FURLNG,COLLINS, MANDERSN& GUNDING Offices in Milton' _ Your fuie' Brampton, 878-se8123 Halton Hills ~ ~J L7,fii MORTOE RATES THIS WEEK '2fl l " 7 i , I ...,.- 11111, * 3 3 *3l '?'. Il. ' 7%0w Ir 30~ . 'j. 2 12 12 '3 '2'. '?. *i ~ 'u "..0 Q.'2 1' Il. '7à m '10 lie 12". Ir. ' '2 ' 1.0____ 'Ail Owmu o ss IN la ~ Ir "0MIososooo am I m i l -~U I i w' E 3.~ ~~M .net MWg. fow o 3. btg. g..d S gO ., Î U S -bumsw eb ta IIII lisp soli mop m id.l, end T w1 Uo dsw. - kwmd taom 1 s vl.d r C.a UM Wset Ces00 s kw~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~c «FIMM coa ..~lolo . ,h.*g uad go~ u bose- ut O.w» = l.: =:c= o c .bso mot3gu t, 1wT d1191.a &@Mo"Vkw -oditim oh afl eit aè «M ta OI~~w - sit sBumu taflisus bm"mi u la. 1 omo, B me"' ohm len 0»W" mme i om Mt n.om~oor& ra"'. D110AN TI)N Du 8761156 64 WAM S. N NIEN Ml ANgwUMI sumvla -A little.planning helps. in purchasingfirst home co.mbfl titi afu«mw àd CMati p& o MF mmi "IN.hll ~9i is . litiy ri" ri& mm" pue iSd- mm wur l5 1108141111c: Ifaou m= -o :% arig l isf n due clown- Ji. you hmw for aumipi.-' lm, aoe' towv a id deuil cNld,.i. =wmo uahis" 1mi the bSuiw * ih lhbe dwqmchov bcda - bohoard. gSxuit mwmoumo tan teYasanu.y &Wvls or oupain à main. hontm e u y or à Cliii am fsj ugai uOmac.om murb uboarb aypnovhe mom ofp mntr f iMcon mal ud. teir e i" . cfU triwo.h mZ oo r uu arifdte =tIOb*a hed a,, chil of c homeoovnw, tthd Rural and unimi- MSON , Nn diirwa REALETATEUITEDwanu = ~ a'c REAL STATEUMRD ty of hco.smg Inui- exiaytaiore hm. 31 vmîa nià .z highir and coin. c)m ore mimtd du@ cou whIch but You qhooid aito tutts yoitA Culm, cofitOderth rvet of anid fheure làfuvi. hiomel vo titat New honu <oin, Whether t', V. l warmran t and to Ut coioni oi saN tandardie of hou Voit bu dnt etp«i l. <home tili re&ài Îhalscu, whkch Duit don't W t atte il th u blînd. ýu i.', .fa ew ,homne You ,tne fan expec 0. tunmi E'tàbt? vour f hit cpF ortu ma rl1t m w it y b d n .ti ý n (el t3fl "e.Ir htmi are mmlikev te have Sel vOtIa nem. In estabshed Law.PVouitv, odev and denI tnon vuwlb fia liwte um iab homs.O I .vims2u ptr. F.iW S..hen Ts buun* *ýM.2 'o hrnkage anid Me. itot"i of vot ut çg.O lib"' tmo moa" w.... 4 w dn hoald be pilt dream. needZt manmav t a. t ms Oi b' 5kwUtaaiS ~ deoerting mmghî fot by Me' n Y- .W c Va ,nccs .o m, - tarit coilai es k A.o* M Daft Wallon (51) 924- il be toe Ms. y13ut tille in à oea-atmMIW (OR"italhm Tovnhiousaen d ruwnffl~- manh FOR TEHEART IN AID 0F TH4E HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN CARDIAC RESEARCH On behaif of friends and clients in the Towp of. Milton, Transworld Simcoe Inc., Realtor is pleased ta announice the generout donation r'nade by FRANK VARGA, Real Estate Agent. ý1