SIt's not al1 business for this communifty supporter)' NLSO# ~ hathalbard of dhuctaem auffil d M*lat ai N" Wvmm &b ,l a tii wad coodauuil aHte$ aS 1mi ut lis = Zc luda t iS owt ,lfii i» s tagliUmm" ma~ s orit.Fe aomm & los Z 5 ý hdalumys wat. ta B<SfOICUe ~ ~ wy. on the ,ratwhit commence inatH.p isufin.h ud eaael >wh ktn a.k le =ub rd bof det,r the tIL wksgs job alde thatyng îts "bdli aole the vu wes sm à s m ende tî ci o - And ual, mion Gordion perhape beéeves in the serviese prirrides to 'thé sors end was an the Slsowcate ommittre fur wa tr m oubt for jlm. Hi% 'ward ta Soing ta, work 1bi like ntg seth the another father ansd u"cl (Fraru, Swanmon) nld public." eChuckn he l offered sorti advKe tii e.ownet Kugsway Mounument b.>tks ini ou-P BCu nameti llumus, Ptiomn'àeth Y-e'. tItis yu' haîrmnn Peter McCuail; "sit ta. id as a oufgsnh would nde thte u. camfe as à 9«o. l'in hao doun and talk it ver wtth vour utife granite tliak "t=n ta koep out of truly honqseffl." Hîs extensive cornmunitv y nvoli,rnmt lie tt1oym way." jlBna Vit'sl à v luable service In Mil ,ab, wosald hiave bwein~~ woîthoofnth As a ta.oageM in higIt chool lis goal w.als e ttt ttwo dciadms, lu has con suppoti and usrsW ~ni 4 îe -n still firmirfcseiada..kygno ar- tnbutod mach lis , olur aspmes ouf cotnmunitv lbrt@ he said une o i% smhildren nia' hehctnul dra 4 t1 z rol :1. lu e hiîe, pr.manjrly theough in.-vfni-trî %sut tile bona6 . "and at ï an 1,wà' At sout fatlur in the otteSnaCasPrd.heNtncmp jims fathee movti the lamily to Miltot n bycsttuatUuPrd h'itncm 1953 _lThrw we tnc monattu m n e 'Cha pio at that tort.' lue elpaiel "My da Wi t N~~~~ewspaper is-' hto 'b sn s il tandltougltt il wa.aàgond am@a." M lIs 1965 Gordon. uho was 50 at the lune. der- lt'. business a- ti.ual Ibis wecik in Milton- man46aler John, Lîsir(mce and .pr.iî' t' ide Ia pant wIY5 wîtli lus bruthar Frank pnd but at The Cait*l Chumpw. tht egui'dmon ' s;î.-.cî wxtid Put,ýui. ljr fort' it omet'butine, with lun',whowas2l. workaday routine i. (Mliser ot th, i. aar The businss, Criative Mernorais. prosp-rel att a bit more *sinE .11 io'Ar ipirrpiu and today il onc of the thrtme largesi compiaies 'ing Iî's the satiEàc- CoVUIU iIII -NLt la" u in the reftî monumy"t btisine.. ind~a, tit la one tîrI I ica.ti, i 'Co4dnalIy, at 46 y.mfars i en. like knowing your effort. $'UUVUIs pIsa..nt tUrpnu -oit Ný tiaf is fatier, is encited about pers lng another arr re.prted by v our [~ *o. u'i lc Jè tnao bd n e qing ta opportunity Folit:wing a ret:ent butine.. trip businss. pur. ' ausinofl the ID eal h. r ~ i i ttit. eau du lamly bsuu s à f u o inIdia. Il e trucl up a dea1 with in Indian'. That's betatise the no ai PrIdmy, UtH~l be 1000W In # Il manufacturer ouf granite pncductsto 10bhme newpapt i, ie -i Lâ,in, Kas h r" of flot amity thhir ft..,kf 1110101,111 thetsoek ditnbutor in Oretaro urr(fthîng narict Butine.. of tlu Yoar b'. the Milton ind passedil t t.j CÂî'.r' %taitrrv . nssm mn 01thesYsu. frot granite monument pvnrduct. t0 granite Chamnler of Cornr.'re Cliarber geeral 30. .p ,asC4IP on page 9 TAX TIP~ 0F THE WEEK Ail AVOIJ OUA s uafny Ustie . md , QIàAndauall rLi k . Ný ý-Y si millket u..l I . sieL s v t Jàeid c iciir miiti A. Arlyîvsssn c.ansni fc. i a. ~~~ ciadag f-aci furd th.d admauimci and Muaagement of t$bie andi Çec BRIANIS AUTO REPAIRS Il. uny fiit.ull amýi c tu6aesA1 Inetf SiumaA. NuM4 875-1522 Pl 2.%1 saingtvM. Suite 5O5 Dakstlle Corporatt Centre VOUR MATTRESS isthemoatfUs.d Pice of Furnlture In'your homo. 194700 Glve Yours.Ifo of* f Canada's Bout Slbops YOU'RE WORTH MT Ilriàn Fhiirkt. n PBOUDLY MANUFACTURED IN CANADA . SALE U2 SINGLE MATTRESS $ 69.00 EACH ~ ~ mL~jumasma 781 Milin Strnt EMs, UnSts No% 24, 25, 26 & 27. AMUrosm 1111110 OGOstation OSITMO 8754222 . -1 _ a>: