85885 iloo" Go(4ers Trave( ~Iu: ~878-8486 Tmw Ord, 09v' gin *1.11w luitorsaSPut ptm Weekend edition A 1ar~ic uni sel Reps aqar VOLME 4. NUMEER U8 OWAÏOP , *M EMY X& lmO 40 CENT U PAGES Krantz warns of cuts if budget hikes passed on By NORU NELSON NonMayor Gord Knantz thunit de lederal budget. unvetled Tuudyby fipance maniswt Michael fflson. wi level of service psttvided at the municipail level -No< an th netlthree ta five mronths, but In thl, mn f i - anybo~ can't ne dtat then tuey cwKomUNUf have tulhm inthe.andhe said. Hazardous P.-iau -. a u i uaidu. e "0a MW deith waste d*Pot mdms cmà boit bête amor A"~. li re-opens petwouwm wu -mam la . oum *Tla . h~in'bar- 1ir. Ka U b.asutMa 60 wez thés >Y's = teue dia bu eO ( epe ' pd",. bavs " U i ma ell am ian bumua m 2 oi dus ~ ~ o thee c" b.ebuu. hiel~ onaIyi lob àe - lI ý cu% cloma bwUy o Sedy f C du m11 thie Rd Fai 1,5 or w u Se hi OSI-w»mr hD wbuhU i- 0p .121Wa e *1UdARF iehu mle -w cm~ ofd rmko du abumor ai u amsi hag-p ia .p.vsW duge ma M mu .r.waoeu wmaihi f wu ae usaimu', vcmimu mU W 9ca amcpaIl h regm oeý ýho" ow sloeip ta u suusttd bvî. arrangd mlth the MOE viMOtrrtIMîtut snd nustht appsrt, advemaml Oif.Iosdit es uur. ha aaad. ba- 5fp< tIi wrub <un In. tht peaStn -amu,,r csatuaioemclloen »à ctv .aldti ksw bsd.ng .qm ucill operative attitude isdvýpr mhtle the pnmnucuT andi laera wtth thae MOS guoYxt.tt have ma.vibiat up tht. rvbt ¶jMLL a a IF VOUR LOOKING FOR THE BEST MUFFLER DEAL IN-TOWN se ori osT. N. HWY 25 F~AI I