Toronto area 1s 'garbage path' leads to Milton MWmmmm m W tirille Iu th halOau t%ôn"ita n S1~ M Yur ma1u a S~u a aumui ",=io di = "W hus mnia sea la bang abai sapalial aluiun wC~, taloilrvnal Par INiitum~ hoewv- Miltn eicov bdl Jiaisor agai. sayag ci ras way setl tr Tanvato~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A= .Puilggrag shui.wnaddapaumo utactn-yud t Lr*t àu game ind. ya lion, Chaîrman Pb .g p dam ita ha t 9n Aslwulag p opai th ie dump :Maory and eta up~a au Enura-. ài d ai lo tI aif ahe du wtg Mach on nvcmg bgdIW .ka biant oeatua taIo Aa.iriuiagmyb npae a aat Cliaurotanermuoli surnai "i dise are and la-iée amu. but adid du Puai. duhe oaursth dia m da te a sée the, duup i diallhii avec um - mi adt-t a ngot ai loiganvoi- lîloely Mfadartof athe Milton conm"pic mitit sha Rqgant Widnda wuri Hae mid if titi%ý s~a Ontario Supauiai venint Narnuatmg à cmitmg stg e , ha iaia. ha% an exellenit mam maviagamnt pro- du* =osa -u coewipeylMW fur pokale Camari daMlalMW r l~at duai Mita,. land- mai, "don lot sep, us haont uofiga a tg ie j unab Toam l munIclpalliu il. due iugxîmv nt<a hve a"i astavi chance lasg-maavn CTA nain di" =.patH ud acniutdualSICnat If appeava by oscmm et lu m ong Wudl- bi ta u- if a a contngaoy r Cauvicdliar Mîtchail =vp t msntimaents ben tutU hai autsairn taîtit vvv tatalitr i- n.a ir0 iaBala ah asida AUl CIA miunicipim aie requaad b SWISC of ntany coacicllon whitn du muid du a ne vioelrta tusta niaugna -1$alt 2web omma u -aho on lad o tagmnahuaie a constu er uta by due end of opparmi ta aitanng due Milton dumpý but a Owialngie CouJTICiev u cLaliv ap uset a b, aliter uagmunh Fé 0f un nfr v lt 'oa puti canoe-vid whetdar Taronto a seaoius abois taoutag due Halon propiosa[ was vsala - Chch cumcilam jam Miwt a rowvar unswa)hv id andd. ota acvg garbagappablats or wthier if as lust Ha uaoied duet 2MO.000 taonnes ouît of a 4-nmllan ban la don d ga~u eti - Cauvicill Midl mad duts concernai lolimgan * las, tonna capacrry as vos a pavticuL&rv large ilmar UzaudtWs strn ifa Hltn abou abtsai norrînating d cong" sgitea I.M ail kntat Taronto lias oa of due lutt ai- of thte paie ta, afin goutntaIa.V.rUin sh.luC-eat befaaa aen deraing dif itwaviis ta partaipata furtive rmrylmg pfflima in due province.- Ha atidei "it Haitan lib %hiapping &Ul Tosatia tm (IM._______________________________________ ci ais garbaga ta alter municipal"te for iav-al CTA mnikipaltiiam »Noln, Puai York, Dur- veauan vd ta via. refuse a%rsade garbage, aittmi hamt am Matra, Tonmnaa. uith ita al of du otan duinp oato îlt p zM h::ioe have foiiai avt .:~~ coavcai as bang ;ulîuatch tteue. StSua-ng Conamtittiel ta me if tlty con A g the Mit dunp as a contaigvicsitme com t ratiagée tai salve litr garbag of red hy B a d fE uato any aditmonti cosaa vJ'M ama icuatd. ThaMat coas te a haui li 192 whitn due ý ifv)i d5ti dtpttadv>tutev rmmv igav To mimimie traffir. the Amuai ofa amat-f- A,= Ypu o ui ou o duntp CapariIy ofien iAt ta frl du patelait imaîportavice af pvofiasional dewiovivt unida lo in ta wavalie ane hte 5M tartes a davvidoe.Xl tonnes a foir <it'q curvi sW stakigteproblei n itwa ways. Ta combat the kmst Hallon Bard of Eduratbovi t Adualt anid Corinvwvg Edutcatten 1% itniatîs at iv so Hi te mouai altoj Along-tean plan a havng put logahitr out , oàmn tonnesu>p àatltt for ,x-vai aavNioe agencac A raat ruimgau soluttonst wîiI ha ini place by 1996 ta dispote of rewlel teerai av-mut of intarait. and as a ratukt. plannintg for pvogrumt imi Ha.*"o t'O hv haa t caedelv mnkarger vlttle%, te CTAt watt in i cou effettviv an - Maritl vour Agrvic-.e andi Clroup Learhip Simlis ara antimv-wv 3) haute dettaterat fronvt outalde the tv-%tor, vrnmentaltftoatutanviu ieeavtloanntaieaakarrenvhtthli~uCtrOmlt aimumi ha pmhttvtad tram traveling- througit athotte-vvt plan a alto hang piaon a cîu-ianTtttvlh a covtpritaaîv a trra on'h duiava tac cuit ivtr uvidev- t uuraiosMrnThrvvmni ill the gag between 1992. whiav tht =A nna tLunt anid help cildnn loia diffevcnt athnic backgrounds access "aid bc as tae Q2EW or Hwt'. uad Otat af lm till apura, anti 1996. mrogh'tite "*-a cormunaty pirmut agevicff can vmmt wtit staff irons Aimait andi novvth ot Hwv Z5 a. the amie, Tha ina diffiarevace hetstaais tha o-t aý Conutinuing Education tadîtrcu d tv-tainmviç nads ai thefr agefacv Help cars b ha îvmet 4) Haitovi would not uccept ate trnm attir long4afi solutiolts a titit the iionten ion- lvi elopig and iplaentistig a training plan and Vl vissaarv m e an uriti merbr tmu t i and tlu' àntr' ttgev ont do viol hava to uvidev-go à Fov- ifov-vmation ahoat the communivv pigrmmn contact Avnae Du ai 64,-42 anvtat u c ju a , i t-'vmc a rmd va . rttt n.tvnvnal Aitataffint heïrng lt fnadbrag ! G (at diti the Milton duntp). but vautt appriatl nttl, FRIEIIDS 0F KEEP Join US FOI OUI Winter Meeting 'You've got a style of your own TUES. FEB 20th at 7:30 p.m. ..0111I and nobody knOwS it betiei than we do ~ a -HUGH FOSTER HALL - beside Milton Town Hall) FEDEUALRY SPECIAIloS GUEST SPEAK<ERS INCLUDE Perm $35' - 45» qiaei& KEEPS Water Re 'sources Specialists -Ladies Cul $1 4' -KEEP'S Legal Counsel - Members and Fniends of KEEP welcome __________Cu____$1___DS_ KEEP ESCARPMENT ENVMRONMENT PROTECTED mmi RM 878-8637apýfr»,fCa E ~ack bl'DeaIÔ MILTON ONDAL:DER F L 1 r F Ilp . i 1 t 11r? V !I'1PUSqH_ PULL or DRAG"1I ROXTON GALLERY [Floor'Model . *U...*m......