G rat-Ifilon Milton couple tdes the knot Tat Lym antii and Nwru Hib"m tuumtly mbu*hsnmd ad ucyt Sm Gires Anglicam Cbmch fat Mintler Chârke, Mator imtamaa the couple 1,mena 2.n Tti the damaghter of T=r n Dmamtme Grant and Yorrt à% the sion of Ketth and Carol Hilumi Tht marrna ni hati.u wat Shelby Smith. and Rimomda Miarchaicl. Ilta Letrir Dmamma McIaug~hlam, Tract- Yomifanmd Ksthy Lcaissn '"m bMuaeamaàds. Ki Lie Grarm tuas the flouer girl Thie beti mai as. Andrcu Saimba and Dat-id Hall, Tarit Elwant. WH1 Martin, Wayne' Arthuar and Michaef Hilton unie cihm The png beare .as jatate McDtatld. A racep taisirrdrd bu 200po=l aolk7uandt hoe Cnffmau at itn ii. Plie Tht copaihrmytmnmd mn Ha. id = i resade, ta Mltai. Exciting new decade;*ahead iû Halton - m 19 -ami190 pumlae i own. .uma 1u . mIU anmd eaucoed fair oe. anli ho eenti and anxmty aapb~da . st. vli b.a un s illir mug et ~tauaaImmltam auarpthtf ofc i iumlau kua'u.htt pe6u Al upcmaamag inm ýAafrh 8% à law chair -~~~~~~~ Wûhwd taifm iikepm ~ if At aCuepim.a m iama aickt*ff.Ha Mal.fal a.dý l be ht Mard 24 at Brook mnbpauuI". Zda m.4rd. . and. ort mcmi =a lm isimtMa Lasbt fog villoe Il Imit9 am tolp nli sai ti he en .1. - mgn hm for the Duba kud iam mvy lra rpsI îtwtd. c.Il Dsi Ia at 19~~~ memmi~~wnatw ont mi boardd i utmam. Thme ae-~~o u thmttt lie crupit in nus math<aer totinuy vomea, ruse baud diîtudor tiaDons iî adaay hum Sélve In thu ftili oraoa*O aln i et AmaieiW Wooisammc. Mn. Lmidua hm all betoe àa i oe, nttt nyih Co wmty b =mt%, ai A. . WW.) Thtis stoimber of die Erad Lma mavmmm cornmitiar Ah.Wue *trtti-.'t h . wor -v toiedz ,lmdhtwedwu will le hltgpai emnts iathnhutoi dt'csde wt _11 KWw mIber Mm,'_ inr.o ttKami Ckty Maourm in Septetaber. cal honte of ehtoi tua of th iorew i*ntaî- cittig euaitt Wb4tt~l II'.7 ic. th hi.ý!N 19o9, viicil celsibie thé 6atth birthday Of the ximiae rkýbrattng tMtr mnuisai A.C.W.W Schilmimh. Gantmt a ht-ad ttart ont tWi- ' ,Iisr I'.~JPPVIrI Aklciim. Matil the c.'nteitiiail platining Çommîito haie. irtm, Ut4~.~l Uii.ay Jate t-tanad jeetiame ScbolanimW utii l4it yea wen Alcsatdra duced a properi tallnd Nue Ra Ws , ila if, a Kid travellei to Kna. ty mc pint 2MltiTrmvrmmlum of 0.11.. Georgeowon. who> hlue nvkr waterproofl hq. midi ,, hain$ mWie wSnlan Ira 23 c<maitt açound the mofvid the Or. EthlCmapmark kSdmip. lutcheniiaid cotrect reccdabl,k unî,Sthe% mnwh glb.. Itlegg Kaappo vu omit ci 11we vossg AimaSida attends Laiehtad ualwtnty in recycling ha. orn 0cme Diii dOeeet.esse çuttaug Onutrio. fliander %y teae ihe is wokmag tostard bier 1,11sy ore sl.o Sivats. ixPptpK h.., 'to Ilel wf httd rwy tame yoers It 1992 bechea of am in Getmgaphy anmd honcun' bagamad . Kioe ît. Tintv ont $1x anI a, te l IamaheidwlUhpstthtongetume bâchtmmrofcmtdom siducatiot Recqt i " pmaual ry aîîdte cin gKat harsin a.niw ai Etsesty ymr. al the braanchmis it Hala Reag . k anJmouatcd flua Ak-ntdsa alto ffwvda 1427 togeharforDisrictDayItiNotia rovncit-al acholarshtp entaled the Homudlme Amhtfer pmwct heing laun,hrd it the'(- Dhun1leataiertt w&.h cmn ? =nmm Lm SchoIéxnhipý tratial Logo Contit" v art, tu", isi t lira anomad ttmgitI a a an cha of Chert Comlter. W R 3, CatmptnîvlI our Arîm«c taleint (nit iNnm. thi aia. ic filn gutmn o maha rn made Immta rrçei the W-» rni' lita Bannn e, kilt cA mine mn ini alti n. he Jjdý; trcclate atiiml. ht voit a- organitzedi enA l citulim the huîxheamstry pn.igraan ai thent- i 'niî. AMI, 1 .4'W bv Catharn a.'snsd. Unmveriaivof Guelph Thc.r amn l' mil,,nn l.'- Nov peosadont Home Iamad.aping. à tort ciiuT'iOtOtfo in Halton acî'n m,..a aiu a%, îam,- i- 1909 hy Se newnly tcintîad tromen, Inntitute titi frintand V-1111r Haltoti Dt.mrici ha% the uniquae hoanur ci oi.acatra committe. us. cirgarn,.I mn a>- Il inte-mtW. ir lcarn,ari mre àtican -' rn. ha nigoe ni i oua simyibers a% the nacu opfamn wiih the Ontian Minittry cil Agncul. ntti' i ,m m.nd- n-a'm. pResitt of the. leenrisîd Wtmma's Itstituaini mute and Food. This c<at-v us a gmat .uce Ian.' Ban, ai S;4-144 o fnd i, h IOtain - Pegg Kaapp ofl Ashgn.m The "ict workshop .c..mcînn ilt5 ielhd branci, INITIAL AND FINAêL NOTIFICATION ENV1RONMENTAI. ASSEsBSMÉÈNT ACTI 198 UPGRADNG 0F EXIS11N 230 KV TRANSRBION UNES MILTON AND MISSSSAUGA C asi L oma weding Ca LSma vau li @MWi florth vaiiha I, Day cload &-à letuefin, ne. om weu amaniai y bmainua am baisséer Neaq am udf rasi beldnaM - F~%ta- Déité.havit maie té. wu dsq régi; No A.dWmma ésd upma.hli lie ~ ss oeali.ewma ii ai . a I i - Tro mu t u dilOam elacwOua P r«feqtims nflat u Ao- &'wsu omidl m, Onaro E lnoblo T1nofirSUa (TS) MWd Tb~ia TS (sWo lu*). TIN mill twoigom" aid bàiais@ îé bu 19Wood mInemo In holVW4. TençorarMM nsmud - cmo roqu or consliuoeo wi bc boêcMtd prr*-ménawY 1ÛIong CSommeis Mo volcom on etu -=xpc baA mua bo meomws by 1.tc 1M0 fo bas gmon aWidra- baon. Iboy &bomid bas addross110: . Dl. Nseromks me uu If you heut-o sny queuton àbMAthlie ptagia. pome c8A KU. Lynut W*lmSms Comnuflhy Reaions Ful Ofacr,al (416) 502-801MoIc) Pom dum o.su en bawç. (416) 592-M à # ruW i I r. I 'a b .