Dateline l u~..a à bell a i - e id ab uwa ,n. Dasoit ona prs.a MIN lmbire mOdys -mW or nuisM mm- oaiq wp mait ns- senit. Wbla Ç - Sum iWhf one mu Co -ub lhoUe0I dm of Ine ocuimu al- I~ IL IANYTIME, ANVWHERE nAirpori Speasts *Parcol Delivery *Fiat Rgos AvauIabe m - i L. 87 01 :i c ui ",mt », eI me Namua toi ODels ahoud ti wnrdu -vbd ai , eMn OM of hé Cit,- Pmt 191 MM St E Cr.oe Ioi u etaa 00. 2411. VA. Ckt. LOT 40»S Tii 1wO duai.. a Frify.ýai & pa n ie E rc AX r7.f1 -eb a o awçfby diln0 FrIMY Fub. 10 The nma mutien of the binih Canuai Club, of U n ciiilh. a eull ntS éu. Cali 849-470 <daysi or 824 wn eamp) fos- iuorvatia. SFs-day Pib. 16.17 Milton Mias- Bactuol ciii hld regieaiaa foi ues M aAuga amu cui etia I d 6 iitup ai Mi,.lan ailtm ' u i dy and 9 &.en t5 pin 15 zl.Regn- iîîtion for 10t <hlW la S50.53 S» i Hwitqa r Calua cill be hld at Hugr Feiea 241 tmu 4 pm Sçiinwrd by Mdton and Nè- tapie ia himiocal gaciait am the son LACAC. the ewm il iiia clude waliung tours, dispiay au4 a tempraice te&. A bita hi*mrn wcli b. on hand to commerit or, old phiotos and documents Evrone la wcoae Fer moni nfama0ant col! Diane Sipat 7-3947 Miltonkt Piung Arts for Clidyci wilI pimernt The Indu Unim baai the Optumi Centre. flka hoden on, reminded doihe dmu opa 2 1Spm. loe P.ia 230pi pifcmi muibtgbirta ' 8 e. Sq- imnalo &Wi ahi h ld Fa*maiy 24 ai iha mon. Ciii Dum Marku at 87e 3291 for maon infarmaioar. Malin Ctl. T-BAli cli "l ugh- rhUa aim asuPem 4 .aXan 98 a iltn Mn foir " m.Fnday Nomes forcoache. umpbie. mlun- tm rdtmwishmno by oui for rp s Wn be Aiithes tene. Unihni clig h. lid and jubila cdil be availabla, Ruesnraion cdll uaw h. held Ft24 ai the moni fron9 411 to 5pni Reglittationla Mi Girls SM.i bail] .u1 h. bld ai Mikon mian front 5-9 pmiFiday and 9 mto5 iapiL Saisanday Uuis gila bari baicau 1973 and 19M. Qaa-hm cil h. avilible fert has wlahing ta toy oui for he lZmm.Rerstrbon will &W le tethe t 4W24 fvi 9an. liS p..ý fia Mii Pliser cml pre Britisb oeiy Nu rao, DaMb. ianighi and iamanrow night at ihe Mas-uci Ma. Tickets. avad"bl ai the Futryao Min Street Ct S2Vffw dirma, or $8 wcbut. Ciii 87&- 4M3 fori "a inlaimaaun Sflurday Féb. 17 A watts, leur paluulagorko"sp for adula cuiH b. heid ai Hélion Wal- dorlf Scirail in Campnphills if 10 arM. Ragote .expmenced art thmZis. iii md thc last. la" -d.iT register, coin t;4-1Y8 Thre amille, aIv ~ -4.d fris-udti f te Pauily C;ii a Paîdy are tnmted ta, aiien ai ouîdao open house fmn 2-5 pin ai the home ol Art aid Judy kow.a m ifrouw. Bnng your skate, 10. pWn. cross couniry' ski. or bukung boni,. as ccii as'yaur queubia for ithe excuiw at the Filion North nding asociation. Tht Inotsea home i o iated os-o dootr, south of the animai oeniol shelter on Fifth Lire Cii 877-7595 for conirumtion. Br~uce RAue - CORRECTION - Thse advertisement for thse Ref urbisher in thse Wednesday Febwuary i 4th. 1990 edition of the Canadan Ghanpon had an inçoffect phone number Thse correct phono number is 870-2820r The Canactan Chamrpon regoets any iînconvç9nenco ths erormay have causod. - ...Iv D h. 1 o r i.ri( 11 i . i 's- in i" LI/o Plan4 nLtd. ?W DouaI Dii, sawma O&kVih - cmbl 849-4700 TRUMARK Cha"i laahi a wulm Oft lov MWu - _ ltni Io alls-i. lhawhh.Mflé mâl aheppisd-cn.a hm barsn il he clvob & hm - a cby "M NOM m. hiyuw kitasagai dapi kmg o.Chi o-~ ifas- rflhfl un atali Mt @hnou' dop- MIn OiMM et45-11551 or Vieil et" »@p segl du, Owiivl. nt