l6 166 rsaIl .WERE LOOKING FOR SOMEOP4E WHO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! ARE VOL); The ". l, W 7 tlt d r o é ot ofrxtl1o Tr4m tru Gbrd aiDmt pme su a s o, va .crac 0. rr oýoh Io. MtCr. l ob- " 1x su I, n SOa <t ia ar ir Wàf m à iSA tk' - e Kb.r!d eu l 5xà-e' Ira 9oar V ror S r- ar " DEPUTV DIRECTOR 0F PL Mltfon hae an opear.ng feraà Dep 0i Planning. Poaiilm. la Io opeo IV and la a permanaet Ioffie The sacoessfrrl applgcast rani n Orrecta of Plannasg Mdra filta colipo ait mtefr planning ante z and crF ho lenloed In ail poli arthrs lire deparfena 0f botfr p zonomg nature Thre Deprity Drrer mNn -rl aise Me ordilnale and dola ment'P rspnalitrea on te abs D.,-cor of Piassng ta alicbos lII apylrcanl -Il pteya<e topo Cornoom popOSrts and aon'rg a collet or dirtietlhe' collection al marron on land -se palttrnsf rtotrotr teO.Cets, Population assistance Iscloding s de Infortiron te persans ettrrng maters Tire Depufy Dtrectar oI P also tac aSie ta comrpose and detr, oral reports onvoivo<ng lonrg range pretabons 6<os olet, muocr pal off andor Meetings oI Mtaa Cogincg Prefer.es -Il lie groon te cana attoetuf deglf <n planning or preferably wtir a mrnrmum 0f proteasonai workr.g espesienco or eltg,4hfy, for mmemsp lonth Instituts If Miaies ta dusrable communircatie e8ectively andt oieil developad humasn reatfor essestl The Saal range ta $41 400 $5 contycelteosrve bieaofrts pack.age sirould fotetard a compite erystrence edlocatroa bacis refSoences te tfhe rrrdlersrgnted no April 13, lait0 R. J' L Zuanyi, M1AC. o, Dlîmctor of Planning Townf of Milt on 'll Victoria Pul Squan F.0. Box 1005 [Ofto, Ontario L9T 486 M60office *lei RECEP IONIST/TYF W. are iocoirng t a solf motivai inlckvoal viho a 1ivr<e our clasto corne ana fielptu imyrelsoéro coire .,position aiso rtqorrs egcr sk S rncludng use of Memoryre C t'y exyctriescela Mont Fr. tare s are r> oUlrlrlrrafin i'y postss vorhIni corrld assrsl r r ths Georgetov n arma rrltctronrr PIrawtefleptionfi (416) 873-0141 Henry tiilront.n BaCk7li Contralis 99 %i@r Drive Georg rown, Ontar L7G 2J3 Pagxe Adteft 9 dore Oa. WSrr<t Ccrs<n. C o rloit.rorrilaber ai cooniralg 31i IfarNeor Ruad B., tong<or. onogixrle LIN 1112 ) r. ppWgat. hl-rraer felayecr (dttCtMtlI FINANCIAL ANALYST Tee-Comm Eloclrmlcs, flc e lasdar In millefeuille dlstrîbrallof a satafit réceptontI (TVRO) eqelpment and consumer prodracia, le »MiOng a Financlaf Anralyst fe thoier hoad office ilccounllng depaortmosan lo- pi laI Milton, Orario. 7AN ý Ifs chatlgrng pos.tort m resyorble for oryty caclor Mottaiybudetra atsel r arjy. knedlte Sr.pet'om of Accounts. Payable Geneal Accosmng B"I4 Io toi Duty Drassacto EST Retnrm Tc..s Court mng matters Cirndalea mnost be college-iir rtary b-~ cy csrOns secs graclualoes poreserty eariad n a raco talann and not acconrt progrars Twc Ia thoet ,eas ielr ol Plan ai expetrience sn a computerizerd financa .gale depaot trporong sovosmerrl m tapea Pmrr'rtn aénce ot e àIi be gvreI faprse -Ins miro cesteut are sri04ess ILotos 123) rnomietdg rIs on sut, To putsiû t-s caglet opportun ty OteIase t-, <actual rOf.t s-lr ' .Latr 'ID rhy-ral and Personnel Admlnlstralor and prou 'rI pth polrcy Tee-Conl1 Electroncs, Inc. o. ptwm,.og 775 Main Strel Eas lrtfsrtg milsi Millon, Onturio vet ctl<' 0< L9T 3Z3 polrcy mie, r casfodros ISfrfiTN A STONE hou5 beren mefuacugrrsg dates cr81 a elâcfrlcaf volrfg dlevots and porcefain egruroaient prodacts in GEORGETOWN zinc* f11 foe yea Cru-'el We requin@e an. frrembersirrp te Casararils Th bioy a ADMLVSTRATIVE demonstrate ASSISTANT à3zcn sk0l aIrt te Pres.der. yo. ril et ro<' 1,750 vorIsh a "<rat support ani rt'n.iv asss Candiates '.oce Io thre Setror MattarQernen Oorp reamirne of 1add.trca drcta ryyrrrg. usrn Word Pel~~ ground and r-1 Lots t 2 3 yo. Mefi posceso excellent lter ton ,rcr'oa 'mMMmnrabsiS is Prs eus.- r. ;oe seotara e.paeofSe s tOgrrted y ritkg<risd on a SaresMarhetrng Oepatrrett I. Id be as assaI IVgr. alter as egcelent salat'y anda eni r ..ge f ~ i lfet.d qualtyted appllcantfi ale to respond In confyidence Ondicefleg purront or roorphifed aaloer fevai te; ~~ Smith à Stase HuaMan Ff.. cucoir L L7G 2P4 'IST )d1olol 60 Office Helo m ftey catiSlR T R int Iypo'rg E R A Y <rîtr oata Sacsretary rsqaead for Ptoporty Mantagement Company mt Million TIhe aacmasfUf appicant oirîîn yorr din poaaaa esaretp. an excellent slepfgane r tht ec< «Seh nnr and alo ta del"th the8< public. voeu C irn be orgarwSzd and so8 atfeg Eaplene and 4fr for wrfth a Word Prace an _6a t. aid' 900. fooping and Dicta-phoane aloits osaubal No boclrlrep.g requred Fleble part tinte Mirourttl Pins. twod rcuumé Io: Iofio Prcport Mmagowrt M.d, 143 main1 Shtre EM8I rangera.@miit LOT 1N7 BAS VSITTING &del" in My ho"t kW usat a il Cirdeb or"e d8834 EXPERIENCED lforg der-ame àatbl orf 2 pro schoolors or faddlers Rleferences aaai"s D o&pa 87840910 NOMEI DANCARE avait"l 2 cairng aid ou posaroe paenf. a thn E C E Horneerade sna~Iaartdonct J N M Denysa Phroe 8753037 HO0ME DAYCARE ra.Cld by on e.pormod rst offu ho.,d cmi recul leamrng and se- Smty ceerOs cmr voitr hotI mosai and snracks on, afhappy almospaer Cal Susm af 876-1784 DAYCARE AVAILABII Errpaitrod daycare praocder and mr hms flo opsrrerng for 1 or 2 ciddmcn RefereCUa Rsonrls raWs Carl Paf ainyhase 878561j91 I cril Proýade t68fgb o Iflating enstron- Ment for Voir cri Ptorrty of tapas books and a fesced yard Nutrtous lunches ana enci Breakfast of noeeded Infants celcoru filor couid taile moes infortration pleas i 878 OUkLIY DAYCARE availabie in My home Crealoe adrorse Large htoul yard Hot osaus Follor part terre Hornby875 2814 RAINBOW VILLAGE b)AYCARE 5 otraces avarie etn oce eosfe for cirridret, 2 5 years Ocair taf4f enrrite programee Opent 7 fin Io 6 p et. Mordap - Friday. -Moroing programmas aeaae. 878-7552 VIANTED Poison Io )oor alter f Ch,.dtet alet schoo1 3 45 p mn 5 p rM F 'W PcItet afea phtone 878 7782 180 Teachina FRIENDLY DAYCARE -n Mton area tec-.es ECE or equiraienlt Cal Tracy 87- 1955 M4iLTBN IEIGHTS MFTSOISroLt Q ores EGF leaciser tio ttt g Pldas 0.1 6'8 13Wo 1Î5 Employmient Wanted l.oOrl, ta, a SMal hrts ae o ", ri Iiton ars*rr< Phrone atrd do 1eta -c lTy Mrne ar, Otendaaeb ird ar tu Fu or at arit- Cali D ,-e 81, 7586 2M5 Career Traininag UPORADE YOUR SKILLS! Micro Computer training available 0 MS-DOS s WORDPERFECT , LOTUS 1-2-3 * DBASE IV s BEDFORD ACCOUNTING Begininers Weicome Reasonable Rates REGISTR NOW SANDY'S COMPUITER SERVICES (416) 335-1169 210 Personal ABUSED a afrua For fralp cai 878 8555 or It80-387.4l2 a 24-iront cheus âne fer asect cote Fsa oncn s Pile os as errlerger'cy sfeter anarlabole for abrasd contoen andl tirer, chrîdres in Nalton flegron Ail cails are corofoderroa PRÉGINANT A sedi a fsaisi' prie preignares lest antd confaleasai aservice, cal BrrOtgftt 875- 1245 230 Vehicles for Sale 1 W6 CAMASfIRO 4C Clean leuotat 0 rron mmc rear brairas Askrrg $8000 Cal 87882Il aflter 5 p <n cerdays ayore on atees 196MAZDA 323 LX 5 speed 81000 kMme. collent condition $5590 876 4521 9-8 5 FORADb TO N -P ICK -UT F150 X L EXPLORER Automnatc pS Ps. pIair/ts 2 <os p.art. frlie rtrt certthed 853 2696 or tdli6î '2$0 7692 1985 HONDA Hatcirbackr 5 speldeoln condition. 97 000 ro trF*d Asjorg $5 590 876 4107 i_963 -HONDA ACCORD LX 4 do-r aulorsatec clair gril exio. ir , arsr cassete CeorFa Excellent condition, 100.01X) mrlles $4,000 854 0216 182 FORD VAN 8 cyfernder. sutorsac PB. Pb, amfia excellent conition. $3.950 corhd Ï153- 2696 or (416) 720 7692 .1982 FORD ESCORT GI.. gooierr colrdson, oenliid. basf oflor 878-2568t 1980 TOYOTA COROA. 2 ti. 4 ay. 126,0S lkm. rt cteciérad. bide heater. soc condition $2.500 persflai 878-8329 satrbge. 1977 FORD MUSANG MATCHOACK. V. nom, asu. bast afla Muet »Ii 87"M3 1977 UNCOLN MARK IV Full loadd. orId Il50 Cab 87&-2217 or W9111075 avaas.g A FULLTIME DAYCARE avait"e en my htome, ior chédm n9e, 1 Mu aid onu Do~a Parkt Ame 870-1475 *RENT A 1989 32 hI fully sq.açped koasey Mater Honte sloops six frolge, simile, mroowave asowerý etc Ideal for y.ar round tamil, naSabmg Comrpeilleêé raw Cal0 se'nge 878-6134 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY "tl erN@lee ai homte Fas $M0 woody Prs soppoles Rlush self addressed stamrped erresiope N & H Enterors«a Dep EE 21 171 Rrvx Si A SIRt Na 263 PedrM M Ont Kil 2J6 FRANCHISE CIPIPORTUNITnES OAK VILL E' MIL TON Be yoir oco boss and reap the recoards of A f cttefort by becots sg a war,, D tarrct-o oer W,-t, î.ey 240 ouXets ra iý d.DID. 100 camtX n a MteMfltt< oe nýancteg os enhal s reQ. ted. te b- o ;'nn of 'le <tOrey su s 5CaS tot For more Information cail (416) 572-9000 7AX ýC. SAE l9E 260 Income Tax 'OME -AX i;TR-.nS p'*o-ded <t, O . JD E'0 Pc ,IoX -ATO 55ý; ol '-'t s1, . A caae 'r'ac1 lT rma " 28 Dai'. voretay oamte g.oweeatvd 'tl S.BE 1bu 8od 0M so ra tf, rCed radm "e '5 .36 a, t raleo.'ntir "a.' 12 - 'Carents For 0 Four w a 3o a-at ootism Mlalt I-ad. abou 1 c u I7ontac a",aSr're a l 280e S yt OOda ta aRents .esd cercrr ho5 0okv Id' mnt pli mil, larg ctn=rYard es 475 Noarber 3 tes Excelln RELOCATEO asrectitro reqre .3 bedwooes home. tiroi, dorabfe car garage for Appi i or SOOser Pi.11. ceti Bara Lafleciro aI Royal Lebaee 878-8101 285 For Rent 2 BE DROCM NOlISE otn BrOmroe $750 a Mm fth Ligrt Dufy Stapermsrnet inclure Avael a-l r-nsedaufy t 787 1125 or t 781 3722 3 BEDROIOM frotte for ment Newy r Maaed lUre garage gaod for cokhop si f75 Aoril ataleAperl t792 3 BEDROCowl Collet Bungalow. dtctttec Moutant 1895 a' sontr AcarlaNre lttmedatter Caff t 274 5333 3 BEDOF¶X3 7OSNHOUSE vo.fr garage ,'md -1. 5 apylratrons $t 050 Prluos Apsi lot occoparcy, caIl 878786 3 BEDRCX)M fairthoosu vm Motiorr Acaiabée Mnmedratct USrlos rnciuded S800 par monts 689 49,42 4 BEDROOM house for <ent quret selgh bStrwod et Georgetown 876 2205 clays 873 2490 afotngs A bvWsy ar conralaorre aanrtcc frome on Mooralargâ Cfeecnt. Bomifrlfdy âoereed and Veut TNoe bedacoes finosrad tamof ont riec al kWrg moen. apaie cimsi rmmr. patt om fr, ont Urdge. Io l a rce yard Garage Inclades dlwaaser. &tolie, frbag. *&$W eolNWr. 411 esIdat oeero $f1.0S par rrt.ti Plai gMreaa Cid 878-2487 eengt and