- Goal LnANG Ruesm isC e> 1153-4644 evenasp UOVING SALE- Roll top deak. cabiins. boa&cme, dressers, beds. tables. chant. glasilire. bicycles. fan. seuino machine. Î iodmna». disillr. l<a S ibl pigador end sors, chèds ciré, " fable, car Oeat. Ott 876-2008 PFAFF SEWING MACHINE 1222E usaI. oit outur, excllendctU . BWon #se1 meiy USED APPUANCES,P" ds Of Iet %111111Y usaI aiçhaie IV8 Umtar anit O delîvrery 3.000e lefi S O mOf of ua.d t urrelre H~Jm Fumrn.8ae 29 rmiroNg Ave. Ceùrgetoun 877-4792 i-e USEO office Furneb, goal selacbmin skicli Hailoni Furituie Refmshlig and UsaI Fiarritre 29 Amisuwli Ave. Georgetoen 877-4792 VACUUM Ciuners train SM0 MW PU% and repaîrs klost makes Coiact Elecirolus. Hoover Filtal, Oueen. Kiiby, KariOre Bulft «i. Commercal, etc 877-950t MOQOCI PEDESTAI. climtg tmmn lable *,th 4 chairs Cl Englah style, refinusirel 1400 French Provincial Loveit tn4 chair rose. 1300 Excelent condison 875-3111 dma 5 p m CARPET WAREHOIJSE SALE $3.95 Soi. yard end up Saturday, 1Q am.M. ta 4 p.m.n 264 $tonte St., Unit 7. Million IN STIOCK Spruel».ii wre' 2* i ' 6 S" 10* 12.. .8 Pine 12 P-S Di1' 'r 1 78 & 20 al e @ $600 per M osand bioard filet p...9 $90'Cc.. 8' 10*O 12' ule ;ýto 14 1on IFiîcad Corne loi FiEE kindlig ler irgIri PLEJSE FOU, I I~ TELL )frfM f Nor V ELL US TAXES-c#e s. .bd 100 Produce HAYt and STRAW. round b"e goal quahty 145-0980 PR0UND A SQUARE bales oi hall. 900l Quakty 876-4554 1i n M rowrrvnt RENOVAT)ONS >Mi - Cuuan, Woadecrfs Suspended Ceiîrige Tapine & Fmriisrng Repaîr Vilh Painting for KWlilin. dans ba51mrcs. ell For ftie cabm six 634 399 RENOV ATIONS -Frevivg. Irywait. finish baerrios. drop oeéngs 9.g or smog eM do il i 878-888 or 877-877o THE NAROIIDG FLOOSNO STORES Pntfielshed ast plank front $2.501st- Il. FINAL CLEARANCE Nuse atber sp«IaIst Ouf 40 chabts et 4450 Corporat. Dr. i £*,'" N.itOE . "»wdAfisy 33400 v tIt11-Iri 14-21343l3 142 aicm MoMAHOII CLEANINO. Commerciaf.- Seidon"le. Slstpp.ng . Reoingr4 Stees We e Iace ft sepas homr NOM lma et (ý »i .w'UsUrsmu RINCIONS OFF? M FUN PEOIRLE? Non, « a Infini HOSVH«tus Io and born. a rroiiey et à large pro irrn n Mandatai Moment tom 730ain Io 1230prn au ffl Mm cm 875-2241 METROPOL SECURITY MATURE SECUN" PERSONS toi trier e.parxWl bombons in Hallali Region Cbkv%@: Fui à Part Time MUS»: 1 Fils Time (kafftairial) 1 Part Twèe- 1 ditir pet w@M Excellent for mbred person Must bc 18 =; mer end " Io oblain an OP P Gui Licanse Aboya &vue" secunfy rat" , Fait lntwvlý 091; 87"521 exil. 10 Monday - Fddoy. or. Ait. 3 P.,. sa: la-f-Loo Y' ap. L .949-1707 rit Mouymm Vire are soelung FuIt u Pain Ternel sO t wous n Milion and fiminundngl aws Rograr yet4ebli fleuts Mondai t saFndey Comnpany i car suppe or trasîr*1 prosilal viv wdl irem oornaa 876-1672 .r 853-4720 OVERSEAS JOBS High denand n, Aust5*ha. U K. France -1 diffeet coieraès Nqed pesons wivng Io wortr oiierseas on coeisS Ail Saldes Su- pervasory, positn a"s adebl -Cam Striait lmmtut Inorpor*d. 1-7194U7-6084 11esîidential Support Workers F.11 1r- aili Jra1 tITr1 t .1 5 aa ,r. ..iî 22 '11 lruim'1 fli ltu Piart .i bail GAYLE COVEY 275-470 CONOMUNITY LIVING MISSISSAUGA REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY WAITRESSIWArrER For famqf restaurant in Camptelville No Aglits. Cali for appointaent: 854-0337 PACKAGING LINE PERS0NJEL rertre mmrieialeli Oakivfte baser! COfli psiy StoI l "orS iVOCIe Car an asel God We are one of the world's LARGEST BOOKSELL.ERS AND STATIONIERS wah1 a histarwy stfetching toile almo'dst 200 years, but coMnunng eq'sopn has cr.sted nany oppoanuNt for armbitiaut individuels wilh dfrveand iniatili Ina r bs -adma4.tores. SProgression inia management is a s.trong possibility as ivr encourage promotion tram within, Iltou wis la, l in a campany vif h à tradition of excelence in ain eilcieng, higli profile f id, piaise contact the tollowing storeý MILTON. MALL 878-5854 HALTON HOUSING AUTHORITV Agent sOntario Housing Corporation Due tai stafft retiremtents I4ALTON HOUSING AUTIIOAITY has open- inga mn the follawing positions: ACIC.UN TING SUPERVISORI MWAINTENANCE SIJ>ERVISOR, OFFICE MANAGER (File fi90-01} (File -90-02) f2l,181-534.029 ($31 ý399-536.656) (UNDER REVIEWI A d,r,aR,C (Ioar 'r'C0s50 -45s A lrrghiy motroalId anm «et ra 0 -' s.pe-S the nais Ot âm.o ne siai'." ruAalirrj r n n oc Ca, l ,n .e 'iaCtdl- 4,.,Çe l0 a-1. i a mi ID t pic, .10 ieircal .t . SNuC Vl. I 41 "'1 rir 1 si1Lr..S eq--.î. pxeS. evweq n -pa., amaa' .0 od S 01. n prs arsan 0 c e, b<31ig n concept iraw 'iroqr'c'a C'. sMtce and Errr, 0inn,',r .Cle ot nSCt01.S* $Oi A 9ac ri esi(,la: CrhdqC- n '*' '1.io'C'liOe .Pr b;t, pM1rnpa'ci<" u- 1 ad"i SMOK-FReE WORKPLACE POLICY Resumeslapplicationsja b. received by the Ftbtjamng Manager, Halton Hausinig Aut4oority, 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 220, Dasville. Ontario L61( 3V3, no tater than February 14, 1990. $1111111 -MW M opomhlunle With fflTown 01 muon Applications am barne eoeepted or PLAVGAOUNDLAES SPECIAL NEEIS =LEADERS YOUNG AD<JLTS UNOUMTED LEADERS Ail appricants musi pouiess a Socêian sijrance Carl, proesle personal tramportatoii si Pb site Prevuas oxpemim woitwi cr51 chcumfl la rel but nos crial P upAlppuonFiml &t the Town Ho, àen.1Leisure' Seic". 43 Sown Cloarri date fo Agpl.abo. a Send Application a Caver Laitr b Victodte Pub Squaire P.O. sol 1005 Mkwin. O1,1101,1 Doperstiont of I.ur Senece PACICAGERSCLEANERS for fu lad wxdi8y reedmnied 1 Ian loation For ai coin- Nonaà r mau please ca m n Tnrpo rr aid P emr PWOoe"uoee 14240 Be rokoti Roqulred Wîth cairn tractorS Io pull' plt semi dumTPS Steady wolk, good rates. exp.enerwd in sanding gravai preferred àERIGATFANN FULL TINIE HOLJSEKEEPF.RS WEEKEND 11I(>VSEKEEPERS ('ON FERENCE RO(>M SETU ffRSONS Fleci fours - Appty in pende r I11Chi bhlt Dr.. Millets ACCOUNTANT As an rite;ral part of à progresive o, 9ev alon, tie suces$tui candua« cIl asps a CA C GA or C MAdsgnabon onear campe 1on liee c and operetion not .opeu o computerized 5On vilsidf orS he. tha acilitai, e, opans-bl er oi owSupervsion and propage ctinuicd stalinnli budgets ersoosa 'The harrIdie ola lacetêl paud's. offert an OpPorivnity ta be soit iniiiig Satory -m M tapir ts Mae on" L70 aI? 1IV i