RENOVATICINS Dpd Ie odo Sraipendedl Cerng T i F.ros>tg ~~rWork Pintt Krcedrs &e" 1ETO tc o rl Athn s , 10 42 Cotnnc rv su11 çorr5 .an a y" 5 orn e i fn878 'iS REIBEXPERIENCDon HLPih Gpnin are Ci amilton ai and P WA ED tmised tAR. Dum HliNUTr N..O'MEr Tr' M dn qrrt ELPWC NTE Ç,J &r Par Th oonstfe arir 3Cal wlon CrS. on Mivii 78- I 0 23 FRNTD NKCLR P.. _soti-4 t S m ,sony I. p.n 16 CtiIt Dr, ilo EARN PAY CHESLA FROZEN F0006 LIMITED 251 NIPISSING ROAD, MILTON4 878-052n W. Clauies é loir 0. iood plicassrry iletrimes F) ean jabd Ptyprc hem, 70 BMM 330 p M Wage sa »fh»o'. astat Se ahle 3 monft Cor b.ns paîchage Contacl te sien keken $-.e V4 4'S lir Mt appwosmt We hare l anrd part bO poseors Ooa bol OrWrelc apfrarr Tertricar~rer OçpoeIaool su"an ka liSm. mage a STop0 Pair hr-r APPFIF Mt PoIo Locaed i Fy 25 arci 401 (Bdhrrd Prtr Illui 1,ud=Wto) C a LINn aMle$4-aaua rriNrr ftesrrrnrgISrreprrt Woker fr r 6rirrrf onref orrtor rrPrrIeposrrOn r -erraimi Prioe-rrrrratzdspoff Mulcolm Enguerlng - 275-478 LANDSCAPE COMPANY NEOU AES Self roIlited anrd resporrsble persons oorrrdàdei for, ploerrrg Sfro".rrr Llads-pnri 5£ar.y in wrlie frorAg surrrr Seroa cra~s wrý 878-7805 PART TIME RESTAURANT HELP NEEDED Dayt me hours for 'w Tea Room)1 [tonl 873-2349 or 876-1450 REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY .. WAITRESSIWArlER. For fa-rfy restarant Pt Camrpoel' Nonighl Colt for apPOinimmnl:, .~854U337 Rosidmntioi Support Workers Fori irne and PA"' Ifnr prSrrfS aednarati f0 supmrtrrdrnru5r ' -i, rtnqr#WCIual tra. drcac O S W or, B A e.Pr rn4atnd e.petro., Ca' t#qrrr'Sd for fit t. pos.rrOr Startrrrq Salar Sn2 920, f An.8 F NIini r tql or Part OAYLI COME 275-415 COUMUNITY LMIII RUSSISSAUOA DRIVE A SCMOOL BUS Train Now JOIN TItE LAIDLAW TEAM GOOD PAY -APPROX. 3HOURS ADAY FOR MORE INFORMATION 877-2251 1AI DRIVER.- LUMBIEM bELIVERY Clasa O Lrs fraquired Léut flme dean drrNen absffaa milus etcy meag" Ifr Puli sia be neat accrait and1 e.cant Thr, s a film orne position arlth corrrpanp C~rac AI Kisma 878.4139 HOME HARDWARE MILTON THE DICKENS reQJures Fui Ti Puomp Ccc Moncay -Frrday E enînIgs Apy in Pei" o 189 UN &rut. DEPARTIIIENT OF LEISURE SERVICES FULL TIME EMPLQYMENT OPPORFTUNITY CLASSIFICATION POOL MAINTENANCE JOs SUMMAARV Thre TOwr, of 1611lr Do-Parrrrra Of Lors..e SOr',co Mlm.or a" -rd,l for a Pool Marrrrranco pos.-or Trs posbon reports la t,. S. ce.Or f FacàDrOs Outffl OCkxb bý. fr ,q ard pool rrrarrrnanice pool rrecfran, c«I op.raon porterai frerdprrN napalm; càean.rrg and deafrng thr theS prrW Thre fur bre poo,oo. no4lS ileSrbli anrd ertda Ontr The. -r.tabler dpscarr rdi hra- gerreal Karo ,rrra slr,iI5 nflîdOno plumbng and poôt ope!ora orrrrartenançe eiperi0rrce and .VUO .perrefllt The ras, Sf pay far tOrs poisÙbo . SIf 69,h, Io $14 61 Ilr along -thr an eSdLer empifoye brrrrrfil pilan Interer candidates ame askod L Arbic, Diroclor oaiure Serrrie Town .1 M vietil PIF Square P..181#100s. LiT 459 (TRIPLE A) STUDENT PAINTERS fi r 1-5141-642-4940 * or 335.0739 of cail Ernpif@yment Centre 155 Skilled HeID ARE YOU CREATIVE?, WorMic flou Sf5oy wodunr wte a Voung, artabc rarseyfng learn 0 you harrle a stsmadr crear felle or mentr an opportunrty Foi budrd one piese cd or apply fin porion, Id WARREN'S HAiR IMAGES 876-196 4 Court St. M. & Main st. LANDSCAPE FOREPERSON Landscape Corstuceon and m um Conrpar anif pro"-ei a perrence 'n aff aspects of fandacape cosion Pllase umbnî resule Io Lauofli Ldmldcql UnUlsd 7429 FMU Us R.P. 8 4 Millin, Ontario LOT 218I 876.4100 DRAFTSPERSONS Pdrran.nt positrons anarfale wfh et tad.shud nr,uiActrr ard MSWIif 01 tort ardr4Scblad eslerw final aif îpsrems IrA> mgi meurtre at, iaafy Nlory4pperfflMs P.C. BEL., ARCrTECTIUAL POfiCELAIN *0 Annetong Avnà Oeorgoeou. 00*11e LÎO ilAS Fax' (418) SU-PIM AUTOMOBILE SALESPERSON go**"Pe wy cm demi* ln . "e in," -- m-f- ai e Iuihr Popute PortiDeC d Cam"e ad OMe malc SPOCWa esaiduaWnr -MIe Io arn elperenced borre peril meeng bd cilarige jobs t b. h.gNy rnotigad " bd «m Eiceerri oeenwmm sob anu d berrtifis *,th -S OPPOrlJrtp in sain above Doorapo a con. Mt a tait gro w arw. For apporntmietrt plusse ontact Doni Jaga - S". Mmugir Milo, n. .111 160 OffCeHel Georgeloan a District Mmorisai Hospitai requit* ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK (fuit Fiie> To r rrcsFng position S esPorS'tr. for parent accurrIs 7fro,nr'rrbrrnI -l lase lyf or,,dn aqrrcrrs as %iel es fripta on arrd '1* .' ar-'Is Tho. sucfu candidate - I frh-,ccur rtome,. 'fje eperooce uS'Og a corPutrrzOOc accounIng spPfPerr Wr offlr, a I,,-:ndy »orsorrnr conr petfrue r., ary erceirrot *Ofrlrg ConiteOrs anrd brrrref pacàagr, PIeawr fo-*ird r ,rurrrr confid *rc . Personnel Detartmenl Groirg.toon A Di strict Memoril Hospi tai 1 Princes@ Anne Drive Georgetown. Ont 17G 2it SECRETARY NEEDED For a non-smoung, one peran office 10 minutes souffi of Miton i a rtural suitzng. Presadent of orripanq nieeds persan w is vilu organizUim with good comýmulîcation ski> F5 60 w.p.m. typtflg and t ailhiîIy I*wfk wel on their ovin. Sian immediaely. 875M0