NO love Iost as Brampton coach Carnevale predie . fiChutM il p 14 :36 od the second wh.n Anthony A Mauldocai glvway marnti the score." glace ld. -They woe file et hi5h Io the goak.doet glo.a hfahtie aid pat calr uy* orh m m n t b lin ub thel Se ta cofloci pipywga. tii = M wn th.y aiet 14:31 playmn = = îa hl ~fn hig econd o. a Mierchants .mul a f oro .aLiIog a i pct*- gan athe playl"m=c a f thte iai agetoigtSli bylCa. Taylo, enon by Chl ClaS i. a pladty ael Milima à4-2 lend. Peu altiy o Henn.blerry and Dunph deren li.tat was the one tass h. fait coul J The Capitals made à valiani WVamnHan ttopue thegposeaout of e surpris.ri he .playoffa. lh a tip 10 gai bock i t1 §âme At iach ovgts Coi cuùo ry iepi Saveý25%/ on OUR NEWVEST PREMIUM ALL- SEASON RADIAL INVICTA GI WHITEWALL Sîze Salée Pnuce P155;BM13 67.49 P165 8Sl3 7874 P175,80R3 84 74 P185 7SR14 8999 P195 75A14 9299 P205 75R14 99.74 P205 75R 15 105 74 P215 7~f 11024 P225 75115 11l4 74 P235 75R 15 121 49 P185,70Rl4 101 99 P 2,M 70R 14 10874 ..4 LOWEST PRICED 1HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIAL EAGLE ST RAISEO WJ4ITE LETTERS Soce Sale Pnuce Pl 75 ORUj 89-99 P 185,70A13 95.99 n 195 70A14 10799 P205,70R 14 113.99 P215 60A 14 114&99 P235:60R 14 122,99 P225;70R 15 127.99 P235/7OR14 131 99 P21 5i65A 15 12U99 P245/"( 15 13899 *P255,60RI5 143,99 1 275,60A15 159.99 - - v - w www ~ - Invicta GL Our newest premium aillseason radial. One week Invict&GL and Eagie ST offers end Februar 17. Arrva offer extends tol îach3 Cali for prices on sizes flot shown. ALL-SEASON RADIAL ARRIVA WHITEWALL 5,2e Sow lePnc P155 0R13 62-99 P165 8M13 71 99 Pl75i80A3 78.99 P185/75A14 86-99 P195175114 -,87.99 P205/75R14 9399 P205,75R15 98.99 P215,75A15 10299 P225 75R 15 106. P235.75R15 112: BLACIKWALL P175 70R13 74.99 P185 70R13 7999 P185f70Rl4 8799 LOWEST PRICED ALL-SEASON RADIAL suS WHITEWALL P156/8G113 P185i7ý9l4 P195/75M14 P205/75014 P2O6/7àA1 5 P215175A15 P?25/75P15s J, Evaryd. Low Prim 4&99 63.99. 65.99 6999 74.99 76.99 77.99 G f100 flEA R -~~ TA KE MWE fI NO CASN DOW% la Né.fnaa.i..aogfOa'ne.u.s îeaau. w1 SL ITna oensýuwc. '&no. n.u . 'ann .a . Rn,. M".. dm SPECIAL $21.95 * M~U II I212LIPI3 I'air àM rmvR.j $49.95 4 CYL. ENGINE Coobng W PU SaM Fhje amitu hTi~~ S - hhA est smin Sw Adu i cli, M54.95 U&8 C YL ENGINE 45 Ontario St.N., GO ÇAn 7-10 Milton ý 87-10 i dis ts series Win iltr2 palhf2la.oes las y Tii.7 amag. b a ad in à3 d Of cours. w, can play with a thei, taid Capital coach ia Cativaka -Im I» ~ nta u nma. piaficis a à och but if*1 wu à rdus malle haelo p i Sà Mr ftut - Wao OMhmw 4lgma W L 'p A pt OahvîU*' 29 4 9 233 124 67 S0tmvlla 23 Il 8 240 1@3 lit Buihagia«~ 14 4 201 171 52 Ml.M. iN I lu lü 1" Peterborui 12 23 7 2W0 2U4 31 C.ogaianwn 6 33 3 146 2$1 15 Arsenault fleeced by 4 Argos .1Y DRBW LAKMU spcii e. tha Champion What ný înnolncd in mv'aaing up à haScîbali gante' Thcont.all ', c %houldnib hât diffcult &Il wum nec.] l. à gym. $00 n.rming nruit.m. à hall. and] t..o tram, ta pla Whnat' Tnn Items' Il noco, that n the ba'hcftIl Reding 4ernîois and] th, Trn-fo Argon prornofional taâm last %'AWnc,day. the riv th-g m.nin eahi',n on p.ape. nt.:ig àm tra-m .n %att'wtntg. The dJca of holding aàan K-1nnaen hiArgo, a-j a Redýng t'amo 04.un ,tn Fctuars a-y Ina' usedt- opn thei.t e BsptRsding ,muiun nnvh a bang th. har. .kmght al I dc,] e n a lit , W h,]i fnho,î ,,cnf na, %,, fanonati, connid,-rnd again fr ît> cira Acc.o dinu fi, Bri an/A'ca, Rrdng aftthem-or f gIme Ia,i piano.'. Ogàin - an anniscnaeM ri, fo bnIn'n hciýl nitfnrRmbutalpNxa,.c tentatin,vavnr ar caroînai écIl thopugh Mn Arennaulî cai %ad thalah. 5 trn part. making cuntaif uh th<e Arg.. nwukgtif 0% la. a, donclt Ln vril 'the Argo banketiali trant efntn for promoional tvnrann. and] they pla amuond 30) gamn a yn'a. fe irmý w ev.Sci or oiarnafaon that reqea ihema througi fhfil office .e of aven lwah cotfoacts alieedy eatabi.,hed . thei asm sufit much rfnnig &ronund, l.tfe, la agnv- on the tme and date %vere net'nd ilf h diaagnemeni. snt rat.itIcY. 10)15 Mr Anienauh. the decaniof O]nehene the Samse maqaji lie allowed. and the îîude-nis rnlca led tram clais ta observe, rne. e ith Art Keall. Bithop abd.og's Parincipal. On the anofnng of gamen day the Satma. a gaenloh theet be on hand Fnom th.s point thene l'oaobly the Samn a1ld. have terri NqArnmuub, t ha.] am dieà 1cm >*a,e ny probletnt until the ganse .tume nhen lierie wasnn't any oppontuon %%, left a panthlm of hoet enIai, M tudeaun mho u"i let h ldi e th i. end lam aitempi 1 talte crowd, uhey ichodied foui ihot competitioi. awarding Aigu pea.ea ta tha. mii ed if bu would change b ancime, dl h. could. Mn. mueuhbi W "-t tdw teas èal change amed lth.în - OiI, Filter & Chassis Lubrication Inbckuds Up Io 5 ULres of Quaker S;te 1 0W30 01u