdu COI c t I .m . sîn t he, w sars anotte1 teiii k .gnshai kttîsha olos n rare te liremnent, et,1 t ta! iorntîd 16 it >-l are ý.8.w* the i . 18.15 l fid chtir atthio n !W- h-s n.., -1e gt,,u i llof huipi i lou n ctcail I-q mti ît 'l etr . 1.1k1N P'-" Net ihat ..5 tan utah11 htod tunii sle îr .- aU, I t hi . 14% i Il., 101W I.toc ote sl.. se îîuosti.1 tohe Il e flic rnsm t, lhts .% th.#. 411thosglt mOlet oui t1he idol ulîloneol k., ahts .L ast r m dt t d tte dire if the %u,îiaC o! the car*s ton.,s. 1hes okifi I ttlifsthe sorowg aWirtsn gortoperlo ttti5al 1.01<8181< craîchn aê -aller Wilalr draper -1 useal o. "O'! lensun1 hoch are kg miuli sith inelraiel> tInng akra &Wî. t desapld m. pei.ool a oloepr CW .tnî tja sa! taa t * Appi the pointug Cutnpoau loî the Car> tononh on hast aslfoarlit mertte4A*qe oneis wràtchts. so.ehred paria andPM ifak* Wu gtoila, quite <iSilol p..lnU alne liuts pnamin . pmtnd.:m" h. IPld vente cm. 4 1. Patent tab pik b j %du tatn Scratches avrot ewinosed I E u .,W= "aiedt.û . th,.*l LmF655 Main~t Milton th ptija 0 to aitse- -FO R D