lopinion ti tGtsrbage and you- Ia ýlook..at the big picture j fl le = ý= truclus wff hawe Omyat -.e me 5 1 w u moi IlceneR eaum el je«- rst lmtr= t a view kg. lias moadiaI aee luge1 -ukt laie, ia euly' b. loumd ln the pauticular fumciSe Naw dia 1v gtusuthin, mios the tick fuiflul, square roit of 15i Wy 'ort thty tend fumesasth IM. diste m poteslaits Wbv mant the plural of v i z!tn baiaamiaa itmoe spie. porWIy am, you mai1 trading tisai linangi tai detoeiatstée quirkP colummaa' mjacrial an bvsk. lIfings p=lrn 1 can ami.we the laoiela You'a. soif] aimurn kieI oui"l the ma.mng ..qWg h iumn booausse yom u'r.ius. cause mainting te noie sunmld gut a14e lid out wtt.,, i' ludig. la, in the tt ail the deyt. lhut the tinta lin futi, budelm Cs»micu*a mhida Wolf sack trucks are usta ly lundalonw4t on yau. dustsida staddoa >aou aid lImaally their perforanse. = ufeyou a if 1 mfssage %D 'nie. up Then &pain, tise braka oêashabt b.e wit n ening hstlives UP to.the advmaoe of the eaght af &Il the ftunk te truc biflimil tui carry &rotunid.I ire w.er m. MM If 1 canat mandoa tai scat, thtme heighes. 1 oui watit. pertape a spintit eclInt samply :,.- te -- per mt d tub. quaeýrréagettrcks and lomet mi Woods of the pin. Simpi lm' baVe a Peoiple waiuld sloop masut wli Caarioeiy las drive, tttiltd toaccomtplis.- alldwte t tamire botte, sailuit menti wbicb - wte oeae agIt td myriad of ste pitiblins wht havean dîlfacuit ta bel".. W, avisiont manknd. W, wouaM have limwer ta prtirationt. amt %sud in vllseaoa lin ectorc the reduod cof public itottas. and trhnaogy. We live in a maaeld cisamtgaag soa Ti-in atu tutti .111gwrate an faliiai w arecondatiatsad ta thosechaigas. If bom, wtth the eotra dolirsbeatî the worid celied tai change we miglat, con- gaiads, therby c. eng jobs anadmt cxwabftý be d rfvt mad, nca,mc'and mnore garbage mbtch w If ia is ouf eagertest tu utnderstarad thing. wd our arkett entnaiiles ait à whacitdrivethe morld hoarad, it aulolamui .dr~vratàitçtin as the whole hausea aur qaestiorat muse b. tiss whach ate tut oua- Laptard daw tu the wetglae ci aur tuait ,y atasw.ed laià auac weird we would bc Ad.am Sorat mas wroig T'he croix more oncemid wtai abtalutm and qantil.. t-~nomiy as ntit the »invisible bat abk' kno.led e Awauid li' content ta %imp- guiItý the aaian's oronotticep ly mcar,m a I thtae rs rath,-,~ a is the visible haaois and While a solutaion ta the garbage truack puuk mtnJl. wicl carry the voie, smlIý seeýtnî on the ouriacr tai an~w. the qutltion, .% ahn rat to the CUrb Catbage mica r arhapt turn a% maure ai ttwt marrai the i'yr. S. d'Dt.trubn'd' Saddetmd? Su Pertapy the rea rocasi or lqo aky braitel cati .i'a hsws be- hly tisa tla (rM mouli b. icI wauld rb plagia. xa due ta Sspet on ne, taxable Mmul again ruoceman- Icards mi- af thet liee id" whmch dlormaines the wairIw arpriad' I jo hn0son 's letter is full 6f errors, For thaite of vait aho havet<t lien lolioiaang the m..ue, -coiailor il Joihnson and I am et-' cttanging rathr saangang aatackui mver Mil, ol the loago di-bale taten cout"ict liai htaa g'ap- p ingmth lor theLa la W mSee "h ltr n à nuasheil Counicallor jaîulnsa hai dtta'mPtd taui taie ta the Ortta rocsa cautécal. a qiaaîa-jaadacial bavty whwcI oversec the caridu ail af ur medium, Mata Mflmt~ia in aanmtariobelonag ou the poetnt cIa. and if the casaictil daitms omie Lackiaag an etics or ropotiug techmniques, ki rtaders a judgronmtt aganu il. wblca the membar aewmpaptr muit Mr. Johnson util aise tan àny ou kt uai mnunicipal coumil when lit à phpedaag mie ta tet PMU caunictl sta caute Of tht lmogo aii 1. att tura. wme tai edItra in the )aM. 24 inaite notacal of M. Johsonsm ons wvrasi limats. In "iii dnuay's pos htemui àta . lmi replIring ta tim edMaelaL Hit.w oemaeal a gasd nmaty miompeutaationaitn l'mgaan ta pait sut mie of the &mmu in itht Mr. jolnso, a . Mr. Johntson aileg abat ht ai "tise the ane miss auki Tb? CbWÇmWiam'sapitas volitio mise Jmuchl hop in je la ta,* 4. &i a ids bai h "an Wauabi urege esth.spadaghe" . Hia nmns 9"l bitai i hmw tiemcalied cOuacllaa Johnuson except ta, "m bIs opilnion es icnl; en otageMagimuw Flo. att the aoller band, bato caltai mie mut aaiy ID soggest atai lasvalvtng Non, but tuoemip" aiaadil ha, mise trytig ta, damctntlat tnt pubicly padded ceil %maiaiwherr ganotng toit lcongd Ieis and tdyaaiipia m ta yatu att titi usai ta theda cti"aIinP Wht Viewpoînt nom o ulng"uihve halma epiedt m airge nt uova i meiacalieýth von a1 oithat by saylng tamta aime oment ste coui publaivy cratactwd itou an an edatita about tait bit s, if w. M chatse lie man't -if yu deploablcoiduct and ntmrrts conl th ROB KIELLY aiat ~huil the boattr. «ritnaiso amliais tai i nVil I n bis leiter coicillor Johnsomn cotinaeaitly c!multtmlanaàmtur-uik ress Mlau sse vtu bmrs'r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ efr quedeagio gva tagscdt nm.,t me asaà repste anad criotacaes reglotmil ttpcter qustionang mv tesal arn tace nog rgvn flg rti Chamoamdt I&M iMunby suggesaang "t oriettntatin 1ati taluinthabngi prmliv Coutailr Jobnsoan idacotes digt I appua, si, edItta rvtaaaat orn i la miaboatn" by lt. Chaussait%, si Mr 1 amnu tieabit crlticsn 1 bave itit. peuple 't lin Isat sainie editaiL" a" an lIrsponisable Issiam isdSd. t a Mr uiat my opa, I dhé isct may apataact mmwii 1 am rm a mTre,tt i ama te tess edatar, al- Johnsoin Wbo italgos tM wlaca hums and ver,- seliar Pepeand liatem ta dhi critique. And thougli t smetiqies act aio a report"r and enp, data ln dma manie W at c llea bgtes. W. publiait lette t.hlb an. ofbtt o.*ti 1 ofil. As the met. aitar lia d i itri "Ily tud. ad sollo tbey ate aaY aigri or the itatt af oeurff mainient. i - l i h du" vr ek m« MMd WM(ukM Mn attein af pubtlic ocais ta ll aloas bu. = le; uller 1mal§ eteme y "iitgl MMwmm me oe xmc ause l a part of my job, and cour mupte- about à tplitld uis t &Mt î le mWuia bi aygtsiIih sabtllty. I taise mia pairuétlajoy la it upaclaly Sitice 1 w 11 99 par mmso ai ttto'laii altstogr hnubi hrti i then t aa cral m le atisai at peole i am ruamonle lir siapmag ah. outane of tht Pno ' ' " -ugereso Mr. jolustsm isauui notdu. klap getuitely llkt sucb a Maloa. Gord Kraortz li.wtopaer an ittiat 1 vie.. as iamportant Ium eurs, aî ala ita.w el l offwicG ummi I tata. exception to Mr. johis aleldiasé in fascing thme caimnft So 1 am not actla a ai. camiatie dais. aiahougb b. din 't, abat istanlma ssea k la micub. He ffld ra "tupt @dltte" WIci mt cuamicals .. a praa ta leah a oapaa discusa misa m~~ wi mote, but lu dmraami l aiae.Li iW A t ti edlorli 'e" b--a Oas nW at th, Ontario pimus Camaiil mt- math my bau., publiai... Lui OI.t. FM di n~ e tt .pia Ea. mmge Atni bte isai didt't tai pmtas à Der otha ia samply ai (ar a cou ractsas or claifiationa af wiY, Ose adibutia cuittt wittc tt do ai. h. wattah pse Pm coair" à <tap cd ha dt statonnass lna the lama 17 bain of Tàt Cm Johsoan matpermitsif b, bsela Multaf and thisr iywey Atnd he mmit ov pubbishalion pion tu mhida ht tait exceptlion, duat tbte lid la itvie. CUw.'s bud and seas à cupyta the atdi borit an "tanineemioçnmteun" of babaes ai M. Jobnson pmasudly sta tbaé i b. '" of aut, csqmseatloti. JobhBn . lbx t ut i9lidg à catutacl metinltg. , mout for die iugular, criticsimi permaia".» fer meul b. 'No à bo'n ot i do somaisitg MW@ di. .W*AM Edll NuS Oukm Thuclg CO" Duo WU - D T.iIMcaus -0111k Phon. 78-2341 tTOFwO Uts f140 "MW ama Mda -vu No The' Canadian Chamnpion' MWo MWSKIA: $Mmu: Pois Kasll. Karens Senalt, Motsm lait spots: Snai Raitati. olueaply:Jalt W~re. jama Ilside iloftsMlq go AOVRtUU'I : $W».: Dabtu Pal.é. Muandoo Doutait Mme poelng &Mua-p atorajai. Tai Laaahay. baae"a. Joy GliAt. Cmala: Shasas JKO Cumiaillas . StapIm Mon SUIN: SblaDc. 0"kd 8aaa$W. huad Noat o oe * ~ coeOUio: Mark DilA. bat. Caiboue Kimn Muacas mUe Boybl. Ledi t~. Kaatu "6"bs ýWebh 1ditt Numma TINS Canif 0tan ~a." tasutaW âe tl de lot MW etE UêM Li mi ', mm W~a The 1 Pinte.. à mit* r~t,',atainuq n t uwni lTne àm itu Osifenm §M. tAnt. to Cutu DM i iasi5~~qà sit 'ma N"maa Whuaam.Jiw. bionà ouw.. a.. mtara a au. tammtu.mm. mmmim fie, Tho. ataS u. m.-m bod 0,am n ltaiUhw. bw^bm.l tamom, ae auqi t ue a u. somt «MutNOM ah"4 wa~m - au -Mia abus.."é sm en wA ta M utma «af mot ama m" animai aitu en m gat I« m las am et ta anuare«tetl msa »tq §FM elit av ft ussu tam - - -ant mumW fau um am.iuu.ntat. b mt. » 10j @ te mrbnt i nt eti rios