Our Readers Write-ri 1(4111. D taai u* Cd èSe tait aM lm availabt apbm ukhid torf m i> ie - lob Zaadaarts e -m mmuu. Cma b. -mi. Haho Moga Hie 6and»Wg urn ddaiedt ai Halai. PAg"o in Mari192 amtuse ca do l rumpouwhly W. muon duhe xwn aid nWSo for tiomuor waut ad seuagr Id Lnoi. ti Mr là"»ny CDa"ep or i ennui sais. of tht» rePMrt 'The report rea rtaty find.ugis coesusto and resmwuide aceaitu but 1 Win onlyqmett. rsab Thelb grointi ah»'. the Amabal aquer amE as a muwtr 00 maer. Conifoquently udter pwnpud kWt domneec .e hrais the poueil et bong ccttuminrted 2) Uah hiA nopains 'Wgailoro CW water taCh day o conrtnnitn and dl,!tao uger demalndi Serre the techarg apabtibtv t' otr ys tk gil- lot, peM a1tc pMt dan, a mtinimum lot Th, rrýthk-tn c,.tt n thc arca ',t c t-'ýtu trtrth of Dem tf,.a .nc'rc vatcý n Jracn tvn t4 t'.N , , -.urts.tt -> e Ntacu tara -IV rau adi Bd mkd oM .e du nain à"t bb la'& wvta -da upuu - - Mdduwl ngti foi oe cat bSmwd ID ow .wub pa t vé du isdm . mu . l:e bai MW aini à le aib duJ "- d e aSuil bu, Pmlmr uio Mu aibah p.eoeuioe ~ h mai duninh- Ua.ed ujka atmau.oeuamma ad tathure of Publc *. vby euWpy Eatew un . L actu" retin posamnc 'wui dir orell bt wuh no ,uomarble Abot thme =ui aeni wu htttin B, ookitite SdctWe dSn'1 nu Mis. ItiAnumi Mr, t Mai4 Mr H Vilon andi other Town. of M iaf Dirait Edhle. nwuoto saicuu d tahe a&M Wht-tléle vtO et h :w. noel a nee oie, At thu trwing t tsrrn we.., ik tîhet w'dt0uiid maude and Yitt dînv tht the oett.tt.Wti should rceton and toet ea.amute plans. and . hte or noi w. chan co.ittt. f a1l buildings to en. >t >s tiette hou fi sure coman -%tthed codes and t.>OtWIl oitl'. cat (. enortsbe '.g tu Mu the taitpi for d ather nulv ROVent >.cuts "per tu indi- Ct-e a c haire rt Pohc Ir trie, Reton Metttr teý inier the cn,*t.- a. to the caçtan:tc #i the ,t'.rc cu-tan dc lprnan ç,hxtie 'tud'. culd be carrtsd tut Th, L' .c'tt On ch:ch te, taI. th. t.. r' arc! "irl Ptr'.n mg àlh' c. at Ptpnrn.tar rt"a.tnr *s.,t pdat e l -, reprort x on u du mm emrbirisç m nos $0 a *fui ot =aaoy S Me's @a bock ai dut original Wttydo we rod a rtoen Pmu" Dom Raler Thotu Tau ualdti tu a thasi 77w. Chastpes foc due e.Mknts tocorag artu. ttap tiih« uJ< gtft tht, tuinau.c a Mlth&"ai P.-esi a- ai to ioatedt ta locai' Plus Ta. Chapif am Sýe P8e8omei r' P4uiion pLàmUd for Llndsy school Deaefditr On Ibo ekerdl ofr junae 2-3 !9W w. Pl>itsi; a retakt'î foi ail or teh.b.suert' of the Siqnteso Sc joiept Ln Lindu. on the oeceru ci lis oae.u. le u ofnu limait km Auguut. we ha..base iudug fo e u mou, and addtv lu of duw fondu eudeffl «ho at' theda dut«eol whme du, taM, taigbtSt Muv't ~Ekmrv Se jmheAcadmi4er bc, scho stil e) I>u tte u a If 1 vo ha.. bd on tdeu qocenîý or tanouiw ofm uua.nw vriand.uit con>tact un ri w.a un wn vot, an tri- ,ntatain aMthe du pmparn toi the eeebd Va ron your namasi, nam 9 j9apabie vour prcset àa tim and tevurie) cou aftrdeti mi.t us the ç"mi t e' K) o, (t tr ntbdia U. M vow tai dam.n and catct up or the ri. f4, hia %,rà pesait wwe"emr piantia aid ite ame bt>t.>' -lx;,n a« of'~'Srst .1h iht . 'il 1 a anabie Flcac c. rite t', or& #mou Foed a R 4 Lkmf. Cm, KV 4l (Mg) 24t1il Upsets in Milton's municipal election Wteti. Jar>. 4, Ill" Mslteas heu - ht' th -t1c'.! r t,, Cf. nci tht'. wectcpmtsds' tircntc'4arrtMa.4 EJtdeht Marnnrr it'ct ErLn, afl ri,, Jorhn'srht El'v.lmate ca, J.sr.t McI.ufttt tord nhe. Fitcýtt.n tf rov,'. t, jthtt T'rner Cite.- inhr'.ýo ut pt ni utill bu Dr IAm fume. john Thompnon Gilbert Twt BactiRc en~ _rrP"c [> Cuirkwcn Ffwri>tn Samnuel Morie. Get Ssnrttt and So= zer."c A cnr"pondent. '.'titttt in the Hamsltun %'us s." Sputcr. Sioat usn due cleteat ot Johtn Wht», mdi'. wa. dc-ateoint> the ck%'ic.e toc a itit iard sou on NMoltorrCouncl 'Notwithstaintî aU hietffort%, togesher wrthihit of bts ob- s1t>i« bouts ha depeimmt. and Moments oue' in History- t"co? " wth IN OLLS Ttmes obsrVU, wth IM DLLS ho.ee'. thas Mr. af his beîg a canddate ui>t so bouc> ater the poil opx-ted and eIr.'ethut book idetf isteres>te % thst D.ttvtîg tthe w iy the, ,an chat t> -mcS'r'hi" lite os . iewgpesme" eite c-u» cf due taci thit t he persoi. >eh iost'd Mi Wtt, did so a> the "cueuc and duât he and ho> satelts mr. t ittinet tiunng the cott n K. - proVes) fblw Mr hihte mas tiar' and hoeby boa>. mbatsev.ei hi tlunkics mav say tu thcoinerant' Tht rqteton npie 'Mr. Whte cnarut the Noah> War in te rmvor. c&t' Vase>, in. aes ? obtatrwdti m on euch terin. as pt'.'.-d the tu.ictts Lt th. As a resuit cf the ceiios.. Mr White mdI none bc rc¶mn>tud entl>county ,Cmm]in IND86. -eme uas btts. activ'e it ctî.uais the work of Treavucur ft es ishtng tri fte. ut nt >oly mas Mr- Whte dtisàstet i s.Milton.. bu tue, botser, lattes was dédee>id an Tratagar aind bho brothffi-Ià'lw Jobs. jars atm*h tduti te i ig eeft.-to, tei the townip l> m' itKscrttitait ail thic. t>id due pamphet in theti campay5>. reporlusg n lot,n er ne- tuae>e ut couay etqreMasure and due rmuting am i tofa ta.. TeMayorin bmUa fortifi pést îwo ymams Etimard Matin.t *as tToud by a culdbdat trom du indep..dent» pate>, cf due cornuîtty i the peruas of Jarnes McCutffue It ha% bort> susqesed thee ae mea wmg witelthe wt>ei of Mayor Mactu>. bu hie lose allitance wth Joh t>1 l» as a buiess pa ttue aid buhidmid. il latpan>able lo upaa te utut> sin the ek.1e. Mr White bai caidtd&éu ta esch want howe« . Wthe Sd>cI Trumw er- bie aind duat éeut>.o wu appameiy nocre ab haà A utitir in the Hanubeth. bfm fea i heumse h. binaidu epctaeic a ~ sppohettoiMr. Wbaeiqoesadei Mr Masimo du t th »Meon by M =Wh bond l Pichu e. ew m W ualai t auv aouaei Educ e Io ;à i aisoi câ Js, m a 100à@ b iat.a -Aa 6,uu aZMie> MWsth Cna m & Beuneit 6 a.uhao D"J. 1 Aea. mi0eaCah kil :1 :1 ra Ivilb"' 11",*