j DSTINDUC!iMRAL ESÊNT Goldo IMilton Girls IIDSRA O Chinese Food rotal li Steak and Seat ood t Business* Luncheons FulIy Licensed under L L BO>. c~ Take-Out Service S 459 Main St, Milton 878-8814 *Chinese & Canadian Food *Lunich and Dinner Buffets *Salad Bar and Desserts ALL YqU CAN EAT 7 DAYS A WEEK TAXEUTRA ASOfOE 014 ROafST 181 MAIN ST. E. 878-006 Association sa REG ISTRATION -410 OMMSIAL CIMEl LAWSO ROAO SMI T4E This is areminderthatMG.S.A. wlbe 6Sj " holding 1990 Registration at Miton MaIl a * * *EW LISTING ** * NEW LISTING tir 100 2 IOUIt m.C.1 ait. s et ACTON - 6 Of Feb 24 td 't' 545 ~. 1 l- i- 9a.m. - 5 p.m. '2 EXCELN CMERCIAL LAND FOR SALE F *e 1. 135 $4 1 F- Sa sa» ae ý! ,e D-' [ie,ep ' fats 15 -IMPORTANT - 4Oc-545ce4t 4455e ~5~ s An adjustmant has been madle to oti oeionai regdejamon fee of Ae 5 $10 L1 8W' NOUTRIAL SITESasae $50.1Ichild wh&ch wa i n the billeti handed ouf atcà scCdos sos The fee wdlnow be $40./dd. '4~PROFITABLE BUSINESS s VolIunteers are the badkbone of any organization &we are Esaeý -0 ae saro A a in need of Coacie, Umpires & Special Event Assistants. FRTEEADOIE NUTIL W0COMECA natal &t deC "4 dam. te ede(4. . iINVESTMENT REOUIItEMENTS CONTACT ~ 'f ~MARILYN ANDREWS 842-8690 or 878-4380 BRUCE FREEMAN REAL E8TATE SERVICES INC., REALTOR 7~. . -'p.- rhl< -O<~ ~~L