Lake*showed- wanton and reckless disregard for lies of others',: Judge fychori t rives lid sielat 1 paimd gale f cagen a r crimiel ,ioled, mna i icls m ". =lc r oi ciia ireiigne caurig deatir. bat guilty le e e, s iI w.mrio aia, ou = Svigoul. 1 10-11 bers judge Carmath said 1w agirrai mîib testamony given by a ioincaio exprt Ihal ai lbthe i 1w eeccdent Mr. Laske iald have had lihe e.1aîvallent ad 10 to11 lee i n hois .>ms- lent. or a biod akMlol content ut Wre î.n M5and 225 miigram pr 1001 mîliili'. The k'gi ui i m mi- ligran,. T..un lel sluken a liai..' iore tlira Ima huur aller the accitdent [w ai lte Regirial i'iiie ,irwed U Dil Canada e lpove hail a lmood ai- Wiah iewer' a enlencir u anti clown )&annylmes C rni.b ,amd MrîLakehadaà pirvou.e'srd of Ibm'e imp.'rad driving caiictmii aid aie'aead conjioi.coivsclmo Deirince mm' hn"khi ,wsd wo of te b,ùîconvrtmonswerv actuiiv 'car, aid conimr. am whscb his ciment was irai drivrig but mat louid by police a.kiep bainid the Me had nai we. tintelai previilU convictons. Sontencing The mentenclng argumntsl liarima i a swak rerilider ofl1 thlragedy cg drinking and dnivhng aid lte tragodyaof akcool abiuse. l'ie defeite pimenlta a ceiorselul mri tial, natrte 1 accident, ha, give a i lu dnkig.aer&une al- coa d+aitation and pined AI- coiroJie Ananyinoun (AA) Tre AA inembers letudied tiat lirey belleWe Mt Lie is genaneily baiiimng aicoiroiîsnt. and a social worker Iron Crdiî Valley HospiL. rehere he ts eniolW i n in alcaolîui ireome" LI ram, aird Ire1 has mo)rluJi li meripînon," %Nd rocial roki' Cny Rý', 'ire has made a sabviair liai &Mauntl ol peagress.", Mi Laiie',mmfraIll year,Denmse ual, Ihere's bain a Irentendous change tue the acerdeni and uîîcc ber busband ha. give up dnirkiîg "Ilis pxrrmnaiiiy bs chdngm,&' hire tntffl , 'Tile ay he is aio-und peuple - Wsmore r .on.iv and carng mn a ,ober tute" hnaiaiiy, ihle iaid fricd, and fail. mise "ver>' comrted "beauw e ex pres.vd a "ire fur deatl se, .i what rie had one. 'rwo depe .ied ntrgnloeny Anaiher didi't have la_ i waaida't Sitld h:rbabad ha% roai p=he hmeif rntlh coarseling aid 'fle mnore, 1 ha% ta be punisirem OnMe alf is r 1w has enipremard tu me thal 1w milends 4 doa mach as kt can wIir fis lie r l elp aihers in thît gami" Thew prmoseul'on, halmver. owtiînd tihe lai, sullerxx by the lamily aid tridi ag tire irutix vicimî -Wbei Lorraine mat bid giy file, ended a, mveli'*- a part oi my family dmed." said Lorraist aher Sumair in an eriaiioiai addre., tu*a hushed coufttmi "Sfic îa. sa fail ai. lii Sire cm barketi upon every day an a Zce ad - veiltm. Naihiîg ta ber mas ever dail Ur bortng, *"Wira'ymru get in a car aid gel be hid thew rhMl you and'you'auone tà£f.pnsiit. 1Yau and you aimre il doe.n't miller vrebat yau do.. "u canit fi il "Yaa caî't putt my berit lisck. "Whal 1 reai tuoai im hby cant re lsit %top thîr' Drinkiîg and dniving ns marder", M% BErpamin iaid t1hubo fii aiý may% be there 'lirai can icere' bc leiteieil n. malte whaat happent"- Thre court heard front reveral mient' bens of AA. nciudin oi hrb ma fuii'tiiîte counsellor ir Halbin Mi4 Recaverv flouse aid a ipoimîr of Mr 4M i.a nites have berri mhhcid it the reuest of AA), 42, "imd hi' been rober loi 11 yearaid Sin o be a bail-lime counielir ai Hloi Miii, Recavery Houm.'e. se',ad Mr. Lake 'ira, bren rober for nue moitir, Mcmi only) irae1m.aved rober bla:Ile has i ntiîumia gmvupiOek- viiie rehîch mots Satuiday nîgirts i belmeve 1' sincere" Duning the w m &y De mabrIal, -caurI mas told tiai an lune 19 Mr' Lake bail parimipatud mn a golf tour- namenl mn Calidon mt-h fome friends, Thre airer titre memres, of Mi. taie's baisome leslmfieil îley hadt slartild dniîng in the pang loi pnor tu lecîng off about m., aid caiitinmt o so on the course aid .durng the areards ceremiony whmch. fiallowed, Mr Lake tben drse off in h ibre lion ai hi, honte Iai agmeil slatemtmt ofi fact% rad bei lthe tinal, Mr Lai.. hail lîmi St,"ima, kmukiig dîmmin he rad au -i,.kig .he're 1 %ta, poing Tlr.v hiolà h.-. fui diîaih peialtv torvih.mîidid a Lifélofik friends, two womnen shre honour of being. citizen of Ikhe year. Yo or' hv t ra ho!r)lodfnai' h tmiiiii Cmîmien of the Vair. a, tic Mîiltmon -men have. di-. lis 9 r haning the 1iS10élîîic aller b.'ing h.à' by tW. Miton Chamber i commerce for tker conîrîulon, f, cm rer îtaiiy ti'd rehen ,. fouîd out abmûl i," uip.. à mioher a the ndms- Commant The' humble ~ G d and Mmr.1lii ol aitu thé YVear Womcîn', l'ae and Mapirhursi »M Mrea Ly C.1 1 ilyednatre mai unuie wNehîmnaied ihrm and Hem Scilelzz (loft) and ' Np ae hai iy î1V m-i raand Cftma i, ro 'aim k ur. Jo C"'. b.u'n d.ti~hg K, i" n' l.' cheler, e*t Ce -ms'Pa i- , volunl«eer t Mi' m z. a iîmsriiî,cr nd,'.di Map»il h effColgcabnu Centra uid fakol W *&I 9 Ra d "h.pari ofour Chrîi,u .întaîi place Th."r Nh .av lin'. ,rikl.~,r -.eIl bea.. tr.V' thîmkti'"~c met1 i f. 'a $ý ai i. l".'i"a Two celebrations cuhh for aw ard winner !hmnk orn ti.. a~me ii.,! and JÇK from AWARDS onIlAffl 'er the lait eigiii vwai. n.iir"lra,, daTa aringh and The decismn concer'ningr who wouid rein wer made eserythîin h'Ip re.d i ia~rlwn" .ila.. g. Tlmundav ai a ciramber exlrutîve commite meetiing their livc" ack in 0rd.' 'l'heme are aIways choires lo be imade,". %amd chamber Rcc.'ntl., M.'nLî i'h imil ah ..r jgener'a1 maiager John tiwmwte 'Ihere ver i.' wri dinamartfr ie î'tmav h u ,'r, mn.nî nominations, W. had à good cr'p of nominationis th&% thhichldrm'î . year, ompr"d trorne pevidanyedr.ý" "When wicciartim' tld ti. ou.ld', da"vi h r'$ Areard miniers receve plaques and certificait lrm tia cxh,'r pc.pic 'ui nid'. t .r d'o'- m , a varmous digniLanes, inciuding Ci.kihle'Mîlon MP and ~, iirfrii..3 f ii federai revenue inister Ottomnlînek Rollon NortIhMPP 'I cu a .iu.i.a u r ,. i'P W*EiiainTotvnoMilonfficials. L.miiînl atOveand heivondnh'a. di., Toeçgîiieeeatonieheld by the cha mbev" .ho acfahrDcIlelpiýàlre Ici rliwa. <h Thlauday cbisait 11:45 &m. a iwc' i cîi,.woelieliirDxiekpi miW Hailon MHiis Place twill boier thre Conmmanity &M mayOfof Mîliti. îi,.ricd ItadIni hîi'l. ,iui. At lion of the Year IRotary) and Civic [mprv Breill Mapkhniur.l 12 yolr. agi) %i% Pl'hiî p nti r,, %is Tmeirh> irnrers. .'lai a &tu On Salurday Pcb 17 aitthe Muddy Ducari'., 1t'. mia ail gn" iay, i N I'A/î .ho ha, v iirx dmner beginiflng at 7 miii lealare p î'îl Milton ail (lert, thedad xvinirn for Ciuwni of te Vear. Busnesof the *We pet ru much in r.moîm 1 m.a1!. 4vki ith, Fp.'pl t Ven its Poion of te Ywa .7ok ...îh. lisý ail .rVM mirtimihîlm' TTickets are avaiable from the Chainber Of Commence Thé 1989Ciîî,ens ai lieY'farwIIi h' r.gîi,îid durbuj Tey am *15 each forib iiîc ai"11hî1wdne l1 cmrii mrsdicîad ,'r'iv ai T'h,.Im.udftlchamber phone nùumbe mfnha 18 fu te enew The aui taai i~n. id *-AIRPQRT SERVICE -PARCEL DELIVERVe * 873-1808, * 873-1809 e TAXI< 875-2994 * SENIORS * 10% DISCOUNT EVERY DAY 20% DISCOUNT TUES04Y & WEDNESDAY M-0 A.M.-3.00 .M. 8 87 5-229420e Thank youe Mary and 91,Main Book Shoppu'for the past 13 yeaire For sontlnuing fflndly and inlormed Service corne 10 OXOW BOOKS Dm"tof Glorgetown's inldependent booksell 'er Thousanda of new and out-of-prtnt tillesi in Mdckl 102 Man SI. S. Downtown, Georgetown. Around the rorner fromf the O.orgetowti Ubrary Iloufs Mni., Tue&, Wd.. Fil.., :9:30 .111:00 l'hmi. :g$M - IlmO.Sal. :I:30 -B:30