jLet's get on with à< L iback' neasjs psec mI l> bIgi-tie d-nt . - amee1 Ii a delitrnd lemc.ie mlpn ipu wm ~ ~ ~ m't umW<U.IhybUm piuo Mr tion. Milton wSl go tu l- ucedn uie '."-'>y next -mr. dt b trous dhe etinadu U mI;J. asud t1b govunuuatt we l cgsi atoium i11 a moe radwr~, ttmt.cne gsd liM 9 mmlIc cogetues ae" ltate swu à. ciiu.w -Benut we MM« manine cmo etrpec midin HuhfosteHaU.H tnPuta Hal aih pibeuttu la a plae oftinal." usezfl FcoMMmnd k> a vcroadon compim. Ilbevatonae t»Uyadvmwi&d'n local Sovenimet cnr lin bett dUw Mugi Fatte Hall rmunfi out the stateiy muniipa reonsracionproecttha stotwi Han coin- for. two deigns for tht atuation ceits (tht design cvM I " However, what's dont is dom. and the =nrt tinp now 5s that the vreatlon cenitre We bulli Weil inte i a u posbl. lism serdÉab director Làry Arbic %yas deg Tuz y hel e ad It lim ben a long road.- Now "ia li rorod la aight k migIt be wloe ta impose dumd- humai on conttactaqg il they don't complèe the work k>spc on tine. Suci an 'den wn uZrMe by caunctlor Bnacç Atten- borougli a'a muent cnclmeetng.Mr. Attertborougli mode delamuiwas under ikua., Dut it couid cwual"y ,ark lnt these ciru untnc. 0 i contracwWUbtaplunfay" dulnbuâid type t aa budgeted $5.4 mWlo fierphas.e ont <j>.twô tyouW woflli an additional S3 million). 'n à. 1~ a u1ub UW _J camp" mm ssM .n tu lu Why Mo impose IhuncWa bunaI if dudlliep amet met' à Sm.ietui 0tkts i e ii ha iU~Uu Il tp asyrcn uton C*,wl weather delays ani atber " 0N~ ceti bW lmSI sth msn @dMMUâwh beasa terub . Sben, w aeiartagea, wlien tlelr work la lote mmW , a a ----- yawl. É Ib ~a es- but il la nt unleard of for those sanie contractora to miman aple front i to l obtt tei odtf to more or lema satufi' Mcustouer the bihide!a won tenders wlth belote thi con- Wnd anso unwoeabl 1du Pages of the Past cue19 ue_______________________ aut to W ai sellkr's mmrlcet for de cogtaon trawdes, or W- nactUiw psun cmwit ltounwltldy wben kt cornu to, cotsai One Vear Ago beI ut ahould We mplored becoumn.l tht ofmile have abeady waited long rt t dey ohe l Wn __i -i- hbejn m, lactlty. cxiooo tëYrfr=fly n h"o 20OYears Ago llowtvq, we do dppreclte th une Mr~ Dlack. md Comemm M.mwhIs 'Maar lad mU 1lh wu tuai PM wrn"l1lm appwtdate yau comlng ouitok ii,1ar7 in hil m y& &P uap ai *&e La7 IIU7Sr__ iuttFr.,'IIiS prdm. e addu kb idr eu or de secnd-la wIuChIUI.i5S *»i oWdUM ofam " DWik H-éa d-iq " --it t" ue appue~~rhiiIonde lanhlgacas = 4 be of* . magu a dàmnals of ke, pmoeiul io le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i du' r*éor iPs' wtâ k>u94im dwim =iiS Viu atalihetb beb fCam c eed I uson =t ffi. dsiu Taduixy) Rreini.- i i PAmugto A i Hvunlldelm fe P* IInmae* <,1CeUIdLti.UUdfi.i ManyI pepe ekwOb o eiit maki * cetr Q up(I site> hoak 02jmr Ioaew om -Ageo.uut . U pr4~Mi a_____________ gài&hn p-'."Pb5 E1M0y -b-aud by Steu vee mm mnitoLaid.à Ss kao iosm= o dmit =byeêseL a wuw..M *M. 0" bu. uu W ad a nieDuignn tiai 50 Vears Ago riveta 0 Pa -, a. lmu bàLs U A hui-g -eIW bmvmnomiès , gvsbAv Am*.u d tk,*y &Wd U.d POai mà iLh lai U. =as t - n Weîu bUs dz.= Z ima -mm ~ ~ L.aaiIa _ ts - plf LUM MWé 101101 N IIIIII»111 Pud 6