~i1~Sales Sevc DIVISMo 0F PARmISSON HOLDMS LTO./ 400 Stole Avil. Hilton, Ont. LIIT 1 Y Trol: (416) 878-8121 I HALTON OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW PARK WAY BEIT WEST W PLAN STUOY PLANNING FOR MALTONIS FUTURE 0 TOO1111101DEVEILOPfdENTOO FAST? a SUFFEIING 90N POST-COUeMN SNOCK? * FARNLANOS DISAPMARING FAO HALTON * WANT TO IEEP OUR GREEN BELT GREEN? CLEAN AIR ANDOClAN WATER FOR YOU &YOUA KMDS li THENI CS? aHAVIN TROUBE FWDI AFFOROABLE HOUSING? *FEELING UNCERTAIN ABOUT 11E FUTIJR? IT'S TIME TO GET IN VOL VEDI PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE SCHIEDULE <7 pm Dsgplays & talogue.8 pm Presentation & Questons) MILTON :. 7 p.to.. Ttasày=ehtry 27 (petit mmtu) BROOK VILLE 7 p.a. Tusiay, Marckt S Nauamuya CeMMUatY Ceagie ..Central Anta FOR INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTAd CHAIS WALKER (ext. 488> or DAVID McCLEAAY <ext 307) et 327-2151, 8 78113, 853-0501, 839-4540 or 823-8720 GEORGETOWN 7 p.m. TNImay, matct 1 Cadarsal Cemutmy Cengi, ACTON ACf.Ug, Scelai OAK VILLE Thituady. Mincit 22 Te Thitrdey. May 3 The Town of Oakville is alto rcoaewing ils otan Official Plan Seven Open Hautes wilb 11e lId thrroghout the Tows to dîscuss 1101h thn Hallot andI lakvilte Plats Times and Localions wtîl bc adsertised locallv BLor antd buint galae toaie 1a hi dec edf IBtheir fi -t plavoff conoteZ Milles sea5 held scorelets againi 31er asd bgust mgl tic X)Iltri eec fedfr At Canskate Figure skaters shine The Miltes Figure Skating Club Ba.sk III httglst: Michelle Bainîrii held ts Canthate Compelitios over (1lennJetrnlr Kornack (21 arnd Kelley the weekend ai Memerial Argna on Alderton t>) Thomp*on Rod WIVunter of comnstted flights: Mre than ut) local skates wer in' 'Michelle Barratio eolved aI lt-vils botSelsn beginncr Nolce 1 jA Flightî: Meghan, Col md profmcmencv gi l. Aminda Pîmeil (1). Chervi ilinnert: Anianda English (1), Barnîie î3 Gratin Roberst (2), N&ihan.il Wîck Novice 1 fil FltittI): Kaitritie en (31ý Ranmeo (1l. Jeu.i Browen f2). Bîlly Etseettary lA Fligt)i Dl-s Gleed (1f) Marte Rickes (1). Dany Broret (2). Wttttwi of coesbined Illght.: Amy Hasni (3). Kaitenne Ràmreoý KI.mentar) (Il Fltghtl Melssa N"Ie Il: Gàtin Kerîs (1). An Torelli (1), Leslie Ans Fagninli (2), ihony Kts() Breines Dean (1j Sariah Paul (3) Nonlkt lU: MeaghfraOBrien (l) Winnr of cotnbtned fltglsb: Novice rIV: Nimbe Klein 11). Shanriî Da.s Maie Rickes. Cèrisan (2). Amand. %ý'dge.Moo Bute (A Fltghtf. Andrta Fagnani (3> (Il. Alcy t..esun (2) and Diryl Proo&t.sc): Nicole Laforesi il , Koosles (1), Ens Chiamson (2>. tarra Kitchen (3i Ste wartto wn captures fifth Sherratt cage champio*nship with thrilling 44-3 7 win Stewarttores captured the chamt- Thev usent on te defeat Klbnde 52- pienshîp trophy wîîh a 44-37 vîctery 4i1 te get inte the finalý i eaa th-ms ever Ceniennial lGrtrgetorm> in the ittt Stsertatt tnvitticmal tille 1111h annual Sain Sherratt Invitatien- Williams Parkuvay usent on tu c:ap. aI beys bisheitbaîl tournament. ture the consolation final 6&M6 over tMalt Brais dumped 22 points in Maplehurst (Burlingtosl leif Keegan the wîsnhng cause wehite teammate and Tudd Martin lepped the senners Davd Zlati p'pd 15. Fligh sconninwith 22 peints each. Dave Ar- scores for Cenlennial item Graham cher epMapehurs ledi Il scerers seill Kennedy and jay Johnson seîîh nine 23 sehile teammates Dive Schesle had r ntsch wehite, Cianni Martien 15 and Todd Suirel14 ad -gh Centennial defeatcd Mapechurt Steusarttosen dumrT tue-ime 1)-41 in hirs mund actiin beforr, fermer chapeWm iams Parksa qaifying 1'er finals uith tho-r (Pte) 41- 34 in the epening ro= il-2 eîne.erWl Dttk. IMPORTANT NOTICE If you are planning a vacation soon check your fire insuran-ce policy. You may not be cavq'ed for fumace and water damage if you leave your home unattended for more thanl 4 days. CALL SHOME-GUARD RESIDIENTIAL SURELLANE SERVICE extentor os intitanr Bonded 878-1920 In, hocke Girls bounce back after tourney loss The Milton Girls Hockey Team was knoeloed out of i tournâment in KCes festsetuhgieThyeouded to dlaim victory in tt~ylatgae l h rguarsas,= -I oseBràntfordý For tht fBrst time the îlion squad wsea awirded wilh tht Ontaio Womens Hockey Assoqation ItOWA niotsnship Plaq~ue for geod spuossmaship % ~n by thtplyeesm their fans duning the tournassent. Unforlunately that plque wseat he enly hardware secred byithe tean wh %vent finles oves threr gami. Milton lest 4-1 te Un ted Cousîmesl asç lhey seere st-ver able te get on teack Only exicelent goal- tendisg by Kelly Picard kept the score clome. Kcrry Gale popped the oune Mltos marker with asoîsts going te jamia Picard and ont Lee Millen produced à far better effort in the second contest. A goal from Paula Haninga off à pass fImm stes Kare-n knotted the s-ore 1 -1 whîch hield through regulation lime When an cîs-ertime pet-ex faîle te produce a wnner the ries stîpulated thit both goaltenders be Vulled. Peterboîrough pillered the conlest wiîh a goa inie the mspty Milles net. The thîrd g4me against Ottawea seas a seelI played contest tv bottr ~dsbu t Millon could not find tht net and lest 2.0 rly Las seetk the tram fînished the regutar %cason wilh a 2.1 win aan.st Brantford Anita Mîstracci scered on a pats fmm Kim Hiagen _astracci relurned the faveur and set Kim up for Milton's second goal. Melanit Hesetson and jaiî Ptcard aIse collecttd îssists Milton finiçhed the stases wîîh a 12-5-3 record which is geint enough fur second place in theis league. Tht tîums goaltenders managed st-ver ,hutouts and a 1 210 goals againt averge svmth 442