AàW Mp leu Ce," Pm pw a . GOwl ~hfTO DUA-I 171 mmsi 87-2=07541 2 A Downtown Miton Wei<y Report On Cormurdty News, Views & Happenngs G THIS MONTH.... Miltowne Vanity Fair A new bath & linen boutique will be opening soon at 246 Main St. E. Be sure to corne in and say hello to Brende! COLT FER MUSIC.~ 4»wNEW LOCATION SALEy jTZ> FIElecmnic Ouaflz Tuner wilh Guniar Purchase 82 'Guitar String Sets 150* 1F Basa String sets Ai Bocks 15% Ali Cases 20% Ali Keyboa.d Stanlds 20% ~ Ai Accessorles 15% O- Coulter Music 164 Main Street will be the new home of Multon's onlv Music store. Dave is also the leader of Class of '59, a local rock band. r j Have you beento J' u W. are Into Spring! upto 25%/ OFFtanwear Szes 214 Fastiions for Babies to Tèens 'ncIluding *Buster Brown - Osh Kosh B'Gosh -Esprit.- Vuamnet Csue A Catered Affair's Café A new café will soon open in the f9rmer West End Meats building. The café will be operated by Ingé Oest and her daughýter Lene Oest. These two well kjiown ladies will feature soups, salads and sandwiches throughout thg deccme to Downtown! PROFESSIONAL TAILORING N AVAILABLE Men's à Ladies Clothing Alterations ( Exper, Eoe*l Tailor ST.E.' 878-4472 Iss LATI New street lights are being installed on Martin Street trom \tain to Mill Six new lights w~ill replace the 4 old ones. PROCRESS! .Austen, Inmuranoe Brokmr Lid. *Commercial -Auto - Home - Lite M0 Main SLL 878-7217 Annual General MeetingLUK LIEC Thursday, March 1, 1990 NUMBER at Papa Nick's e Dinner: 7:00 P.M. Meeting. 8:00 P.M. cail 876-2773 for tickets before Tues. Feb. 27 11-M Village parc.- Mr. Ian Jones,,,,,-,ntClom Ouality Greens - Presentation GIn einte ENTURE Garbage Collecion - Mr. John Matthews 's Fauhions T RAP 153 MAIN ST E. H AV 200/o OFF Commerce> MM&i E. on Wedding Invitations 870 7-2000 164 Main Si. Milton HOURS Maý 1 876-2219